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CrazyHayley 30-04-2010 09:45 AM

Well I've caught up with you all and I wish I had the time to 'talk' to you all properly, but alas I'd be here all day! Which I'm afraid I don't have the time to do. But a few things stick in my head...I feel awful when some things seem to stick in my head more than others, I honestly don't want you thinking that I prioritise, but I feel that some things can't go unsaid either....

*huggles Kahlia* you are not 'whatever the words were you used' type of person! I want you here and value you. It's been nearly 2years since I started being a regular in the psych ward, and I remember you being on here and welcoming me (when the time zones allowed) and how you kept us all updated even when you were in hospital having surgery on your shoulder and all the dramas that went along with that. It seems so unfair that things keep happening to you to compound your depression. I wish that I could help more in some way, but alas I'm left with offerring tissues for your tears and huggles for support and hope that it helps in some small way *huggles Kahlia extra and passes tissues*

*throws confetti and pops party poppers* Laura - congrats on your job!!! Thats so good, I love a reason to celebrate *huggles Laura*

*great big group huggles for all my fellow wardies* There are so many of us that I fear on typing names and missing someone out, especially as we've had so many newbies recently and I'm not sure if they were in here for a day or being inmates for a while! But your all welcome and I love giving huggles....though Owen, if you're about, I read that you don't like huggles, so I'll just wave at you.

So Eoghan was told yesterday that he is too valuable and experienced a soldier to be allowed to go on the posting to America, he is needed in Afghanistan. On one hand I'm so proud of him on all that he has achieved and that he is so highly valued, I'm also kind of relieved that I won't be only seeing him during his 'leave' over the next 2years, BUT I so don't know how I'm going to cope with him going to Afghan again. I guess at least this time I shouldn't have the PMDD to cope with as I'll be back on the injection. Gotta count even the small blessings right? Well me and Oliver are voting Green, who knows maybe they'll get in and then withdraw the troops?! *wishful thinking*

I'm off to watch Iron Man 2 at the cinema later. I love films like that and its even better when Robert Downey jr is the lead role!!

I'll check back in a bit later when there may be more people in the common room.

*toddles off to the smoking shelter*

"Oh puppy sinclair!! You joining me outside to do your business?!"

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 09:49 AM

yea sorry i for got to meantion that, owen doesnt like being touch unless no knows the person well

he's around somewhere probably watching something i'll let him out if u wanna talk to him i dont mind

CrazyHayley 30-04-2010 10:18 AM

Oh hi Julie *huggles her* I thought perhaps you'd gone to sleep! I can only imagine what its like for you to try and keep tabs on your alters. I don't know too much about the condition, so I hope I don't ever offend. I'm also easily pleased on who I talk to - as long as they are kind natured - so whatever is best for you. The same goes for Kat, as I know she has alters too. *huggles kat wherever she may be in ward*

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 10:20 AM

more then one of us can be out at the same time sometimes it's strange i've never been diginosed

Doikers 30-04-2010 10:24 AM

I got a letter with a date for a medical for a benifit I didn't know I applyed for . my social worker rang them , can't get through it keeps cutting off so he sais to go to the jobcentre and they will sort it , I walk down there in the rain and they say they don't deal with it ring the number ! *SIGH*

Bed at 7 last night , asleep at 7.30pm woke and brekkie at 4am back to bed up at 8.30 .
Heard letter box at 8 ish it was my dad dropping this letter as they sent it to my parents house despite the other benefits people knowing my new address!
Time for Coffee .
*Leaves Coffee , Tea , Hot Chocolate , and Cola on the table and sinks into my corner*

Frustrated !! Caffine isn't a great idea but I'll moderate it :S

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 10:27 AM

i need to shower be back

CrazyHayley 30-04-2010 10:29 AM

Ah I don't really understand it either Julie - it must be confusing at times! but its amazing what our brain does to help us through situations. Perhaps April knows more about it what with her psych studies! *huggles Julie and waves at Owen*

*huggles mark* wow thats been an eventful morning for you! Thanks for the coffee. I've just had another fag in preparation for phoning the jobcentre about a work based interview...the letter was also sent to my nan's, who I moved out of over 2years ago! I've been putting phonecall off, but I need to do it as today is my last sane day! I hope I don't keep getting cut off...eek!

frenchhorn 30-04-2010 10:37 AM

feel sick, just got phone call from someone in uni, head of school wants to see me at 5 today, but I'm in a rehearsal, so she will ring back next week to arrange a time, seeing teacher to discuss stuff in 20mins, scared about that, which is stupid I know, so freaking tired.

Doikers 30-04-2010 10:41 AM


today is my last sane day!
Hayley , when is your Sanity injection??

*hugs Oliver* sorry you're scared:(

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 10:42 AM

ok 'm outta the shower be back soon

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 11:09 AM

ok i'm back lol

Doikers 30-04-2010 11:20 AM

Hi julie :) *waves*

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 11:21 AM

hi is it ok if i comes out

Doikers 30-04-2010 11:28 AM

It's ok with me , hi:)

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 11:29 AM

i is owen -yawns- meant be sleeping

Doikers 30-04-2010 11:33 AM

Hi Owen , I'm Mark , aren't you tired if you are meant to be sleeping?

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 11:34 AM

no i no like sleeping

MammaMia 30-04-2010 11:35 AM

*hugs everyone, except those who don't want to be :)*

Well that appointment went well, huzzah, glad I've gone now. One more painful period to do now. So bit like Hayley, but obviously different things *squishes*

Doikers 30-04-2010 11:38 AM

*Hugs Helen* Well done on going :)
I spy an April a Helen and a Moi!

Doikers 30-04-2010 11:42 AM


Well that appointment went well, huzzah

I've never heard anyone say huzzah exept Monty Burns on the Simpons lol made me smile :)

Scarletdreamer 30-04-2010 11:46 AM

Yes yes I am here!! :D

Just got up as a matter of fact, am in my pjs still... lol.

There were 5 pages of posts since I last posted, and I posted LATE for me, past 8pm, haha... I know that's kind of pitiful but still... we went to bed around 9:30pm and I fell asleep pretty damn fast. So tired. Am still really tired but am feeling okay now. But basically, can't respond to all of the posts - I do know that Hayley mentioned something about me knowing summat about DID (dissociative identity disorder) due to my psych studies, but I don't really know a ton either. I am pretty sure that the alters can't know each other to the "core's" (which would be Julie in this case, I think) knowledge... but I am not positive about that. I don't know. I've had a similar experience with dissociation, had a part of me, the angry child, that I named Tabitha, but that was in 2005/2006 and since then, with work in therapy, she's been integrated back into my personality. For the most part, anyway!! lol... she did come out in 2007 when I was still living with my parents and my mum searched my room for "tools" (if you get what I mean).

Blah. Anyway, soz if that didn't make any sense at all...

*cuddles everyone who wants cuddles*

Scarletdreamer 30-04-2010 11:47 AM

Lol, I say "huzzah" ... how are you doing, Mark? You had breakfast quite early!! :P Hope it didn't upset your tummy. What're your plans for the day??

Hels, I spy you!! :D (you dropped your invisibility cloak!!)

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 11:52 AM

i is big boy i isnt going to cry -curls up small- i didnt mean to wake th daddy person up but i did and he yelled

Doikers 30-04-2010 11:54 AM

April *Hugs* Plans for the day hmm , I might go for a walk if the rain holds off ,can't do to much physically as my back keeps twinges :(
Today I'm going not to stress about all the letters people have sent me this week , (Won't list them all , that would make me focus on them) .at least I'm going to TRY and not stress . What about you April , you have Uni today? or maybe some WoW?

I dreamt I had yogurts last night , is that symbolic?:S lol

MammaMia 30-04-2010 12:05 PM

Thanks for the well done's, really am proud. Oh gosh, it was bit embrassing. I had a medical student in, thought he was going to sit in, then realised he wanted to take it. So felt really guilty in asking the GP to do it. If it been about something else, I would have happily let him, probably. Don't know why I'm dizzy/fainting yet, but investigations have started :) She suspects anaemia(sp) at the moment...

Huzzah rocks :P

Got to go out soon, go to jobcentre interview, go see my mum & then go upto hospital for my blood test! Then come home & get my treat for my achievements :P

Doikers 30-04-2010 12:07 PM

OOOH Helen , what are you treating yourself too :)?

MammaMia 30-04-2010 12:15 PM

Ben&Jerry's ice cream :D We do have ice lollies in the freezer, but it's a very rare treat ^_^

I spy a Hayley :D

CrazyHayley 30-04-2010 12:17 PM

*huggles Oliver* I hope the discussion with your tutor went ok. Its crummy that you're feeling so scared at the moment *extra safe huggles*

*huggles Mark* my sanity injection isn't until 17th may, I have to complete this cycle before I could go back onto it. So just one more lot of PMDD thank goodness, i just need to keep focused on that, when I start to lose the plot, to try and remind myself its only temporary. Anyhoo, I hope your day of not stressing works, hopefully the rain will hold off and you can go for a walk to take your mind off of things.

*huggles Julie and waves at Owen* you still up?! What time is it where you are now?! Its 12.11pm as I type this. Hope that you're both ok.

*huggles Helen* I'm glad that you got through gp appointment and that you too only have one more period to go through. Good luck with the rest of your days activites, be sure to come in the common room when you're done so we can celebrate your achievements with you.

*huggles April* morning! I'm still in my pj's and its gone midday for me, so I wouldn't worry about it! And everyone has their own sleep cycle, it makes sense for you to go to bed 'early' when you get up 'early' - to you, its just normal routine. Anyhoo, hope that your day goes well.

So sorted out the jobcentre phonecall - although only so that it'll change departments due to my change of address, so I've got to wait for another letter and then phone up again about that one....probably whilst I'm irrational and highly over emotional, oh joy....I must try not to worry about it though until it happens.

Not going out til about 5pm this evening for cinema and then Eoghan has booked a table for us at Italian restaurant....oooh.... Anyhoo, so I'm going to have a lazy day and play on WoW for a bit now. I've not played in 15days - what's that all about?!

*plonks self down in corner with laptop to play WoW and become emersed as her mage gnome Roseleigh*

MammaMia 30-04-2010 12:19 PM

Will do Hayley :D Obviously I will still have periods, but no more painful ones :D *squishes* Better have an early lunch as I have to go soon. So not in the mood to go out again, but it'll be worth it ;)

CrazyHayley 30-04-2010 12:19 PM

*peeks over top of laptop and sees that Kahlia is awake*

*huggles Kahlia* how're you doing at the moment? Any better than earlier?

CrazyHayley 30-04-2010 12:21 PM

Ah helen, I thought perhaps they were giving you the depo injection to take your periods away so that they wouldn't be painful. But anyhoo, glad its sorted and we can both look forward to next months womanly stuff not getting in the way.....

Sorry men if this is all too much information for you! lol

MammaMia 30-04-2010 12:26 PM

Yes, the poor men :P

We both have to have one more evil peroid don't we :P I know I do...

Anyway, really should gbo make me lunch!!!!!!!

Doikers 30-04-2010 01:49 PM

I spotted an April ! Whatchaupta?

Scarletdreamer 30-04-2010 01:50 PM

Awh pewpy, I'm the only one in the thread right now, unless the lunch-making Helen is in here wearing her invisibility cloak. :D *cuddles all*

Hayley, do enjoy playing some WoW!! Where are you questing now? Westfall or the Wetlands or Duskwood? Or Darkshore... just got my rogue to level 18 with that, teamed up with a level 25 hunter to do the quest "Wanted: Murkdeep" (how I HATE murlocs!!) - almost died but I got the quest done for it. :D Sorry for the non-WoW-players... lol... And I hope that you manage to get through this next cycle okay... PMDD sounds awful indeed. I'm blessed to have periods that aren't so bad but they still do suck. Heh. *cuddles*

Hels, good luck with the rest of your day!! It sounds awfully busy... & about the fainting/dizziness, are you sure you're eating/drinking enough? *cuddles*

Heya Owen, seems like you ought to be in bed, I dunno though... must be late where you are as it's just getting to 9am here in the Northern Hemi. How are you doing?

I'm so tired... :( of course, lol... it's as though I am never NOT tired. :( GRRRR.

Today's plan... ummm... well, I have to do a reflection journal post for advanced counseling, as it's due today by 4pm... then I NEED to go see my soc prof in between 1:30-3:30pm today sometime to talk about my last test (on which I barely got a 70% - a C - SO unlike me)... but I've played some WoW too. As I said, I got my rogue to ding lvl 18... so am happy about that. That's on Grizzly Hills server, Hayley (my rogue on Silvermoon is lvl 45). I usually play on Silvermoon but our guild is mostly defunct now since the GM went to college after being out of school for 20+ years. My only 80 is on Silvermoon, though :( as are my other two high levels, a 61 shadow/discipline priest (dual-specced) and a 72 ret pally. So I/we (hubby and I) started playing on a different server, and the guild there - while not thriving - is much more active than ours on Silvermoon is. :) Anyway, sorry for the rambles... :o

How is everyone doing so far today? (and I'm dressed now, although I need to "do my hair" - i.e., brush it out of its braid... lol)


Scarletdreamer 30-04-2010 01:50 PM

Mark, are you invisible?! hehe... *cuddles* How are you??

Doikers 30-04-2010 01:54 PM

I'm weird ,that to say I feel weird , I probably AM weird too .:S
trying not to dwell on bad/stressful stuff *Hugs*

frenchhorn 30-04-2010 01:59 PM

had a good chat with my horn teacher, got to see head of school at some point, also got my teacher to sign my deed poll, so my name is legally now Oliver, that makes me pleased, although I now have to go round telling everyone like banks and stuff, which is going to be a pain.

sorry for no individual replies, I've got to rush off in a minute, will reply later properly when I have time.

*cuddles all who want cuddles, waves at Owen, if he is around*

Doikers 30-04-2010 02:07 PM

Thats so cool Oliver :) that you are now an official Oliver :-)

MammaMia 30-04-2010 02:37 PM

I spy April && JK <3

*hugs everyone*

Am back....again!!!

jonikd 30-04-2010 02:46 PM

*cuddles Helen tight*

*hugs everyone else* all a bit much in here for me right now, but I'll keep an eye on you lot so behave OK?!

MammaMia 30-04-2010 03:00 PM

*hugs JK tight* I think you could do with lots of hugs :D

jonikd 30-04-2010 03:09 PM

Thanks Helen, those are awesome cuddles.You have a natural talent ;)

MammaMia 30-04-2010 03:13 PM

Darn right I do :D

I looooooove hugging people :P Well...only nice people ;)

jonikd 30-04-2010 03:20 PM

*smiles and hugs more* Cos I reckon I a nice person

MammaMia 30-04-2010 03:26 PM

You are more than a nice person, you're lovely

*cuddles lots*

jonikd 30-04-2010 03:29 PM

*blushes & disagrees but hugs and says goodnight*

Thanks huh, hope you doing ok Helen xx

Scarletdreamer 30-04-2010 03:41 PM

I spy a Helen!! :D *cuddles* How you doing, sweetie?

Just took a hot bath with aromatherapy... oil of lemongrass and cardamom if I'm correct. :) It felt heeeeeeavenly. :D And now I'm all dressed & ready for the day. Woohoo.

*cuddles JK* Hope you're alright, love. Update us when you can on how you're doing!!

MammaMia 30-04-2010 03:48 PM

JK - You are darling. Goodnight xx

April, sounds lovely :)

Scarletdreamer 30-04-2010 04:59 PM

It was lovely... hehe. :)

Jehovah's Witnesses just came to our door. >_< I hate it when they do that. We're already Christian, we don't need people who believe in things we don't coming to preach to us. ARGH. Just annoying... :-/

Have to go to campus shortly... fun fun. :-/ I cancelled tutoring though, so I don't have to worry about sitting in a room all by myself for a few hours. :) That's good. I do have to go see my prof though, about that exam. GRRRR!!!!

Just got off WoW. Rogue dinged 19. :D I'm happy about that... my goal is for level 20 so she can get a mount... I have a lot of toons on that server around level 20... lol. Hunter, lvl 28. Priest, lvl 22. And now rogue, lvl 19. Heehee.

*bounces on the bouncy chair in the corner*

*cuddles everyone*


Doikers 30-04-2010 05:38 PM

AAwwww April , I dislike Jehovah's witness's knocking me up too , but my Dad , well he launchs into a full blown debate with them :)

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