![]() |
Hi Lorraine!
Hope you get on ok with your housework. Not the most fun thing to do but has to be done! I got it back thanks. It was all still warm from the tumble dryer and smells lovely! |
Glad you got your washing. One less thing to worry about.
Thanks. It definitely is!
At least now I've got clean clothes for a while now. Will be able to get a new washing machine in the new year as my mum is lending me the money for one. :) |
That's good of your mum. I know how stressful it is not having one. When mine broke I was so annoyed and grateful to have a new one.
Yes its very good of her. She knows there is no way I'd be able to afford one myself. I can pay her back in installments which will be helpful.
It is very stressful. You never really appreciate your washing machine properly until you don't have it! I can't wait to get a new one |
Oh that's good Beckie, I'm glad you can get a new washing machine! I hope you have fun on your date tonight! :D
I know. I was lucky having my sister live so close to me. At least you know there is that same place you got your laundry done today you can use. I hope you get a new one soon though.
Evening all.
Hello! How are we all this evening?
Hannah! How are you?
Hello Hannah and Amy.
How are you, Lorraine?
Hi Lorraine! Hi Amy! I'm good thank you :) How are you both?
I'm low but that's not for this thread.
How are you? It's freezing today. I got caught in rain and hail stones today. I'm still freezing. |
How are you both?
I hope you warm up soon. If you want to pm, feel free.
Thanks Amy. I'll be fine. Just lying in bed trying to ride it out.
I've got my heating on so hopefully I'll soon heat up. What you up to? Watching house? |
Aye. I am indeed. Are you watching anything?
No. I can't think what to watch. I think I just want silence. I might read for a bit before I go to sleep.
That sounds like a good idea. I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks Amy.
I'm waiting on meds so I can sleep. There's a new woman in my room and she's really annoying. I hope she lets us sleep tonight.
I hope the woman doesn't bug you and that you get a good nights sleep.
Evening guys.
Hope you've warmed up now Lorraine! Hopefully the meds will help you sleep through the noise amy. It's horrible having a noisy roommate in hospital. They usually settle down though. I had a good time on my date :) |
Hope you all sleep well!
Glad you had a good time Beckie! Who won?! |
He won....but we are going to arrange a rematch! I blame the fact I had a stomach ache and also a couple of beers :p
Off to bed now. Thought I had clozapine clinic tomorrow but it's actually on Friday so yay for lie in tomorrow! Good night guys. Sleep well! |
Early morning all!
Morning! How are you today Katy? I woke up before my alarm today, not impressed!
I'm okay, not looking forward to this stupid group I have to go to each Thursday but it's only two hours out of my life, and I'm going to go and get myself a burger or something from the tiny Christmas market in centre of my town to treat myself after :P
How are you apart from not impressed with beating your alarm? :P |
I hope the group goes okay lovely. A Christmas market burger sounds like a good plan for afterwards - you will definitely have earned a treat! :)
I'm okay thanks, got work today after like a week and a half off so I'm quite looking forward to that! |
Morning guys!
Hope your group goes ok Katy! Getting a burger sounds like a good plan!! Have fun at work Hannah! Well, fun might be the wrong word but have a good day!! :) |
Walked out of the group.
Hope work goes okay Hannah! How are you Beckie? |
Sorry to hear you couldn't cope with the group.
In my experience, sometimes walking out of a group is necessary if it's just going to make you more agitated if you stay. I'm ok thanks. Need to go to asda at some point for coke and fags (staple diet!) And going to pop into the vape shop to get some liquid for my e-cig which I've never used so I need them to show me how it works! Won't be able to smoke over Christmas so I need some form of nicotine! |
That sounds like a fantastic diet Beckie :P :D
Haha! Yep! Very healthy :p
Afternoon all.
It's freezing. I always seem to be moaning here about the cold. I hope you guys are keeping warm in this weather. |
Hi Lorraine.
It's not that bad here today weather wise. Hope you're keeping warm! What are you up to today? |
Sorry you're feeling so cold lovely.
I went back into town, alone (big deal for me) and had some of a burger rather than sitting at home sulking, although I may have slightly bought a jumper I can't afford in Primarni :P |
That's really good that you made it back into town Katy! I'm glad you manged a bit of a burger. :)
Primarni is dangerous when you have no money! I bought a dress from there last week. It was only £4 but still more than I could really afford! I do need more clothes though. |
Well done Katy! <3
Haha, it's Christmas, everyone spends too much at Christmas therefore it's okay :P I only had to be at work for half my shift today because we don't have anyone in - everyone has decided to postpone having a crisis until after Christmas clearly :P So then I went shopping instead, oops! |
Ha ha we should all start a club: shoppers anonymous (first meeting in Primarni :P)
Sounds like a good plan to me :P
Hi Hannah!
Yay for finishing early!! What kind of shopping did you do? Food? Clothes? Presents? Aardvarks? I bough a small box of celebrations for the clozapine nurses when I go for my blood test tomorrow. It's taking all the willpower I posses not to eat them!! I guess I could eat them and get another box tomorrow....... |
I'm glad everyone's enjoying their shopping. Katy, I hope you enjoyed your burger.
I'm having a lazy day. I had an appointment but now I'm back in my flat catching up on washings and trying to relax. |
I hope you manage to relax a bit Lorraine. Is there anything that usually helps you to do that?
Yes Beckie I bought myself some aardvarks :P Nah, if I was going to buy some weird animals it would be sloths and flamingos! I actually bought myself some new clothes (which I did not need!) and boots (which I also did not need!). And a sandwich (which I did need). That's nice of you to get chocolates for the nurses! I want to be a bad influence and tell you to eat them but I feel like you'd probably regret it if you did since you've been doing so well with Slimming World! |
Music sometimes helps. Watching stuff on DVD or YouTube also helps.
It sounds like you did a good shop. I plan to shop for new clothes after the new year. |
That sounds like a good plan. Have you got any good DVDs to watch? I am loving watching Christmas films at the moment.
I also plan to shop for new clothe after the new year :P I need a going out dress so I'm going to look in the sales! |
Lazy day sounds good Lorraine! Hope you manage to relax a bit :)
Sloths are awesome! They are so cute and so chilled! Well, it is christmas! If this isn't a time to treat yourself then I don't know what is! Slimming world has completely gone out of the window this month! I think I'll have to start all over again in January! The celebrations are on my armchair. I can almost hear them say 'open me! Open me!' |
Pass me a celebration! Is that the ones with snickers and galaxy in them?
I like sloths too. |
I relate to sloths! :P
Well if you're opening them I'll have one too. I like the maltesers ones! |
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