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Abraham Lincoln

Factual information on Bulimia

Bulima is often bought on by sufferers trying to control emotional needs with food, and involves binging behaviours that are compensated with actions to immediately get rid of the food. These including vomiting, taking laxatives, starving/restricting or mass exercise.

Bulimia can be difficult to recognise in people as sufferers tend not to lose weight dramatically, and weight can often fluctuate. Compensative behaviours such as purging are generally done in secret and hidden from family and friends.

The actions of binging (eating a large amount of food, often quite quickly and until feeling physically ill) is in an attempt used to control and cope with emotions, particularly stress and depression. Sufferers also feel out of control around food, and can dread the idea of having to eat amongst others.

Sufferers of bulimia can become obsessed with maintaining their weight, and thoughts of food and exercise. The illness has a large amount of very severe physical side-effects, and anyone who is suffering bulimia should seek help immediately. There is large risk of heart failure, which is fatal. Essential minerals can be depleted from the body, and other dangers include stomach ruptures, erosion of tooth enamel, and bowel problems with laxative abuse.

The illness is perpetuated by low self-esteem and psychological issues, therefore good treatment along with a dietian is a psychologist, to get to the bottom of the beahviours.


- Binge eating compensated by actions such as;
- Vomiting, laxative use, restricting or excessive exercise after eating.
- Obsessing about food
- Feeling out of control around food.
- Irregular / Loss of periods.
- Poor skin condition
- Possible hair loss.
- Feelings of depression, shame, guilt.

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