Managing Mania
Hi guys,
Was writing in my RV how I am struggling to manage mania right now and I realised you guys might have some tips.
My current mania appears to be steroid induced but I am still on steroids until end of September, although we are starting to taper the dose from Monday which hopefully may help reduce the mania, however it was still there at half the dose I am on now. As it's not really a thing for me when not on steroids I am not really sure how to handle it.. Sure I occassionally get stuck in a task train anda few hours later realise I was only intending to do one thing. But that's more of a hyperfocus thing.
Current symptoms that I think are mania are like fizzing in my blood, thoughts at a thousand miles an hour, too restless to sit still and the urge to just keep doing things, even when I know they aren't the safest in my current physical state. From the point of view of my asthma while it's flaring it's stuff like pacing the flat, and using cleaning products. From point of view of for my FND it stuff like generally doing too much or not thinking the risks through like last week when I cooked dinner on the gas stove while extremely tired and unsupervised as my partner was asleep (luckily this worked out ok but towards the end I was a bit dizzy and when I stopped to eat I realised how wrong it could have gone as dizziness is a warning sign of my non epileptic seizures.
I did talk to GP about it yesterday and because it's steroid induced and we are going to attempt to reduce the steroids again from Monday he doesn't want to medicate. And he says it's good I have insight it's just in the moment I don't always have insight its more of a hindsight thing. Gues if I have to step up steroids again I can push back on meds.
Which is a long rambly way if me asking if any of you have tips for managing Mania safely that aren't medication related?