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Aubergine 12-05-2018 08:51 PM

He is! He especially likes to climb the ones he should not be climbing. The delicate stuff, you know? :wow: We've had great cuddles today though, so I'm finding it hard to be cross. :P

Aubergine 12-05-2018 08:51 PM

Hooray for a nearly ready KFC!

one_step_closer 12-05-2018 08:52 PM

You're making me hungry. I'm going to have some toast with no added sugar jam.

Can't be bothered going offline but I need to start my winding down routine or I'll get even less sleep.

Hope you all have a good night.

Aubergine 12-05-2018 08:57 PM

Night night, Lindsay. :)

Cacoethes 12-05-2018 09:01 PM

Night Lindsay!

I'm going to head off to bed
Took meds early so very tired!
Night all!

Aubergine 12-05-2018 09:05 PM

Night night, Beckie. :)

Serendipity. 12-05-2018 09:45 PM

Owh. I arrive and you've all gone to bed. Tragic :P

I hope you all sleep well though! :)

Aubergine 12-05-2018 09:49 PM

Hey Hannah!

Serendipity. 12-05-2018 09:51 PM

Ducky! How are you?

nonperson 12-05-2018 09:55 PM

I'm still here too after stuffing my face with greasy chicken. ^.^

Aubergine 12-05-2018 10:00 PM

I'm alright. How are you?

Hey Person! :) How was the chicken?

nonperson 12-05-2018 10:02 PM

Chicken was yum! Way too much though but it's a treat. Saved some for the cat too. ;-)

Aubergine 12-05-2018 10:14 PM

I'm glad that you enjoyed it! Everyone needs a treat now and then. :D Lucky cat!

nonperson 12-05-2018 10:16 PM

I'm working both days this weekend so definitely deserve a treat. I'm not actually sure where Mr Cat is... He usually sniffs out KFC from miles away and then meows and meows at me until he gets some.

Aubergine 12-05-2018 10:40 PM

Aww. He likes his KFC! I must admit that Cat has not had much human food! I really do want KFC now though...

nonperson 12-05-2018 10:42 PM

I won't talk about it any more. =)

He's just come through the cat flap! And I'm being shouted at because he can smell it....! He gets some of my sandwich turkey sometimes, otherwise no human food at all really.

Aubergine 12-05-2018 10:47 PM

Hehe. It's OK. You can talk about things you've enjoyed, including KFC! :D

Aww. <3 Hehe, he is a clever kitty. Mmm. Sandwich turkey. I might have some cheesy beans...

Serendipity. 12-05-2018 10:51 PM

Ooh. I want KFC!! Haven't had it in literally years!

Aubergine 12-05-2018 10:53 PM

I wish KFC did delivery! WE could get some delivered, Hannah. :D

nonperson 12-05-2018 10:53 PM

Oh dear, I've started a mass KFC craving...!

Serendipity. 12-05-2018 11:00 PM

Haha, what have you done, NP?!? :P

KFC delivery would be awesome! But not as good as McDonald's delivery!

Aubergine 12-05-2018 11:02 PM

Hehe Person! :P

McDonalds deliver in the city near me, I think. Unfortunately, that is 20 miles away haha.

nonperson 12-05-2018 11:20 PM

I think KFC does delivery in some places.

Cacoethes 13-05-2018 11:30 AM

Morning guys

chinahorse 13-05-2018 11:44 AM

Hey beckie :) how're you today?

Cacoethes 13-05-2018 12:34 PM

Hi Lillie!
Im ok thanks. Bit cold!
How are you?

chinahorse 13-05-2018 12:45 PM

Put a hoodie on! I had to put the heating on myself.

I don't feel great but I'll live. Probably should be doing something productive but I'm watching animal cops instead :-P

Cacoethes 13-05-2018 12:47 PM

I have a hoodie on now which is better!

Sorry you're not feeling great
Do you have much to do?
I firmly believe that Sunday's are for doing f*ck all!!

chinahorse 13-05-2018 12:53 PM

Just some hoovering and more laundry (darks for work).

You up to much today?

Cacoethes 13-05-2018 12:59 PM

Sounds manageable

I have to do sociology thing
Seeing tutor tomorrow so it really needs to be done today :ermm:

chinahorse 13-05-2018 01:10 PM

Yeah suppose.

Best make a start then!

Cacoethes 13-05-2018 01:18 PM

I know it can be hard to get the motivation for these things though

Yep! I've had lunch so no more putting it off!

chinahorse 13-05-2018 01:30 PM

Oh lunch! I should do that!

And yes! Get on it!!

Cacoethes 13-05-2018 01:33 PM

Yes you should do lunch!!

Yep I'm starting it now! :/

one_step_closer 13-05-2018 01:40 PM

*sends everyone motivation, and KFC if wanted*

It's sunny here but very cold inside my house.

I change my bedding on Sundays and should also do some form of cleaning today but I can't really be bothered.

nonperson 13-05-2018 01:49 PM

Someone mentioned laundry. That reminds me I need to some for tomorrow!

Cacoethes 13-05-2018 02:01 PM

Could do with some KFC!
I had soup and some fruit.
Not as exciting!

I cannot concentrate :(

chinahorse 13-05-2018 02:14 PM

I always remind someone to do laundry when I mention it lol.

Ewwwww meat :/

Cacoethes 13-05-2018 02:32 PM

I quite like doing laundry
It makes my kitchen smell nice

I hate sociology
Have I mentioned that before? :p

chinahorse 13-05-2018 03:30 PM

The quicker ypu do it the quicker it'll be over then!

Cacoethes 13-05-2018 03:36 PM

Very good point!!

one_step_closer 13-05-2018 04:14 PM

Beckie I will actually send you some marshmallows (via Buttons address if you don't trust me with yours) if you do your work!

Cacoethes 13-05-2018 04:18 PM

Sounds like a good deal to me!!
And I do trust you with my address!

one_step_closer 13-05-2018 04:20 PM

How are you getting on with stuff?

Do you prefer traditional marshmallows or flumps?

Cacoethes 13-05-2018 04:23 PM

Making slow and steady progress!

Either is good!

one_step_closer 13-05-2018 04:27 PM

So I didn't actually need to bribe/motivate you with marshmallows then? :laugh: Well done, slow and steady is good progress. Achievement points awarded!

Cacoethes 13-05-2018 04:31 PM

The motivation is still definitely needed!! :p

one_step_closer 13-05-2018 04:33 PM

Hopefully you're on a bit of a roll, keep going! Are you getting distracted by me though or is this an ok couple of minutes break?

Cacoethes 13-05-2018 04:36 PM

You aren't distracting me
Every few lines I write I do a bit of leisure internetting!

one_step_closer 13-05-2018 04:39 PM

Leisure internetting is a good phrase, I quite like it!

*leaves a trail of marshmallows* (This probably isn't helping your cravings!)

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