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not_so_insig 08-09-2024 11:10 PM

Thanks Jen. I am trying to stay distracted. Wrote the majority of my Christmas cards before. Ran out of stamps and cards in the end. Yes I know it's early but I needed to know how many cards and stamps I needed in order that I don't run out before the last posting dates and 2 are going abroad.

not_so_insig 08-09-2024 11:34 PM

Also the price of 1st class stamps are going up in October so wanted to beat the rush.

long road 08-09-2024 11:49 PM

Nice to be prepared. And a good distraction. You have reminded me I need to write and post my Mum's birthday card. Her birthday isn't for a fortnight but they are going on holiday on 16th and over her birthday so want to send the card for her to take with her. Then will send the present for when she is home 2 days post birthday.

long road 08-09-2024 11:50 PM

Yay Moonlight! (Can't remember if you use your name on here) K-Pop experience is good fun I am almost up to date need to watch rest of episode 4.

Ahimsa 08-09-2024 11:58 PM

Very organised!

Night owls online!!

long road 09-09-2024 12:39 AM

My sleep has been all over the place lately. 2am is probably the earliest I have fallen asleep all week. Some nights not until 5am. Sometimes I sIeep in late, others nap during the day.

How come you are up late?

Ahimsa 09-09-2024 01:00 AM

This is usual for me, I usually get to sleep between 1-2.

I'm just hoping I have some voice back by the morning, as I'm at work at 7:30 and will be on the phone all day.

long road 09-09-2024 01:25 AM

Fair usually when I am well I come to bed between 11pm and midnight and then fall asleep by around 1am. But like I said really off schedule at the moment.

*Fingers crossed* you get your voice back. If you don't do you get sick pay? You can't answer phones if you can't talk so legit reason not to go to work.

Ahimsa 09-09-2024 01:30 AM

We do get sick pay, I get a rolling 15 days per 12 months - I'm not sure how many (if any) I have left as I had a bad back injury last August/September and then time off when my cat passed away.

There is other work I can do though, I can do emails and invoicing and all my other tasks. So we'll see how I feel in the morning.

long road 09-09-2024 01:35 AM

Hopefully you will feel better in the morning and you won't have to worry!

Ahimsa 09-09-2024 01:42 AM

I hope so. Calling in sick has to be at least an hour before your start time, so for me that's 6:30am at the latest.

What are you up to?

long road 09-09-2024 01:47 AM

Eurgh 6:30am is super early!

I was watching a detective show. About to try and see eif I can to sleep despite being in pain.

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 07:08 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 09-09-2024 09:39 AM

Hi Cacoethes how are you?

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 09:45 AM

Rather bored and not feeling 100%

How are you?

tamobhuuta 09-09-2024 10:55 AM

Sorry to hear that. I'm ok, just waiting for my dad.

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 10:55 AM

Hope you have a nice visit

tamobhuuta 09-09-2024 10:56 AM

Thanks :) I hope your day improves. Anything on?

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 11:05 AM

Thank you :)

Not really. L is at work all day so I'm just here trying to find things to occupy myself. Will probably just clean and tidy, nothing else to do!

Ahimsa 09-09-2024 12:27 PM

Sorry you feel rubbish Beckie!

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 12:28 PM

Thanks beth!

How are you feeling today?

tamobhuuta 09-09-2024 12:28 PM


I had a visit off my dad :)

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 12:37 PM

Was it a good visit? Did he bring costa?!

Ahimsa 09-09-2024 12:46 PM

I'm exhausted, I got to sleep about 6 :(

I'm halfway through my shift though.

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 12:49 PM

Ugh. That's grim :(

Is rest an option when you get home?

Ahimsa 09-09-2024 12:52 PM

We'll see - ideally I dont want to nap this evening because then I may not sleep tonight.

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 12:53 PM

Good point.
I went to bed at 8:30 last night, could barely keep my eyes open!

Ahimsa 09-09-2024 12:57 PM

Did you steal my sleep?

long road 09-09-2024 01:09 PM

Oh no Beth that is not enough sleep! Maybe just go to bed early tonight? Instead of the usual 1-2am?

I am in waiting mode. Have call with a potential therapist at 1:30pm.

not_so_insig 09-09-2024 01:17 PM

Afternoon all. I have tesco coming this afternoon plus amazon. Knowing my luck I will have the tesco woman who I don't like. Voices being a troll.

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 02:06 PM

I didn't sleep overly well so perhaps not!

Hope it went OK jen!

long road 09-09-2024 02:23 PM

It went ok. Feeling a bit wobbly now though

one_step_closer 09-09-2024 02:24 PM

I'm late on here, so much to catch up with! Have read and sending you all good vibes.

not_so_insig 09-09-2024 02:32 PM

Hooray! It's a different driver today instead of the one I don't like. It's a man.

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 02:33 PM

Hope you're ok jen

Hey lindsay!

That's a relief dawn

one_step_closer 09-09-2024 02:42 PM

Are you managing to occupy yourself, Beckie?

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 02:46 PM

Not really. Finished my cleaning and showered.
Not really a lot else to do!

How are you?

long road 09-09-2024 03:27 PM

I am sort of ok. Talking to therapist stirredthings up a bit is all. Watching TV at the moment and trying to regulate a bit

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 03:45 PM

Makes sense.
Hopefully tv helps

tamobhuuta 09-09-2024 04:23 PM

Hi guys. Well done everyone for whatever you've done! Dad didn't bring Costa but he did bring a flask of tea each. This afternoon I wrote a note to give the psych in ward rounds tomorrow.

long road 09-09-2024 05:08 PM

Good quality tea I hope Tamo? I know you dislike hospital tea.

I managed to meditate and am just trying to rest a bit as feels like my day has caught up with me now and FND is starting to play up after being well behaved most of the day.

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 05:19 PM

Hospital tea and coffee are gross

Well done for using healthy strategies jen!

tamobhuuta 09-09-2024 05:52 PM

Yorkshire tea :)

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 05:56 PM

The best tea

long road 09-09-2024 06:14 PM

Hospital coffee is gross. At my local hospital the tea is pretty good though.

Ooh Yorkshire Tea. My favourite is the Yorkshire Tea Malty Biscuit Brew.

Thanks Beckie. Couldn't stay resting for long bit agitated so back on sofa watching TV.

one_step_closer 09-09-2024 06:22 PM

What's your views on hospital hot chocolate?

tamobhuuta 09-09-2024 06:23 PM

I've not heard of that brew, sounds tastey!

Enjoy the telly.

tamobhuuta 09-09-2024 06:23 PM

The hot chocolate here is OK.

Cacoethes 09-09-2024 06:31 PM

Our ward hot chocolate was galaxy sachets so that was actually pretty good! Especially as they made it with hot milk and not hot water.

one_step_closer 09-09-2024 06:34 PM

That is luxury Beckie!

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