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Cacoethes 17-11-2016 06:31 PM

I LOVE Robert Downey Jr! <3

Voldemort 17-11-2016 08:41 PM

I want his babies.

dizzy_cow 17-11-2016 08:47 PM


Sketchy 17-11-2016 08:56 PM

So cute. What's his name? I like that he looks sleepy and is holding a coffee cup.

Cacoethes 17-11-2016 09:18 PM

Not if I get to him first voldy!! :tongue2:

Awww cute teddy!

Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 09:38 PM


Voldemort 17-11-2016 09:42 PM

You won't, Beckie, you won't.

Cacoethes 17-11-2016 09:43 PM

Omg and he can sing as well!! <3

*Google stalks Robert Downey Jr*
I'm sure his address will be on here somewhere.....

Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 09:48 PM

He published an album ages ago, said the time and effort didn't pay off though and he wouldn't do it again. :P

How about we ALL marry him? I wouldn't mind being part of a harem. Less responsibilities and all that jazz.

Voldemort 17-11-2016 09:55 PM

Sounds good to me!

Cacoethes 17-11-2016 09:56 PM

Yep I'm up for that!!

I'm on iron man 3 now :p

Voldemort 17-11-2016 09:57 PM

Ahh. He's divine. *Drools a little*

Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 10:12 PM

Ikr. .

Voldemort 17-11-2016 10:16 PM

I want his babies. All of them.

Nymphadora Tonks 17-11-2016 10:21 PM

Never knew he had such a good singing voice! You can fight over him, Benedict Cumberbatch for me!

Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 10:21 PM

I am sure there's enough semen for ALL of us. Don't be so greedy.
Also, as the oldest lady in his harem I am first in line obvs

Nymphadora Tonks 17-11-2016 10:23 PM

Requests Benedict AND Helena Bonham Carter *is uber greedy* ;)

Voldemort 17-11-2016 10:29 PM

Well excuse you! How do you know you're the oldest?

Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 10:31 PM

Because I am so old it's hard to believe I am still alive. :P

Voldemort 17-11-2016 10:32 PM


Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 10:32 PM

Because I highly doubt that you have hit your 30s yet.

Voldemort 17-11-2016 10:45 PM

And why would you doubt that?

I'm 27 btw, so you're right, but why?

Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 10:50 PM

A) You don't look 30
B) Going by the average age on RYL and the people you associate with statistically speaking it seems unlikely

Cacoethes 17-11-2016 10:52 PM

Does that make me the youngest then?
I'm liking this! Oh to feel young again!

Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 10:53 PM

That also means you are the last one to get to RDJ's semen.

Voldemort 17-11-2016 10:57 PM

Fair enough. I'm glad I don't look 30. I used to look a lot younger than my age but my face caught up sadly.

Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 10:58 PM

I got ID'd recently when buying cigarettes and booze. Best day ever :P

Cacoethes 17-11-2016 11:05 PM

As long as a get the semen, idc.
(That is possibly the weirdest sentence I've ever written)

I never get IDd anymore :'(

Sketchy 17-11-2016 11:07 PM

I get asked for ID a lot. I'm 34. I think it's because I'm short.

Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 11:10 PM

Becky, you're low priority on the semen list anyway as you already have a kid!
And you probably just look old :P

I rarely get ID'd when I go to my usual shops as most of the staff know I am a regular, but this time there was a new employee.
People still sometimes refuse to believe my age :P

Cacoethes 17-11-2016 11:13 PM

I suppose that's fair enough!
Yeah, I do look old. Paramedics have guessed my age as mid 30's and I'm like...excuussee me!!

Tbh all the staff at asda know me and even get my cigarettes before I've even said what I want because they already know.

Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 11:16 PM

One of my two usual cigarette places also put my pack of Marlboro white menthol on the counter before I say anything. They also know I work at the cinema as it's right by my work and I sometimes go there in my work shirt during my break or also mid shift.

I have been estimated to be as young as 21. That's the upside of a round and oily face I guess. :P

Sketchy 17-11-2016 11:18 PM

I quite like people thinking I'm younger, but I hate been treated like I'm younger when people know my true age. Although I don't feel my age, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

Cacoethes 17-11-2016 11:19 PM

Ewwww menthol >.<

You're lucky then! I don't even want to know what people's estimates of my age are!!

That must be annoying Lorraine. It's good to feel young though! :)

Nymphadora Tonks 17-11-2016 11:28 PM

I have such a baby face, when I worked in Asda people used to get arse-y on the till asking how I could ID them when I looked 12 myself. I turned 26 the other week!

Cacoethes 17-11-2016 11:29 PM

I think I'd rather look younger and get asked for ID than look like I do now (old!) And not get asked for ID!

Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 11:35 PM

To be fair Tonks, you are so short and petite that you can't help but look super young!

Beckie, I don't think you look over 30. Maybe you look a year or two older than you are, but you sure don't look old!

And I have to check IDs at work because of age ratings and curfew hours and let me tell you, it is really, really hard to estimate the age of someone when you only look at them for like two seconds!

Cacoethes 17-11-2016 11:43 PM

Aww thanks lana! (Wasn't sure what to respond as I was shocked at the compliment!)

I'd be crap at checking IDs. I am sooo bad at estimating ages!
When I worked at boots many years ago, I had to ask for ID sometimes, but the age was generally 16 (to buy paracetamol and stuff) and it's a bit easier to tell if someone is under 16 than under 18 or 25

Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 11:47 PM

It wasn't a compliment, it was a factual statement.

Yeah, it is super tough especially when someone wears a lot of make up/particular clothes or has a certain body build/a baby face. Often it is only when they start looking for their ID that I can see finer details like fine lines etc that indicate they are actually in their 30s rather than 21 or similar.

And then there are parents, who think they are above the law and if they say their 12 year old kid can watch a movie rated 16 and over I can't tell them no. *rolls eyes*

Nymphadora Tonks 17-11-2016 11:51 PM

Some 14 year old's have amazing makeup skills they look in their 20's with their life together!

Apparently in America people at any age are asked for ID for alcohol (may be a complete lie, a customer told me on the till way back!)

Damn my height! :P

Cacoethes 17-11-2016 11:53 PM

Well, it's close enough coming from you! :P

A lot of young girls are so good at doing make up these days that they can easily make themselves look years older.
I wish I could do make up as well as some of those teenage girls!

Ugh. Those parents must get annoying!!

I'm watching Thor now. He's my other celebrity crush!! And Loki is pretty hot too. Basically all the marvel guys tbh <3

Tonks ninja posting!
How tall are you?
I'm 5ft 7. Which isn't a bad height.

Unbreakable. 17-11-2016 11:58 PM

Tonks is basically a dwarf. I think 5'2 or similar?

Just drop it, I don't want people to start thinking I am nice :P

Parents are the worst customers in general because more often than not they don't care to see the movie and are in a bad mood. My favorites are the ones buying beer for a noon Dory screening.

Nymphadora Tonks 18-11-2016 12:00 AM

I laughed my dwarf guts up at that, despite also frowning at you noticing my shortness :P spot on! (well, 5ft 1.3 but we'll just round that up rather than down ;) )

They can buy beer at that time of the day? That's cool, not sure we can do that here (don't even know if alcohol is sold in cinema's??)

Beckie you seem taller in real life!!

Cacoethes 18-11-2016 12:02 AM

I think my mum is 5ft 2. And my nan is like, 4ft 11 which is only an inch or so off technically being a dwarf!

I'm sure it would take more than that to make people think you are nice! :P

Haha!! I've never bought alcohol at a cinema before. I've seen the tiny bottles of wine behind the counter.

Well, I'm 5ft 7.5 technically :p
I must have been wearing my DMs. They have quite a thick sole!

Unbreakable. 18-11-2016 12:07 AM

Tonks, I considered correcting that down to 5 feet, but thought that might be offensive if you are taller than that :P

Yep, we sell beer and tiny wine bottles and Captain Morgan at the popcorn counter and we have cocktails and stuff at our cafeteria/bar thingymabob.

I am relieved to hear that. I have a reputation at stake here!

Cacoethes 18-11-2016 12:17 AM

I'm going to bed now.
You crazy kids be good in my absence!
Night all! :)

Unbreakable. 18-11-2016 12:40 AM



Nymphadora Tonks 18-11-2016 12:45 AM

Sneaky white emoticon there Lana.

Pffftttt, you may loose an inch yourself or so if you corrected it down to 5ft!!! :p

Good? What be this? Those that go on the Santa list?

Unbreakable. 18-11-2016 12:48 AM


Nymphadora Tonks 18-11-2016 12:52 AM

When I Think Of Caps And Magic All I Can Hear Is Harry In My Head Yelling 'expelliarmus!'


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