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tamobhuuta 23-09-2024 09:41 AM

Morning everyone x

Cacoethes 23-09-2024 11:25 AM

Hey guys

one_step_closer 23-09-2024 11:59 AM

Just about afternoon everyone.

How are you all?

long road 23-09-2024 12:06 PM

in waiting mode therapy at 1;15pm.

about to make a coffee.

How are you?

one_step_closer 23-09-2024 12:14 PM

Ahh, waiting mode. How do you normally get through waiting mode?

I'm not great. My CPN is off sick so my appointment has been cancelled today.

long road 23-09-2024 12:30 PM

Trying to distract myself. Still havent managed to make coffee but got some other tasks done.

That sucks especially when you had been psyching yourself up for appointment.
Can you do something nice for yourself in what would have been appointment time?

Cacoethes 23-09-2024 12:42 PM

I'm at work.
Things are a bit sketchy mh wise but we move

long road 23-09-2024 12:54 PM

Good luck Beckie. Hope work goes smoothly despite MH being sketchy.

tamobhuuta 23-09-2024 01:17 PM

Really sorry your CPN is off sick osc :( what are you going to do to look after yourself?

Hoping your therapy is going well lr.

I hope work is going OK Cacoethes. Can you leave if you need to?

not_so_insig 23-09-2024 03:08 PM

Hello all. I have been wild swimming. The water was freezing. Time for hat and winter gloves soon.

Cacoethes 23-09-2024 03:55 PM

I can't leave if I need to.
I'm on my own from 6-9.
I shouldn't have come in

tamobhuuta 23-09-2024 04:56 PM

Could you tell your boss now that you need to leave for medical reasons? Sounds like you shouldn't be alone, definitely not alone in charge of a shop. They'll just have to deal with it.

tamobhuuta 23-09-2024 04:57 PM

Did you have a good time insig?

not_so_insig 23-09-2024 05:12 PM

Yes I did but I am still a bit cold. That is despite a shower, several coffees, thick socks and the heating on.

tamobhuuta 23-09-2024 05:56 PM

I hope you warm up soon!

one_step_closer 23-09-2024 06:19 PM

I hope you're managing ok, Beckie.

Hope your appointment went well, Jen.

Do you still go wild swimming in the colder months, Dawn?

How are you doing, Tamo?

I've not been doing much today. Colouring group tomorrow though.

tamobhuuta 23-09-2024 07:41 PM

I'm ok thanks osc, mostly spent the day in my room. L came to see me though, and brought Costa. We agreed that the staff here are ****. Are you looking forward to the colouring group?

Ahimsa 23-09-2024 08:00 PM

What did you get from Costa?

tamobhuuta 23-09-2024 08:02 PM

A chai latte :)

How are you Ahimsa?

Ahimsa 23-09-2024 08:03 PM

ooh good choice, very cosy!

can I pass on the question though?

I hope you're okay?

tamobhuuta 23-09-2024 08:16 PM

Of course you can. Sending whatever vibes you need, even if you're not sure what those are.

I'm ok, looking forward to bedtime.

Ahimsa 23-09-2024 08:21 PM

Thank you.

I love bedtime, it is one of my favourite times.

Cacoethes 23-09-2024 09:57 PM

We don't have a boss tamo. We're meant to, but it's a whole thing.

Made it through the shift anyway

Sorry I haven't been responding.
Hope everyone is ok

Ahimsa 23-09-2024 10:00 PM

I'm glad you made it through, and you have your meds again now yes?

nonperson 23-09-2024 10:03 PM

Well done for making it through your shift, Beckie!

I also don't have a boss at the moment but that's actually quite a relief.

Ahimsa 23-09-2024 10:05 PM

Technically I do, I emailed her for a 1-1 on the 4th September and I haven't had a reply to that email yet.

nonperson 23-09-2024 10:06 PM

Bosses are either good, slow or pointless.

Ahimsa 23-09-2024 10:07 PM

Very true!

Cacoethes 23-09-2024 10:11 PM

Thanks beth and np :)

I do indeed have my meds again.
Will put them in the dosette box after dinner.
Cba but I really have to.

You're right there np.

We've been massively struggling without a boss.
And the company give absolutely 0 f*cks.
They haven't even advertised the position yet! It's been months! They've been 'asking around' :eyeroll:
Because we're doing exceptionally well as a store (number one in the region yo!) They don't see any urgency. Never mind there's only 6 of us with no management and only one team leader, who has had to work basically every day. Poor guy.

nonperson 23-09-2024 10:14 PM

Maybe you'll get promoted soon if that's how it works!

Our leader has been off sick for weeks and it's been glorious. But it's the depressing countdown to her return now...

Cacoethes 23-09-2024 10:28 PM

Nah, I'm happy not being responsible for anything XD

Ugh. That's annoying!
How're you doing otherwise?

Ahimsa 23-09-2024 10:29 PM

Me? Or NP?

nonperson 23-09-2024 10:49 PM

Responsibility sucks.

Cacoethes 23-09-2024 11:27 PM


It does indeed suck!

nonperson 23-09-2024 11:36 PM

It's a weird system here. We have a supervisor but only by title because it's me and my colleague who set our workload and run the place.

I'm ok/not ok. It's hard to say!

Ahimsa 23-09-2024 11:37 PM

I feel you!!

We didn't have the clinical rota for ages, so we were booking stuff anywhere (like, a month or two in advance) and then slotting them in when we had the consult schedule, but letting owners know if it turned out we had booked a slot someone was in a meeting, or in surgery etc, we'd let them know as soon as we had the diary.

My manager said to leave all the appointments that didn't have a space until the week before, before we rearranged them, in case we got any cancellations we could move them into. If we then didn't have a slot, she'd contact the owner and rearrange it. She said not to touch them as she would do all of this.

I came in today after a week of annual leave at 10:15, caught up on all my own work and emails etc, to see 2 appointments booked for 6pm and 6:30pm tonight, with no consulting vet after 5pm. Who do we think had to call the owners ON THE DAY with about 4 hours notice and move them? My manager doesn't work Mondays either so I couldn't pass it to her, and if I didn't call them it would have been me dealing with them when they showed up!

nonperson 23-09-2024 11:42 PM

I miss you guys D'=

Ahimsa 23-09-2024 11:45 PM

Us, or the chaos NP?

nonperson 23-09-2024 11:48 PM

You guys of course!

What chaos?!

Ahimsa 23-09-2024 11:50 PM

I see no chaos anywhere *shoves stuff in cupboards and under rugs*

nonperson 24-09-2024 12:01 AM

Hah, good point!

I'm off to bed. Sleep well everyone.

Ahimsa 24-09-2024 12:02 AM


Cacoethes 24-09-2024 08:23 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 24-09-2024 09:23 AM

Morning Cacoethes, how are you? Well done for making it through your shift! I'm very glad you have meds now.

Cacoethes 24-09-2024 09:31 AM

Morning tamo
I'm ok thanks
How are you?

tamobhuuta 24-09-2024 09:44 AM

I am ok :) Dad's coming at 11, hopefully with tea! What are you up to?

Cacoethes 24-09-2024 10:40 AM

Hope you enjoy your visit and tea!

Not a lot really.
Don't have anything to do today

one_step_closer 24-09-2024 11:24 AM

Morning everyone.

I missed NP agaaaain! Come back!

I hope you have a better day today, Beckie.

Hope you're having a nice visit, Tamo.

Cacoethes 24-09-2024 11:24 AM

Thanks lindsay

How are you?

one_step_closer 24-09-2024 11:38 AM

How are you getting on so far?

I'm still trying to be ok but I have the colouring group to go to today so hopefully that will be good.

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