Jenna, I just want to thank you again for making the title of this thread so eye-catching - it literally stares at me from the LFV until I think of my daily positives!
So, 1. Today worked out better than I ever could have imagined given how it started off
2. I told my mum about something I was a bit worried about talking about, and she seemed fine about it.
"And sometimes when our fights begin,
I think I'll let the Dragons win...
And then I think perhaps I won't,
Because they're Dragons, and I don't."
Lol Ailsa, I'm glad the title guilts you into posting
1. I. Went to the zoo and saw tigers and meerkats! [among other things, it wasn't just a weird tiger and meerkat zoo]
2. Despite walking about 15 minutes in the wrong direction and missing our bus, we didn't miss our plane, nor did we die on the plane [jodie seemed to think this was a definite possibility ] and we are safely back in England.
3. I nommed too many brownies but fortunately the world did not end!
I love love love this thread :) It makes me feel so happy and proud reading through everybody's nice things <3
1. I had a really great day at work because I was in the fitting rooms when usually I just tidy accessories, so I got to talk to people a lot and I was actually busy for most of the day (NEVER happens when I'm on accessories) :D
2. I'm starting to talk to the other staff at work more and we can joke around and stuff now which is really nice!
Two work related positives because the only other thing I did today was sleep, eat and get ready :P
Life is about love, last minutes and lost evenings,
About fire in our bellies and furtive little feelings,
And the aching amplitudes that set our needles all a-flickering,
And help us with remembering that the only thing that's left to do is live.
1) A new friend came round for lunch today, it went well.
2) I made my own chicken-nuggety type things. They were delicious.
Now I'll play your ghost as my ace, whenever I'm led astray.
But I am actually good, can't help it if we're tilted.
I'm in my right place, don't be a downer.
1) Today is the last day of term and I got a lovely card from the parents of the little girl I have supported who is leaving for a special needs school. Its amazing to feel like I am making a difference to her life.
2) After a looong term, Im now off work for 6 weeks!
"If only everyone could know and live with their inner craziness…people would be fairer and happier." Paulo Coelho