![]() |
It's good you don't have to stay overnight.
We tried normal calling, WiFi, landline, didn't work. |
Morning everyone
Morning Beckie, how're you doing?
Just got to work for my first emergency shift since losing Cal. My other receptionist had phoned in sick so I'm by myself. If it gets too much and I need a few minutes, probably no time for that cos there's just me. |
I'm ok thanks, apart from rather uncomfortable and can barely sit up! Mh wise though, I'm all good. That must be so tough beth. I'm sorry :( |
We've had 3 emergencies in so far, one didn't make it, one has been admitted and one is with the vet now.
No cats yet though which is something- but I am only 45 minutes into a 9 hour shift. |
I can't even imagine the pain you're feeling.
I hope the day turns out OK for you |
Lots of rest for you today please!!!
Yes definitely!
I can't really move a lot. Or bend, twist, reach, sit up without help. So that's pretty much me out of action, whether I like it or not (I do not) XD |
You're stuck with it though! So there!
I've been here an hour and a half, I've done 18 emails so far, we've had 4 emergencies. The phone hasn't been too bad yet touch wood! This is a day we are technically closed and it's emergencies only! |
Very true!
Hopefully no more emergencies occur! For both the animals sake and yours! |
Hugs if wanted Ahimsa.
Can you have hugs Cacoethes or are you too sore to be squisheed? |
Bit too sore currently!
Though I think very very gentle hugs would be ok! |
Gentle hugs it is then!
Big sis and Mum will be here soon :) |
Thank you!
Hope you have a nice visit :) |
Thanks :)
Can't believe it's not even 11am yet!
Time is going so slowly! |
It really really is.
I'm here til 5:30! |
Oh nooo! That is a long old day!
I've been up since 2:30am, so long day already! |
Eugh that's a rubbish time of day.
It's freezing at work, but I can't put the heating on because the meds have to be at a certain temperature. I am always cold though so may just be me?! |
I had a great time with my mum and sister. They did bring Costa! They stayed longer than their allotted hour because no one needed the room.
Afternoon everyone.
What are you doing to occupy yourself while you're mostly out of action, Beckie? Sounds difficult, Beth. I hope the rest of your shift is better. I'm glad you had a nice time with your Mum and sister, Tamo. Plus Costa and extra time with them! |
Hi osc, how are you?
Just trying to deal with lots of stuff. Feeling very alone.
Hope everyone is doing okay.
Tamo, what did you have from Costa? OSC, do you want to talk? |
Latte and chocolate muffin :)
That sucks beth. Feeling cold is so uncomfortable
Glad you had a good visit tamo! I'm not really doing a lot. Managed to nap for about 45 mins on the sofa. It's a corner sofa so I'm propped up in the corner. Got whatever S chooses on the tv. Luckily it's music atm, rather than Korean street food making or breaking up soap ASMR thingy! Sorry to hear that lindsay. Sending love if wanted <3 |
I know right! I'm going to take another layer and my hot water bottle back with me after lunch.
How old is S? |
Had to Google asmr.
That sounds like a good plan!
He is 10. But he has very high needs, so non verbal, autism, adhd, global development delay. So he doesn't act like a 10 year old. Have to watch him like a hawk! Some people love the sound of the ASMR things. It just gives me the rage! |
That's a lot to take on Cacoethes!
I took on the task of shaving my legs. |
He's a good kid. Can be quite full on though!
Smooth legs is always a good feeling! |
Ooh smoothy smooth!!
2 hours to go! It's been okay so far, touch wood. I've only had to do 5 sympathy cards and none for cats. (I've had shifts where it's been well into double figures) |
I'm glad it's not been too bad :)
I hadn't done my legs since I came into hospital! |
Oh I bet that was super satisfying then!
It took ages! Luckily the nurse supervising had brought some work to do!
I suddenly felt very unwell so L had to call the surgeon. But he's not worried so I'm in bed and gonna watch something on the iPad.
I'm glad it's not been too bad beth. Everything crossed that the next however long goes smoothly! Very satisfying tamo! |
That's reassuring Beckie, at least!
I've just got home! |
I'm glad the surgeon isn't worried, bed sounds good.
Long day Ahimsa? |
I'm home for 2 hours and then I read a pub quiz every Tuesday and Sunday, so I'll be leaving my house again and will be back about 10:30pm. |
It is!
Have you got any plans for this evening beth? Thanks tamo I do not like being in bed during the daytime XD EDIT: you ninja'd beth! Sounds like an exhausting day and evening! |
Very much so. I'm going to try get a nap in if I can.
I could not do your day Ahimsa!
Staying in bed is frustrating Cacoethes. |
Nap sounds like it would be a good idea!
It is! The surgeon said not to do stairs though. So here I shall stay! |
Hope you don't go further crazy being stuck in bed, Beckie.
Still in awe of how much you do, Beth! |
Hello all.
Hi insig and osc, how are you?
I am slightly cold but generally ok. I am hoping my clothes parcel will come tomorrow with hopefully no ransom note.
A ransom note?
In certain hobby circles parcels which attract a custom fee is known as a ransom note. Basically if you don't pay the fee you don't get your goods. Hence ransom note.
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