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tamobhuuta 18-09-2024 05:50 PM

Nothing exciting! I made us coffee and Mum had brought cake and we chatted :)

Ahimsa 18-09-2024 05:56 PM

Ooh what type of cake?

one_step_closer 18-09-2024 05:58 PM

Dawn why on earth are you thinking about Christmas already?! I do have one gift bought though and I bought my Christmas cards for this year in the January sale.

Sorry you're feeling frustrated and apprehensive, Beth. How are you coping?

What kind of cake, Tamo? Sounds like a nice visit.

one_step_closer 18-09-2024 05:58 PM

Ninja Beth, we ask the most important questions!

Ahimsa 18-09-2024 06:35 PM

Cake is always important

one_step_closer 18-09-2024 06:38 PM

It is. I have just ordered a sundae. Life is **** right now, eat ice cream.

Ahimsa 18-09-2024 06:42 PM

Ooh what type/flavour of sundae?

one_step_closer 18-09-2024 06:47 PM

It's a very indulgent one. From what I remember it's Ferrero rocher ice cream, kinder ice cream, Ferrero rocher and kinder bueno pieces, strawberries, Nutella, and chocolate sauce. Don't know why it needs both Nutella and chocolate sauce.

Cacoethes 18-09-2024 07:35 PM

That sounds incredible lindsay!

Ahimsa 18-09-2024 08:18 PM

I hope it was as good as it sounds

tamobhuuta 18-09-2024 08:48 PM

Blueberry and chocolate muffins :)

Ahimsa 18-09-2024 10:14 PM


Cacoethes 19-09-2024 07:59 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 19-09-2024 09:37 AM

Morning Cacoethes how are you?

Cacoethes 19-09-2024 09:56 AM

I'm ok thanks. Feeling a little ill though :(

How are you?

tamobhuuta 19-09-2024 10:55 AM

Sorry to hear that :( do you have much on today or can you rest?

I had my ward rounds. He wants me to use my leave with family but it's hard because they live so far away. Mum's going to email and try to speak to the psych.

Cacoethes 19-09-2024 11:12 AM

I have work from 1-9. And will be on my own from 6. So no resting unfortunately!

That does sound tricky. Hopefully the email will help

tamobhuuta 19-09-2024 11:45 AM

I hope work isn't too stressful.

Cacoethes 19-09-2024 12:19 PM

Thanks. Seems pretty quiet so far. Hopefully stays like that!
Had a lovely chat with the taxi driver on the way here!
They've stopped trying to charge me the £20 more, I guess I hassled them enough for them to see I wasn't backing down XD

Have you got any plans for today?

tamobhuuta 19-09-2024 12:52 PM

Well done with the taxis!

Just my normal occupying activities, got L visiting after dinner.

one_step_closer 19-09-2024 01:57 PM

Hi everyone.

I hope you feel less unwell soon, Beckie and you get on ok at work. I'm so glad the taxi people have stopped hassling you for extra money. I'd hate to have to stand up for myself and say no.

What makes it difficult to use your leave with your family, Tamo, if they're able to visit you? Does the time off the ward feel like too much? I hope you can figure something out.

not_so_insig 19-09-2024 01:59 PM

Afternoon all.

one_step_closer 19-09-2024 02:05 PM

Hi Dawn, how are you?

not_so_insig 19-09-2024 02:12 PM

I am rather hot but ok. Slept okish.

I have my cleaning to do tonight but am considering cleaning my flat door. The knocker, letterbox and handle should be ok as they get disinfected semi regularly it's the actual door itself that could probably do with a clean.

one_step_closer 19-09-2024 02:21 PM

It's hot here too. I was just reading that yesterday in Scotland recorded both the hottest and coldest temperatures in the UK. I think it got cold through the night in some places.

What's your door made of? You're always cleaning something!

tamobhuuta 19-09-2024 02:24 PM

Osc, though I've got 4 hours leave, family can't really stay longer than about an hour due to my sister. I can't really walk still so we'd have to drive somewhere, and spend the hour's leave in the car, basically, which would stress Dad out. L doesn't want to take me out because she thinks it would be too much temptation for me.

not_so_insig 19-09-2024 02:35 PM

I am not sure what my door is made of tbh. It's not quite wood nor is it upvc. Anyway I have cleaned it now and tbh it wasn't that dirty. Probably because it's not exposed to the elements.

tamobhuuta 19-09-2024 04:55 PM

Your place must be sparkling now!

one_step_closer 19-09-2024 05:45 PM

That does sound a bit complicated, Tamo. Is there nowhere close your Dad could drive to like somewhere to get something to eat and spend some time there?

Is that your cleaning all finished now, Dawn?

Ahimsa 19-09-2024 06:21 PM

Hey all,

hope everyone's okay? Beckie I'm sorry you're feeling unwell :( Not too long left of work now?

I had some rubbish news (see my thread in serious), went for a walk and a good chat with my friend, and then to Sainsburys for some specific biscuits they very rudely didn't have, nor did they have a shelf space for :(

one_step_closer 19-09-2024 06:56 PM

Sorry you had rubbish news, Beth. A good chat with a friend is always nice. That is terrible of Sainsbury's, you should put in a complaint. What biscuits were you looking for? Did you get a substitute?

Ahimsa 19-09-2024 07:36 PM

I was looking for these! https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/...m-filling-150g

How is your evenings going?

Cacoethes 19-09-2024 10:46 PM

Thanks guys!
Unfortunately feeling more unwell as time goes on D:
I was very tempted to close up the shop and nap in the stock room when J went home XD
But home now

Sorry you've had such a bad day beth :(

Cacoethes 20-09-2024 07:39 AM

Morning everyone

Ahimsa 20-09-2024 08:15 AM

Morning Beckie,

Why are you up so early?

I'm knackered, I had to get up because the joiner is here to put my doors back on. However on my early work shifts now I'll have already been there an hour and done the tills and the banking by now.

I will however absolutely be going back to bed once he leaves!

Cacoethes 20-09-2024 08:23 AM

I'm always up early, I just don't usually post until a bit later XD
Generally get up around 7am.

Going back to bed sounds like a good plan!

We've also had door work going on this morning, but just having the locks changed and something else done because the door had dropped a bit and was difficult to lock. They were estimated between 8-12, so I'm glad he came early, because I have stuff to do.

Ahimsa 20-09-2024 08:25 AM

Eugh I absolutely couldn't get up at this time by choice!

What have you got planned for your day? How convenient of them coming early :)

Cacoethes 20-09-2024 08:38 AM

It is not by choice, just when my body decides it's time to get up XD
I so wish I could have a nice long lie in!

I have to clean out the piggos today, then go into town and get my prescription and some salad for said piggos.
Also the usual washing, washing up, cleaning up etc oh and pick up a letter from the cmht.
Potentially meeting E from my old work, though she's pretty flakey so probably not.
Hopefully the bus actually turns up today :eyeroll:

Ahimsa 20-09-2024 08:44 AM

It's rubbish when the buses aren't great, we have one an hour which may not may not turn up - I once waited 3 hours to get one home from work when I worked in town :(

Cacoethes 20-09-2024 08:55 AM

Ugh! Awful!
Buses here are every 2 hours, but because of being in a village, they will sometimes skip stops to make up time.
I had to get a taxi to my appointment the other day. I emailed the bus company to ask if they could reimburse me for a taxi because that was not ok. And surprisingly, they are giving me a voucher for the value of the taxi. I can exchange it for cash or use it on the buses.

Ahimsa 20-09-2024 08:59 AM

Oh that's really good of them!

I remember emailing about my 3 hour wait (as a woman alone on a Friday night in a city centre) and they basically said "soz, it happens. Crack on" which wasn't really helpful!

In other news I am craving McDonalds. But its only breakfast until 11 :(

Cacoethes 20-09-2024 09:02 AM

Yeah, I was expecting to have to put up more of a fight tbh! Because I would not be letting that go XD
But they were very apologetic.

That's awful. Some of these people really don't give a ****. Can only hope the same happens to them one day.

tamobhuuta 20-09-2024 09:09 AM

Morning guys.

Ahimsa 20-09-2024 09:13 AM

Morning Tamo :) How are you?

Ahimsa 20-09-2024 09:23 AM

The joiner has finished, I can go back to bed!!

Hot water bottle is done too for cosy purposes

tamobhuuta 20-09-2024 09:28 AM

Good choice Ahimsa. I am ok, trying to persuade myself to get dressed.

Cacoethes 20-09-2024 10:35 AM

Morning tamo!
How're you?

Hot water bottles are awesome.

I've cleaned out the piggos and showered, and done the usual washing up etc.
Bus is at 11:43, if it turns up this time!

tamobhuuta 20-09-2024 12:21 PM

I've had a little nap, and managed to get dressed.

Hope you got your bus Cacoethes.

Cacoethes 20-09-2024 12:31 PM

Well done tamo :)

The bus did turn up!
It was 10 mins late, but somehow got here on time XD
Pharmacy haven't been sent my meds so got to call drs later :eyeroll:
But been to asda and got what I need.
Now waiting for L to meet me for her break. I brought her lunch because she forgot.

one_step_closer 20-09-2024 01:26 PM

Hi everyone. You've all been up to lots.

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