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one_step_closer 04-11-2024 07:18 PM


How is your day going, Beth?

long road 04-11-2024 07:28 PM

I have made quite a few pies but never a pumpkin pie. My housemate at uni did make a delicious pumpkin pie one year though!

Ahimsa 04-11-2024 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4391159)

How is your day going, Beth?

Really rubbish unfortunately. I'm going to bed soon. Yours?

one_step_closer 04-11-2024 07:34 PM

Sorry to hear that, Beth. Mine hasn't been great either. I hope you can sleep well and tomorrow is better.

Cacoethes 04-11-2024 08:35 PM

The pie's structure is about as fragile as my mental health, but tastes pretty decent!

Sorry you've had a **** day beth :(
Bed sounds like a good plan. Hope the cats are providing sufficient emotional support

tamobhuuta 04-11-2024 09:24 PM

Hugs for Ahimsa and osc.

Congrats on the pie Cacoethes!

Cacoethes 04-11-2024 10:06 PM

Thanks tamo!

Cacoethes 05-11-2024 07:58 AM

Morning everyone

one_step_closer 05-11-2024 11:59 AM

Wooop! Pie!

Morning Beckie, how are you?

Cacoethes 05-11-2024 12:09 PM

Morning lindsay!
I'm ok thanks. Had a slow morning, being lazy XD

How are you?

one_step_closer 05-11-2024 12:19 PM

From what I've read you've actually done quite a bit!

I'm trying to be ok. Going to the colouring group today so will get out of the house and have some company for a bit.

Cacoethes 05-11-2024 01:28 PM

I did do a few things, but usually I've done more by then!
Done everything else now, apart from pharmacy and Asda, because I can't go go the pharmacy before 2pm.

I hope you manage to enjoy the group!

tamobhuuta 05-11-2024 01:56 PM

Afternoon guys.

Cacoethes 05-11-2024 02:01 PM

Hey tamo
How are you?

not_so_insig 05-11-2024 02:51 PM

Afternoon all. *tips hat*

Cacoethes 05-11-2024 02:57 PM

Afternoon dawn

tamobhuuta 05-11-2024 03:03 PM

I'm ok. I washed my hair :) how are you? Hi insig!

not_so_insig 05-11-2024 03:29 PM

I am sitting here waiting for amazon. I tried to cancel the item last night but it wouldn't let me. I don't think it's returnable as it's an eyeshadow set so looks like I am stuck with it. At least it wasn't expensive and maybe I can ask a few female friends if they want it.

tamobhuuta 05-11-2024 03:33 PM

That's annoying, I hope it finds a good home, with you or a friend.

I'm having a busy day, the physio came to see me, she agrees with me that my foot is now fine :)

not_so_insig 05-11-2024 03:46 PM

That's great news tamobhuuta.

not_so_insig 05-11-2024 03:56 PM

I remembered that tesco opened their Christmas slots today so I have now booked my shopping order slots for the rest of the year. Will be amending them sometime as they're only containing the essentials atm but the joy of tesco is that you can amend them as much as you like until 11.46 pm the night before.

Cacoethes 05-11-2024 04:41 PM

Well done tamo :)
Great news about your foot!

I have done all my things for today I think

not_so_insig 05-11-2024 05:19 PM

Did you get your meds Beckie?

[edit] never mind saw your r/v

tamobhuuta 05-11-2024 05:34 PM

Well done insig and Cacoethes :)

Cacoethes 05-11-2024 05:45 PM

I did thanks Dawn!

Anyone have any plans for the evening?

tamobhuuta 05-11-2024 05:50 PM

I'm going to Costa with L. You?

Cacoethes 05-11-2024 06:01 PM

Nice! Hope you enjoy it

L has just got home. Probably just dinner and a film/series, as per usual!

long road 05-11-2024 06:21 PM


I am basically hiding / hibernating but wanted to say hi!

one_step_closer 05-11-2024 06:43 PM

Glad your foot is better now, Tamo. Hope you enjoy your Costa. Do you know what you're going to get?

Sounds like a nice evening, Beckie. It's not pasta for dinner again is it?!

Hi Jen!

long road 05-11-2024 07:24 PM

I had scampi and chips for dinner. Now having a cup of biscuit tea.

Might send partner to shop in search of treats later.

one_step_closer 05-11-2024 07:27 PM

Definitely send him for treats!

I had a Subway for dinner and got a cookie for my 7.30pm snack.

tamobhuuta 05-11-2024 08:25 PM

We went to maccy Ds instead and I had veggie dippers and chips and a mcflurry.

Cacoethes 05-11-2024 09:28 PM

I'm afraid it is pasta again lindsay XD
We do eat other stuff, I swear! I think you just only ask when it happens to be pasta. Either that or we need to switch up our dinner plans XD

not_so_insig 05-11-2024 09:54 PM

I had wraps which had fishless goujons in it amongst other things.

long road 05-11-2024 09:54 PM

You did say you were having fish pie the other day Beckie!

I ate a lot of pasta when I was student so much it became a running joke with one of my housemates!

I sent partner for treats and now have chocolate chunks cookies.

Cacoethes 05-11-2024 10:03 PM

Very true jen!
It was going to be beef stew tonight, but the beef didn't defrost in time

Pasta as a student is just a cliché at this point XD

long road 06-11-2024 12:01 AM

It wasn't just pasta it was pasta and tomato sauce that I ate the most. Sometimes that meant homemade tomato sauce with courgettes and other veg, sometimes that meant pasta, tomato sauce and sausage meatballs (sausages squeezed out of their skins and shaped into balls), sometimes Bolognese, sometimes tomato and bacon pasta, some tuna pasta bake with dolmio sauce.

But nearly always tomato sauce and pasta apart from the one where I would make a pasta sauce out of philadelt

Also thanks for reminding me I needed to get beef mince out of freezer for Bolognese tomorrow!

not_so_insig 06-11-2024 05:07 AM

Morning all.

Cacoethes 06-11-2024 08:51 AM


tamobhuuta 06-11-2024 10:39 AM

Morning both, how are you?

Cacoethes 06-11-2024 10:51 AM

I'm ok. Just about to start work.
It's nice to be back here.
Though I'm sure that'll change after the next 3 days in XD

How are you?

tamobhuuta 06-11-2024 10:53 AM

I hope you have a good time at work.

I'm ok. I collapsed this morning whilst waiting for meds. We don't know why but I'm better now.

not_so_insig 06-11-2024 11:44 AM

Ouch tamobhuuta glad you're ok though.

I am ok. I was supposed to go wild swimming but the person I go with has cancelled because she feels unwell. So I am sitting here wondering what to do all day.

tamobhuuta 06-11-2024 11:50 AM

That's a shame insig. I've been filling my time recently by watching the star wars movies, starting with the oldest.

not_so_insig 06-11-2024 11:55 AM

Thanks tamobhuuta and enjoy!

tamobhuuta 06-11-2024 12:02 PM

I wouldn't have classed myself as a star wars fan but they are quite fun so far.

not_so_insig 06-11-2024 12:09 PM

I think I am the same about Harry Potter.

I can separate Harry Potter from the creator though. The creator may be a dick but that doesn't mean that Harry Potter isn't a good thing as it brings joy to millions of children and if it encourages people to read than that's good. :-)

tamobhuuta 06-11-2024 12:12 PM


one_step_closer 06-11-2024 01:28 PM

Afternoon everyone.

Hope work goes well, Beckie. When do you finish today?

I hope you're ok, Tamo and it doesn't happen again.

Hope you can find something fun to occupy yourself with, Dawn.

tamobhuuta 06-11-2024 02:00 PM

Hi osc, how are you?

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