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Cacoethes 12-08-2024 08:54 PM

Holiday is brilliant thanks!
Really enjoying myself :-D

Sorry to hear that :(
I guess the heat isn't helping. It's insane!

tamobhuuta 12-08-2024 09:00 PM

Hey Cacoethes, glad you're having a good time :)

Cacoethes 12-08-2024 09:25 PM

Thanks tamo!
How are you doing?

long road 12-08-2024 09:27 PM

Heat is definitely not helping but the humidity is the worse part. I am on the dreaded steroids which means s xoomies shall probably hit in a day or two!

So glad you having a good time Beckie! You deserve it!

Cacoethes 12-08-2024 09:32 PM

Hopefully the steriods help! I know they can **** with the old mentals though which sucks!
Fingers crossed for a short course and minimal zoomies!

Thank you :-D

long road 13-08-2024 02:34 AM

Morning from the A&E corridor....

Got taken in by ambulance at 11:15pm last night.
I am feeling unwell but well enough to be bored.

Cacoethes 13-08-2024 03:03 AM

Oh no!
Hopefully they can sort you quickly
Feeling unwell but well enough to be bored is one of the worst things!

long road 13-08-2024 03:08 AM

I just got a room/ bay in majors and wired up to all the fun monitors got my headphones on music blaring and just trying to rest. My partner is here with me which helps with boredom.

Also you are up insanely early Beckie!

long road 13-08-2024 06:39 AM

Get to go home hooray! just got to the car! Shall say goodnight now as after a night of no sleep in A&E I am going to attempt to nap when I get home.

Cacoethes 13-08-2024 07:40 AM

I didn't go to sleep until about 5am XD
And was up before 8am as per usual!

Hope you're resting jen!
Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 13-08-2024 09:46 AM

Hurray for what was a fun filled night Cacoethes?

Not so much hurray for what wasn't a fun filled night lr! Hope you're getting some sleep.

My ward rounds has been cancelled, the doctor has been 'called away'. I was all psyched up but I am a bit relieved.

Cacoethes 13-08-2024 09:50 AM

We were mainly watching shrek and chilling and chatting outside! It was warm out there even at 4am!

At least this gives you more time to prepare tamo

tamobhuuta 13-08-2024 10:15 AM

I had to put a jumper on at 5am!

one_step_closer 13-08-2024 11:16 AM

Morning everyone. Is there a time difference in Amsterdam, Beckie? Do you have some more fun things planned for today?

Sorry you had a rough night, Jen. Hope you get some good rest and today is better.

I get kind of annoyed when I get all worked up for a ward round and then it doesn't happen. Hope you can wind down, Tamo.

Cacoethes 13-08-2024 11:21 AM

Yes! We are an hour in the future
We are having a mostly chilled one. Heineken experience at 2pm and a canal cruise at 5:30pm :)

How are you lindsay?

one_step_closer 13-08-2024 11:28 AM

Sounds good. Enjoy. :)

I'm still struggling but have the colouring group today so that's something.

tamobhuuta 13-08-2024 11:33 AM

I hope you enjoy the colouring group osc.

one_step_closer 13-08-2024 11:43 AM

Thanks, Tamo. Is anyone coming to visit you today?

tamobhuuta 13-08-2024 11:46 AM

Yes, L is coming about 3pm :) I'm hoping she can facilitate shaving my underarms.

long road 13-08-2024 12:09 PM

Just woke up. Got around 4.5 hours sleep. Wanted to try for more but chest is a bit tight so don't think that is happening.

Ooh canal cruise sounds cool Beckie there's definitely a lot of canals in Amsterdam!

Hope colouring group goes ok Lindsay.

Hope you have a good visit Tamo.

Pi.R^2 13-08-2024 12:24 PM

Hello chatty gang!

Please may I alert you to the poll thread here regarding the future of RYL.

Also happy Tuesday everyone :)

not_so_insig 13-08-2024 12:42 PM

Hello all. I too was awake at 5 am. Insomnia sucks.

tamobhuuta 13-08-2024 03:05 PM

One of those nights, clearly.
L will be here soon :) she's stopping off to get me some bits.

one_step_closer 13-08-2024 05:57 PM

Did you enjoy your visit, Tamo?

Maybe you will be able to get some more sleep in a while, Jen.

I have voted, Jenna. How are you doing? Or are you just going to post then run away?

Hope you sleep better tonight, Dawn.

long road 13-08-2024 07:54 PM

I managed an hour and a half nap just now. Feeling the effects of bumping my head having a seizure while at a&E as well as the asthma. So just taking it very easy.

How are you Lindsay? How is Crookshanks?

tamobhuuta 13-08-2024 08:01 PM

Had a good visit thanks, she brought me Costa! How are you?

Cacoethes 14-08-2024 08:56 AM

Morning everyone!
Hope everyone has a good day

tamobhuuta 14-08-2024 09:29 AM

Morning Cacoethes, what are you up to today?

Cacoethes 14-08-2024 10:07 AM

We are going to a small town that makes cheese and clogs and there are windmills! I went last time I was here. We're going to stock up on cheese XD
And then a fancy restaurant this evening. And pop into the red light district.
We both have the last day blues :(

How are you doing?

tamobhuuta 14-08-2024 10:30 AM

Have fun!

I just saw my solicitor. She was my solicitor a few years ago!

Pi.R^2 14-08-2024 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4386226)
I have voted, Jenna. How are you doing? Or are you just going to post then run away?

I feel judged :P

I'm OK thank you. The cleaners are currently in the house which is stressful but also nice when they are gone and leave a nice clean house!

Hope your solicitor was helpful tamo? Glad you've got consistency at least.

Beckie, I've kept up with your RV and so pleased you've been having such a good holiday; you absolutely deserved this little joyful break! Hope you enjoy today as well :)

Jen, sorry to hear you've got a head injury on top of everything else. It never rains... Hope you manage to get some more sleep!

Lindsay- hello! How are you?

tamobhuuta 14-08-2024 11:56 AM

She was helpful, also honest. Have you ever seen the episode of Black Books with the cleaner?

not_so_insig 14-08-2024 12:31 PM

Afternoon all. Glad your solicitor was helpful tamobhuuta.

I am not going wild swimming today because the person I go with has a doctors appointment.

tamobhuuta 14-08-2024 12:58 PM

Aw that's a shame insig. What will you do instead?

not_so_insig 14-08-2024 01:04 PM

I have to wash my hair and put my recycling box and paper bag out today. I have a ton of cardboard so it's vitally important that it gets emptied. Other than that I plan to do the dusting and possibly clean the loo.

Pi.R^2 14-08-2024 01:30 PM

No tamo- I've been introduced to it once and it wasn't massively my thing and also Linehan :sick: Would potentially watch another episode to give it a go!

Lol Dawn, I woke up at 5am remembering I had YET AGAIN forgot to put my garden waste bin out so had to trundle down to do it as it completely full! I hope you are more successful in remembering to put out your recycling.

one_step_closer 14-08-2024 01:35 PM

Hi everyone. The sun is actually shining here today for a change.

Hope you have another fun day, Beckie.

I'm glad your solicitor was helpful, Tamo.

I was totally judging you, Jenna. Glad you're ok and are going to be having a nice clean house.

Hope you have a successful day, Dawn.

I'm stressing out because I have an Iceland delivery coming between 2.30pm and 4.30pm but I usually sort out my bins and bird feeders at 2.30pm so will have to wait until the delivery arrives. Silly issue but you know what I'm like with my schedule.

not_so_insig 14-08-2024 02:13 PM

Jenna the council sends me a reminder email about 3 pm stating what goes out. Been as I check my emails at least once an hour there's no excuse.

Thanks Lindsay.

tamobhuuta 14-08-2024 04:32 PM

I love Linehan! Sorry!

I have changed into what is essentially pyjamas so I can wash all my clothes.

long road 14-08-2024 05:52 PM

I am back in A&E for my asthma.

tamobhuuta 14-08-2024 05:59 PM

Oh dear lr. Hugs?

one_step_closer 14-08-2024 06:17 PM

That's one helpful council, Dawn! Mine is awful.

Hope you get all your clothes washed, Tamo.

Oh no, Jen. Sorry to hear that. Hope it's a quick visit at least.

tamobhuuta 14-08-2024 06:43 PM

Hi osc, how's your day been?

long road 14-08-2024 06:54 PM

Hugs very welcome. I have a nice quiet bay in majors and it's as calm as A&E can be. But still.none of the fun. They are just observing and seeing how it goes for now.

tamobhuuta 14-08-2024 07:00 PM

Hugs. I'm glad it's quietish.

long road 14-08-2024 07:42 PM

Might get to go home soon. Signs are encouraging.

tamobhuuta 14-08-2024 07:42 PM

That's good!

long road 14-08-2024 08:18 PM

Been discharged. Just got to the car and we are about to drive home

tamobhuuta 14-08-2024 08:20 PM

Excellent news. What will you do when you get home?

long road 14-08-2024 08:50 PM

We have just got home and ordered takeaway as we hadn't had a chance to cook dinner before I had to go to the hospital. Am watching some you tube now while we wait for food to arrive and will probably try and get a relatively early night after eating something

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