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Cacoethes 25-06-2021 03:44 PM

I was quite surprised too!
I do have to walk aallll the way to Premier though to post it. Which is a whopping....15 minute walk :p

nonperson 25-06-2021 03:51 PM

So inconvenient. =P

Cacoethes 25-06-2021 03:54 PM

I know!
They don't do pickup for things that can be posted through the letterbox unfortunately!

nonperson 26-06-2021 09:58 AM

Good morning everyone.

Cacoethes 26-06-2021 10:28 AM

Morning np!
How are you?

Me and the bestie are on the train to Brighton!

one_step_closer 26-06-2021 12:03 PM

I hope you have a lovely time Beckie. How long are you away for?

How are things NP?

nonperson 26-06-2021 12:06 PM

Yay for Brighton weekend =D Hope the sun being out today hasn't made everyone else visit there as well.

Hey Lindsay. Things are... ok. Trying to psych myself up to go outside in the sunshine and hack back brambles >.< How're you?

one_step_closer 26-06-2021 12:08 PM

You've always got something to do NP. It's grey here, I miss the sun. Not feeling great.

nonperson 26-06-2021 12:14 PM

Yeah but I'm never usually doing it until it becomes a massive task and there's a deadline to meet.

I wish it was grey here. I'll try to send the sun up to you <3

tamobhuuta 26-06-2021 12:51 PM

Good afternoon everyone. It is warm and sunny here.

I had a lovely evening with my friends, really tired today.

nonperson 26-06-2021 02:46 PM

Good to hear you had a nice time, tamo. =)

It's so muggy!

not_so_insig 26-06-2021 02:57 PM

Afternoon all.

tamobhuuta 26-06-2021 03:00 PM

It's turned muggy here too.

tamobhuuta 27-06-2021 12:14 PM

Good afternoon anyone

not_so_insig 27-06-2021 02:21 PM

Afternoon all. I have washed my hair.

Some bad news: Harry Potter is not on today because of the football :angry: . It is scheduled for next Sunday but who knows if it's on next week.

Also tamobhuuta there's no Doctors on this week due to Wimbledon.

tamobhuuta 27-06-2021 02:37 PM

I know, it sucks.

Well done for showering. It's a shame HP isn't on.

not_so_insig 27-06-2021 02:45 PM

Thanks tamobhuuta.

Quiet in here today. Hope Beckie is having a good time.

tamobhuuta 27-06-2021 03:03 PM

Yes very quiet, I was lonely :(

nonperson 27-06-2021 03:46 PM

I've been busy gardening.

Wimbledon is on for two weeks so probably no Doctors the week after as well. I think I'm the only one looking forward to the tennis =)

tamobhuuta 27-06-2021 03:51 PM

My godmother loves the tennis.

Cacoethes 27-06-2021 04:13 PM

Hello everyone!
How are you all?

I'm on my way home now!
We've had an awesome time!
Oliver's yesterday and had butterbeer and ice cream then fish and chips and cocktails!
Today we went to the aquarium! And went on a glass bottomed boat over the main tank and saw sharks and giant turtles!
And I had a biscoff latte!

tamobhuuta 27-06-2021 04:15 PM

Where did you get butter beer???

Cacoethes 27-06-2021 04:30 PM

Oliver's! It's an awesome harry potter shop and we had a private shopping experience so we had the shop to ourselves!

tamobhuuta 27-06-2021 04:31 PM

Awesome, I didn't even know that existed.

Cacoethes 27-06-2021 04:35 PM

You should Google it! It was small but amazing!

nonperson 27-06-2021 05:15 PM

Omg that sounds so cool. =o

All this talk of Brighton has made me realise that I forgot that's where my uncle got married a few years ago. And a seagull stole my battered sausage right out of my hand.

Cacoethes 27-06-2021 05:36 PM

It was!!

Oh no! We didn't get attacked by seagulls luckily but they were circling!

nonperson 27-06-2021 05:44 PM

I was one of those ignorant tourists who wanted to walk along the beach eating chips. Huge mistake.

Cacoethes 27-06-2021 05:49 PM

Haha! Yeah not a great decision!

not_so_insig 27-06-2021 06:12 PM

Glad you had a good time away Beckie.

Cacoethes 27-06-2021 06:21 PM

Thanks Dawn :)

tamobhuuta 28-06-2021 11:03 AM

I'm here first again!

Cacoethes 28-06-2021 11:16 AM

I was around earlier but didn't want to double post!

How are you tamo?

tamobhuuta 28-06-2021 11:18 AM

I am ok thanks, how are you? Any plans?

not_so_insig 28-06-2021 11:18 AM

Morning all. I am contemplating what to do with myself as there's naff all on the telly today. No Corrie or Pointless due to sport :angry:

tamobhuuta 28-06-2021 11:21 AM

Sad times insig. Do you have any streaming services you can watch?

not_so_insig 28-06-2021 11:43 AM

Yes I have amazon prime and now tv entertainment pack.

tamobhuuta 28-06-2021 11:49 AM

That's good :)

one_step_closer 28-06-2021 11:51 AM

Morning, nearly afternoon. I hope you all have a good day.

not_so_insig 28-06-2021 11:51 AM

I might break out a dvd. Tbh the thought of having so many choices is overwhelming. But I have a cat next to me :-)

one_step_closer 28-06-2021 11:52 AM

I agree with having too many choices being overwhelming. Is your cat stopping you from getting up?

not_so_insig 28-06-2021 11:53 AM

Hello Lindsay!

one_step_closer 28-06-2021 11:53 AM

Hello, we keep being ninjas with each other!

not_so_insig 28-06-2021 11:56 AM

No my cat isn't stopping me from getting up she's just sitting there purring away.

tamobhuuta 28-06-2021 12:11 PM

Cat cuddles :)

Cacoethes 28-06-2021 12:22 PM

Aww kitty cuddles!
How are you dawn and lindsay?

I'm ok. Had to get the bus to the hospital for a blood test and I'm an hour early due to the buses being infrequent!
But it's ok because I have a caramel latte and a cheese and bean toastie!

nonperson 28-06-2021 01:11 PM

Mmmmm cheese and bean toastie. So easy to burn your mouth eating those.

tamobhuuta 28-06-2021 01:17 PM

Ooo a caramel latte.

Cacoethes 28-06-2021 02:04 PM

And I did indeed burn my mouth!

The latte was so good!
Though not as good as the biscoff one i had in Brighton!

tamobhuuta 28-06-2021 02:25 PM

Biscoff is nice but I'm having a cinnamon latte.

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