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tamobhuuta 13-04-2024 04:15 PM

Could it have been because of your seizure Cacoethes?

Cacoethes 13-04-2024 07:32 PM

Thanks lindsay

It wasn't a seizure tamo
I genuinely don't know why the psych was insisting that it was. But we have discussed driving since then

tamobhuuta 13-04-2024 08:10 PM

Unfortunately if the psych thinks you've had a seizure they have to report it.

Cacoethes 13-04-2024 08:19 PM

But she said I was still OK to drive and was encouraging me to, saying I should drive around Europe this summer and good luck for my test! This was all after the 'seizure'. Was actually on Monday that she said all this.

tamobhuuta 13-04-2024 08:38 PM

Idk what happened, I just know you have to report seizures.

Cacoethes 13-04-2024 08:44 PM

Yeah I get that. If it was actually a seizure then I would have obviously stopped driving without being told to!

Accidentally Abstract 13-04-2024 10:31 PM

Hey everyone. Sorry you couldn't go to mass Tamo, but hope you had a nice time with your sister. Sorry that you're struggling Lindsay. Hope the shift was bearable Beckie! The stuff with the DVLA sounds so stressful.

I've just got home from helping my sister baby prep and then going for dinner with her and my dad. Really achy for some reason, but glad to have make up off and be in pjs!

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 08:45 AM

Hey Luce!
The shift was not bearable XD
It is very stressful!

Taking makeup off is the best feeling after a long day!

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 14-04-2024 10:05 AM

Morning all. How are you Cacoethes?

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 11:00 AM

I'm ok thanks tamo
How are you? Is your tummy feeling any better?

tamobhuuta 14-04-2024 11:03 AM

I'm ok. I think the dodgy tummy was a prelude to my period! I've taken some ibuprofen. What are you up to today?

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 11:17 AM

Ah that's annoying!

I've got a few things to do.
Put new bedding on and put on a wash, went to asda, currently making brownies. Then need to clean out the piggos, do their washing, shower, put washing away and go and get petrol and going to L's again this evening.

Have you got anything on?

not_so_insig 14-04-2024 11:32 AM

Morning all. I am itchy af this morning. Sadly I have no benadryl :-( .

one_step_closer 14-04-2024 12:20 PM

Hi everyone.

Beckie, you are meant to rest on Sundays!

Are you doing anything nice today, Tamo?

Itchiness is so annoying. I am pretty much always itchy because of my eczema. I hope it settles down, Dawn.

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 12:28 PM

I have too much to do to rest today!

Are you up to much today lindsay?

long road 14-04-2024 12:31 PM

Afternoon everyone!

I am having a slow start to the day as rather tired.

tamobhuuta 14-04-2024 12:38 PM

I'm on my way to my prayer group :) then Mass this evening

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 12:39 PM

Hey jen!

Hope you enjoy it tamo!

long road 14-04-2024 12:43 PM

Hey Beckie! (For some reason Hey Arnold is now in my head XD)

How goes your tasks?

My partner just made me coffee so hopefully I will be more awake soon

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 01:00 PM

Used to love hey Arnold!

First batch of brownies going wrong and my neighbour coming over to mow the lawn has thrown a spanner in the works! I need to wait for her to come over so I can open the window and plug in the lawnmower. I may have to do the boys tomorrow.
But I have made the second batch of brownies which turned out fine and put my washing away.
I'll shower once my neighbour has finished mowing the lawn, which won't take long.
I'll also need to pop back out to aldi to get more eggs, chocolate and butter.

Fingers crossed for awakeness!

long road 14-04-2024 02:01 PM

Wow you are extra busy Beckie!

I am more awake now but still tired.

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 03:22 PM

It has felt fairly busy today!
I have managed to clean out the boys, make a 3rd batch of brownies and shower. Thus concluding all my tasks for today! :-D

Do you have anything to do today?

one_step_closer 14-04-2024 03:26 PM

I went to Tesco to get some shopping and things for the Foodbank then came home and changed my bedding, put a washing on, and cleaned my bathroom. I have finally finished the book I was reading which I did not enjoy at all but I was determined to finish it.

Have you managed to do anything despite being tired, Jen?

How was your prayer group, Tamo? Hope you enjoy Mass later.

Well done for managing all your tasks, Beckie. I hope you have a nice time with L later on.

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 03:29 PM

Sounds busy lindsay!
Well done!

Thanks :)

one_step_closer 14-04-2024 03:31 PM

It didn't take too long. Still have to clean Crookshanks bowls and mats after he has his dinner.

Are you getting in a little rest time, Beckie?

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 03:38 PM

Still quite a few things!

I am! For once XD

long road 14-04-2024 03:44 PM

Not done much. Made a sandwich for lunch, watched some TV, done online shopping order.

one_step_closer 14-04-2024 03:47 PM

That deserves a bigger well done than doing all your tasks, Beckie!

Now I need to know what was in your sandwich and what you have been watching on TV, Jen.

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 03:54 PM

Sounds like a decent Sunday jen!
I too, would like to know what the sandwich contained and what you are watching!

Thanks lindsay :-D

one_step_closer 14-04-2024 03:57 PM

Are you watching/listening to anything, Beckie? I have recently started using Spotify to listen to my old teenage stuff (other than Linkin Park and Muse) and have mostly been listening to Blink 182, Sum 41, and Sugarcult.

Going to a walking group for the first time tomorrow. I need some luck because I will need to be able to get out of bed at a decent time and I'm also actually quite unfit and the walk is an hour long so I hope I don't get too exhausted. I think there are some older people in the group though so the pace shouldn't be too fast. I really don't want people to keep talking to me either!

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 04:00 PM

I'm listening to music currently! Random mix of things
Love all the old pop punk!

Good luck! I hope you enjoy it!
Always daunting doing something new so well done :)

tamobhuuta 14-04-2024 04:49 PM

Well done people doing things.

Good luck tomorrow osc!

My prayer group was good but we've decided to make it longer to fit everything in.

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 04:54 PM

Thanks tamo!

Glad it was good. How are you feeling about a longer group?

long road 14-04-2024 05:10 PM

Sorry got distract d from internetting. My sandwich had salami and a little bit of mayo. I watched master chef, and started the new season of race across the world.

Good luck with walking club Lindsay!

Have a nice time at L's Beckie!

Glad you enjoyed prayer group Tamo.

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 05:22 PM

Haven't had a salami sandwich in ages!
Love them!

Thank you :)

one_step_closer 14-04-2024 05:49 PM

Thanks everyone.

I'm glad your prayer group was good, Tamo. Is it a small group?

I don't think I've ever had a salami sandwich although I may have in a posh meal deal at some point.

long road 14-04-2024 05:55 PM

Salami is cheaper than ham (at least the salami I buy is) how is it posh XD

one_step_closer 14-04-2024 06:18 PM

Is it? It just feels kind of posh to me!

tamobhuuta 14-04-2024 07:00 PM

Agreed, salami is posh.

A longer meeting will be good. There were 5 of us today, including an enquirer. Two people couldn't make it.

long road 14-04-2024 09:36 PM

I guess some salami like the meat platter stuff is posh. But German salami is like 90p a pack from Tesco for 12 slices.

Cacoethes 14-04-2024 09:56 PM

I've never considered salami posh

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 07:20 AM

Morning everyone

Ahimsa 15-04-2024 07:25 AM

Morning Beckie

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 08:48 AM

Hey beth!
How are you?

tamobhuuta 15-04-2024 09:50 AM

Morning people. How are you?

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 09:54 AM

Morning tamo
I'm ok thanks
How are you?

tamobhuuta 15-04-2024 09:57 AM

I'm ok too. I feel like I've got loads to do but in reality it's probably not much. What about you?

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 10:12 AM

I don't have a lot to do today.
Car clean has been cancelled because the weather was awful earlier. Had thunder and lightening! It's ok now, but could start up again at any time, so I don't blame the guy for cancelling. He's coming tomorrow instead.
Other than that, I need to go to aldi and probably meeting L for coffee when she has her lunch break. She's on teacher training today.
Oh and I have a blood test. I can only go if my brother can leave work early though to give me a lift.

What are you up to?

tamobhuuta 15-04-2024 10:16 AM

No thunder or lightning but the rain here has suddenly gone torrential! I'm not walking to Mass if it's like this! I hope you enjoy coffee.

long road 15-04-2024 10:26 AM

Morning Everyone!

I am currently back in bed under my duvet as being up and about was too cold!

It was raining a lot here until about 5 seconds ago. Apparently we are going to get 40mph winds!

Definitely don't go outside in the torrential rain Tamo!

Enjoy your coffee with L Beckie

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