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tamobhuuta 07-01-2023 05:49 PM

That's a lot of guinea pigs! Everyone's pets sound very cute but I couldn't cope with the responsibility. I hope my sister gets a cat soon, then I can just get free cuddles!

Cacoethes 07-01-2023 05:53 PM

It is a lot of responsibility.
But they give more than they take imo!

one_step_closer 07-01-2023 05:57 PM

It's always best to think hard before getting a pet, although some things can't be predicted. My brother got our cats when I was in hospital, my Dad had said no to him but he didn't listen. Then I had to take care of them totally when he moved away. I do love my Crookshanks though and I miss Church.

nonperson 07-01-2023 06:07 PM

I agree that things can't always be predicted. Giving my Simba away was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make.

I don't know that the responsibility of pet ownership is actually something I consider much tbh.0 I guess I just do what I need to do for Geordi and I don't have to think about it because I love him and will do whatever I need to. And the same with giving a pet away, in some respects. They have to be happy and cared for above all else and if you can t provide that then the responsibility falls in making the right and hard decision, however heartbreaking that is. When I get all upset about Simba I just have to remind myself that I did the right thing and he's having a better life somewhere else.

And sometimes owning a pet doesn't seem like the most sensible thing in theory but turns out to be the best =)

Cacoethes 07-01-2023 06:18 PM

I thought about it a lot when i first got them.
I was like 'omg, I'm responsible for other lives now!'
But now i just get on with things. It's become part of my routine!

Also. Was just reminded of Space Pants and now have it in my head.

nonperson 07-01-2023 06:23 PM


When I say SPACE, you say:

nonperson 07-01-2023 06:36 PM

Don't leave me hanging, Beckie =(

Cacoethes 07-01-2023 06:44 PM


Cacoethes 07-01-2023 06:45 PM

I...am Wearing....space Pants!

Cacoethes 07-01-2023 06:45 PM

Ryl stole my caps :(

nonperson 07-01-2023 06:56 PM

Bastard RYL...

Cacoethes 07-01-2023 07:21 PM

Ikr! How dare it.

Zurg 07-01-2023 07:45 PM

I Got Findus because my Council denied my application for a psychiatric service dog. I knew i needed a pet i could physically cuddle and be close to so it could help to Ground me when i start slipping into dissociation. I have my birds and snailzilla and my fish but neither of them appreciate contact.
A bunny was the closest pet i could get to a dog. We're not allowed dogs where i live but in Denmark it's illegal to deny a service dog in whatever kind of home you have so a service dog would be an exception to the House rules. I knew from friends that you can keep a bunny almost like a cat or dog, without a cage and they can be litter trained. And bunnies live for almost as long as a small-ish dog.
Best decision i ever made!!! I've only had him since august last year but he has made such a huge difference to my general mental health.

I could never live without pets again. My tiny terrorists bring something to my life that i expect a lot of other people get from their kids.

Cacoethes 07-01-2023 08:06 PM

Yeah i thought they couldn't deny service dogs?
And tbh i think a service dog would do far less damage than any other pet! Especially rabbits who are known for being pretty disruptive!

I couldn't be without pets either!
Rosa from brooklyn 99 sums it up when she has a puppy 'I've only had arlo for a day and a half and if anything happened to him i would kill everyone in this room and then myself' XD

Zurg 07-01-2023 09:21 PM

Findus doesn’t see himself as a 'messy and disruptive' pet. He just sees my flat as being under his careful bunstruction XD

In Denmark they can deny the application for a psychiatric service dog. They denied mine on the grounds that they haven't yet accepted an application for the reasons i stated in mine. They Said if they were to accept it, i would need to be unable to leave my home on my own due to severe anxiety or ptsd. I can do stuff like shopping and travelling just fine. But often when i start slipping into dissociation, it happens so slowly or subtly that i don't feel the warning signs. But a dog can be trained to Pick up on that Way before any person. And apart from warning me, it would also help to Ground me just by being present and needing attention.

Cacoethes 07-01-2023 09:30 PM

Fair enough XD

ah ok. Kinda makes sense i suppose
Dogs are incredible tbh
They can sense all sorts!
I've heard stories of psych service dogs just randomly approaching strangers who happen to be sad though
And the owners are like....are you ok??

Zurg 07-01-2023 09:35 PM

Hehe, imagine how delightful an admission would be if the hospital had a bunch of service dogs roaming the wards :D

Cacoethes 07-01-2023 09:41 PM

Everyone goes mental when the drug dog comes round XD
One of my local general hospitals often has a therapy mini horse visit the wards

Cacoethes 08-01-2023 10:10 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 08-01-2023 10:27 AM

Morning Cacoethes, how are you?

Cacoethes 08-01-2023 10:53 AM

I'm ok thanks

tamobhuuta 08-01-2023 12:52 PM

I'm ok. Got my prayer group this afternoon, L is taking me. Do you have any plans?

Cacoethes 08-01-2023 01:34 PM

I hope you enjoy it :)

I've just had double pilates. Having a hot chocolate before my eye test at 12:45
Then asda as usual!
I'll also spot clean the boys cage.
Other than that, just chilling i think!

nonperson 08-01-2023 02:01 PM


Cacoethes 08-01-2023 02:53 PM

Hey np!
How be you?

one_step_closer 08-01-2023 03:33 PM

Afternoon everyone.

I hope you enjoy your prayer group, Tamo.

How did your eye test go, Beckie? I hate the puffy air in eye thing.

How are you NP?

nonperson 08-01-2023 03:34 PM

A bit odd. Watching the new year's Taskmaster.

How're you both?

Cacoethes 08-01-2023 03:35 PM

It was fine thanks
Eyesight is worse, as predicted but my eyes are in perfect health. So that's something!

Oooh i forgot about the new years one!

one_step_closer 08-01-2023 03:46 PM

I hope it's not a terrible odd, NP, and that you can get some distraction at least from Taskmaster.

Are you getting new glasses, Beckie? I'm glad your eye health is good.

I'm worrying about having to report changes about my benefits and maybe getting taken off them.

Cacoethes 08-01-2023 03:51 PM

Yep I am.
They'll be ready on the 16th
I'm also doing a free trial of contact lenses. Idk why but i fancy trying them again
They'll let me know when they're in

I understand that worry
But it's best.to report asap, if you don't and they find out, then that could be even more trouble. I know it's a hassle though

one_step_closer 08-01-2023 03:59 PM

Sounds good. I think I'd be too anxious about putting in contact lenses.

I've emailed the Money Matters lady I've been talking to for some advice of if I still fit the categories or not. It's such a worry especially since I'm still waiting to find out how much ESA I owe.

Cacoethes 08-01-2023 04:37 PM

It's not a nice feeling tbh. But you get used to it

Well done for emailing.

one_step_closer 08-01-2023 05:51 PM


What are you up to for the rest of your day?

Cacoethes 08-01-2023 05:52 PM

Will probably do dinner in a bit.
Apart from that, nothing!

tamobhuuta 08-01-2023 05:57 PM

Hi guys, I went to my meeting. Now eating Greggs in a Costa seating area. But I also have a Costa latte so it's ok, right?

one_step_closer 08-01-2023 05:59 PM

Sounds fine to me Tamo, you can't split yourself into two. How was the meeting?

Do you know what you're having for dinner, Beckie?

I'm just doing my usual. Internetting for a while, trying to read, watching TV. There's been a new Casualty on so I'll watch that.

Cacoethes 08-01-2023 06:13 PM

Don't see why not tamo
I think generally, people in retail aren't paid well enough to care about what people are doing in their shops/cafes.

I do not. Possibly a fried egg sandwich.

I haven't watched casualty in years. Probably don't even know anyone in it anymore

one_step_closer 08-01-2023 06:19 PM

That reminds me, I was craving a sausage sandwich for dinner but I had pizza left so I'll need to put a reminder in my phone to have a sausage sandwich tomorrow!

Fried egg sandwiches are good too. Do you like the yolk to be runny or not?

Cacoethes 08-01-2023 06:32 PM

Sausage sandwiches are top tier

I do like a runny yolk, but not in a sandwich because you bite into it and it makes a mess

tamobhuuta 08-01-2023 09:31 PM

Spread the yolk evenly over the bottom layer before you put on the rest of the sandwich.

Cacoethes 08-01-2023 10:02 PM

Oooh yes.

Cacoethes 09-01-2023 10:21 AM

Morning everyone!

Zurg 09-01-2023 10:34 AM

Morning Beckie :)
How are you today??

Cacoethes 09-01-2023 10:40 AM

I'm ok thanks!

not_so_insig 09-01-2023 12:40 PM

Morning all.

one_step_closer 09-01-2023 12:56 PM

Morning, almost afternoon. What are you all getting up to today?

not_so_insig 09-01-2023 12:58 PM

I have nothing to do today other than try and find a cat brush. Then to see if my cat likes to be brushed.

one_step_closer 09-01-2023 01:02 PM

Are you going out to get a brush? Crookshanks likes to rub his face on his brush.

not_so_insig 09-01-2023 01:08 PM

No I have one somewhere in my flat. He shows no interest in toys however so I am reluctant to spend on anything but food in case it's a waste of money/he hates it.

one_step_closer 09-01-2023 01:11 PM

Good luck with the hunt! What age is he? Crookshanks doesn't play with his toys much I think he mostly wants to sleep because he's getting older.

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