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Cacoethes 24-09-2024 11:55 AM

My head feels strange but otherwise not too bad I think. Just keep zoning out

I hope it's a good distraction

Ahimsa 24-09-2024 11:55 AM

I'm at work and I've just had to register a calico kitten who had the same name as my Calico cat who was put to sleep a month ago.

They're coming in tonight and I'm on reception.

Cacoethes 24-09-2024 12:39 PM

Oh no beth :(
How're you feeling?

not_so_insig 24-09-2024 12:45 PM

Afternoon all. I have tesco coming today. Only 1 substitution and zero unavailable items. The substitution is acceptable because they have given me the exact thing I wanted just in a bigger bottle. So win! :-D

tamobhuuta 24-09-2024 01:56 PM

That is a win insig!

I hope you enjoy your colouring group osc.

I had a good time with my dad, he brought proper assam tea made in a pot! I've had a hairwash and I'm having a mocha as a reward.

How are you getting on Cacoethes?

Hugs if wanted Ahimsa.

Cacoethes 24-09-2024 02:00 PM

That's good dawn

Glad you had a good time tamo

I'm surviving! CC called and I'm seeing her on Thursday
In that kind of mood where I want to do something but also don't. I don't want to be in the house but I also don't want to leave the house *facepalm*

Ahimsa 24-09-2024 02:48 PM

I'm feeling rubbish but have to crack on. 5 other phones ringing so had to get them answered. Managed to have a 5 minute cry while writing an email

Cacoethes 24-09-2024 05:50 PM

I will be thinking of you beth. Be kind to yourself

one_step_closer 24-09-2024 06:13 PM

Oh, Beth. :( take care.

Do you still pay the same price as you had for the smaller bottle, Dawn?

Well done, Tamo.

I know that feeling well, Beckie. Did you decide on something to do in the end?

not_so_insig 24-09-2024 06:17 PM

Yes with tesco they never charge you more even if the substitution is of a higher value. Whereas some supermarkets charge you the difference and won't allow you to put no substitutions.

one_step_closer 24-09-2024 06:22 PM

That's a huge win then!

Cacoethes 24-09-2024 09:23 PM

I had a nap and then remembered I had krav!
It's the last one I can do before surgery, and also the last one in that location because the instructor is taking some time out. She certainly made it a memorable one! XD

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 07:48 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 25-09-2024 09:49 AM

Morning Cacoethes, how are you?

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 09:56 AM

I'm ok thanks.
Me and L are having a duvet day.

How are you?

tamobhuuta 25-09-2024 10:06 AM

Nice! I'm ok, not sure whether to go do some art, or have a nap...

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 10:28 AM

We had dippy eggs and soldiers and watching a film :)

Could you do both today? If you have the time!

tamobhuuta 25-09-2024 12:24 PM

Art room was only open this morning. I decided to go back to bed.
You had a lovely morning! What film did you watch?

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 12:48 PM

Fair enough! Did the nap help?

We watched the World's End.
It was filmed near where I used to live. And where I did my driving test. Used to hang out there a lot as a teen. And I nearly walked into the set when I was there and totally zoned out. I was stopped by security XD
Still weird seeing it in a film!

L had gone for a nap now

not_so_insig 25-09-2024 01:16 PM

Afternoon all. I woke up twice with cramp :angry:. Same place and leg each time. My leg is a bit tender but generally am ok and can walk on it ok.

one_step_closer 25-09-2024 01:17 PM

Hi everyone.

Your day sounds good so far, Beckie. I think there were people filming in my area for some reason even though it's a tiny not well known place. Also there was a lot of filming in Glasgow for a while. Would be really weird to see familiar places in a film I think.

Hope your choice of going back to bed was good, Tamo. Do you have plans for the rest of your day?

one_step_closer 25-09-2024 01:17 PM

Ninja, Dawn! Oh no, cramp is so painful. I get it in my toes a lot.

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 01:28 PM

It is very weird!

How are you today lindsay?

not_so_insig 25-09-2024 01:51 PM

A local unesco place in my county gets featured on tv a fair bit. The place next door to my parents was on escape to the country. It wasn't for sale at the time just happened to be on there as they featured a property in my parents village that was. They didn't buy it even though they liked it as it still was for sale at time of broadcast.

one_step_closer 25-09-2024 02:10 PM

Maybe one day we'll all be on TV! There was a programme filmed in Glasgow Central Station where I meet up with my brother and when it came on TV I was absolutely terrified that I'd be in the programme!

I'm not sure how I am, Beckie.

not_so_insig 25-09-2024 02:14 PM

Lorraine's part of Scotland was on the telly lately. I am pretty sure her house was on the programme.

not_so_insig 25-09-2024 02:16 PM

Also I have been on the BBC. Both on John Cravens Newsround and on Bargain Hunt. I have done 3 training dvds one of which used to be on the Internet.

tamobhuuta 25-09-2024 02:17 PM

All these famous places!

I don't know what to do this afternoon, just my normal stuff. And probably watch another episode of doctors, I'm a bit behind.

not_so_insig 25-09-2024 02:19 PM

Enjoy Doctors!

tamobhuuta 25-09-2024 04:38 PM

I'm all caught up with doctors!

long road 25-09-2024 05:03 PM

A lot of the taskmaster pre filmed locations where they are outside the taskmaster house are places around where I grew up.

Also hello everyone I have spent my day in bed. Bad FND day.

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 05:17 PM

I have had a nap

Sorry you're not feeling great jen!

long road 25-09-2024 05:30 PM

Did nap help?

It sucks to not feel great but kind of makes sense after two days of appointments (new therapist Monday and GP Tuesday).

I am having roast for dinner and looking forward to it

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 05:52 PM

It did thanks!

Appointments can be exhausting, so does make sense!

L has been sick :(
S was sick on Sunday. Hoping I don't get it, but I was ill last week (minus vomiting) so pretty sure I was patient zero in this situation! I did feel sick and very much the same as L feels now, but just didn't physically vomit.
With the surgery on Saturday, I really can't be ill!

Oooh a roast! Enjoy!

tamobhuuta 25-09-2024 06:21 PM

Sorry your fnd is bad lr.

I hope you don't get sick Cacoethes!

one_step_closer 25-09-2024 06:23 PM

I'm glad you at least have your roast to look forward to, Jen.

Oh no, Beckie. You need to wear a full PPE suit or something!

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 06:26 PM

Thanks tamo!

I do lindsay!
I did joke about quarantining myself, but we spend all day with each other, so if I'm going to get something, the likelihood is I've already been infected!
I feel fine for the moment though *crosses fingers*

one_step_closer 25-09-2024 06:34 PM

I will also keep my brain fingers crossed that you stay well.

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 06:50 PM

Thank you!

Are you up to much?

one_step_closer 25-09-2024 06:54 PM

I'm going to go offline soon and watch some TV. I started watching The Deceived on My5 and really want to know what's going on, it's quite weird.

What are you getting up to?

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 07:01 PM

Sounds captivating!

Not a lot. L and S have both gone to lie down so I'm just downstairs not really doing a lot!

long road 25-09-2024 07:16 PM

Just eaten roast it was delicious!

The weird scenario when you end up hoping you were patient zero Beckie! *Fingers crossed* for no sickness

How are you Tamo?

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 07:35 PM

Glad you enjoyed it!

I know jen!
Thank you!

tamobhuuta 25-09-2024 07:48 PM

I'm glad you enjoyed your roast lr :)

I'm ok, waiting for night meds so I can start getting ready for bed.

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 07:49 PM

Waiting for meds is one of the things I hate most about hospital!

tamobhuuta 25-09-2024 07:53 PM

Ikr! Also queuing for meds.

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 08:00 PM

I refused to queue for meds. I'd just go really late when everyone else was done XD
Or wait until supper was occurring. I never had supper so it was a good meds opportunity

tamobhuuta 25-09-2024 08:43 PM

What about night meds?

Cacoethes 25-09-2024 09:02 PM

That's what I do for night meds!

Cacoethes 26-09-2024 07:50 AM

Morning everyone!

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