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I hope your appointment starts soon.
I’m ok thanks. Right, I’m going to get ready to go to the shop. I badly need to go. |
Apparently she isn't going to turn up now. She didn't bother letting me know. I hate social workers :/
Have a good outing Lorraine! |
That’s ridiculous. She should have let you know.
Thanks. |
Yeah I know. This is the third time she's done this. Oh well.
Ugh i hate it when they do that rebecca.
So annoying! Ive just spend ages copying up my science notes and drawing a detailed diagram of a cell! And coloured it in :p |
Yay colouring! Lol
I dont normally like colouring that much (too many years of being forced to do it in hospitals!)
But i fancied doing it today for some reason! |
Sounds like you are making nice study notes.
I’m back from the shop. Glad it’s over with. I bought Linda McCartney’s sausages and fresh mash. I’ll be having that tonight. Yum. I forgot to buy fruit though. Very annoying. I’ll be out tomorrow, so I’ll get it then. |
Sounds yummy!
Im not sure what im having for dinner. Not got much in. Payday on Tuesday though! But at least pasta is really cheap! |
That sucks about the social worker letting you down Rebecca.
Glad you did some productive colouring Beckie :) |
Pasta wins life!
Just phoned my Dad to say not coming round tomorrow, this storm looks really bad, although it's calm here now.
Pasta is always a good option. I bought more pasta and sauces. I like to keep that in the flat for days when I can’t get out.
Sorry to hear the weather's stopping you see your Dad Chris. Hope the storm isn't too bad if it hits.
That’s a shame Chris. I hope the storm isn’t too bad.
Pasta is always a good go to.
Easy to do as well |
How did you manage that?!
You're such a special being :p |
To this day, I don't even know.
All pasta sauces seem to be 99% tomato and I'm not a fan of that, so I never try any. I usually just mix it with tuna and sweet corn.
Hmm that's a fair point Rebecca, though if you like cheese there's a few cheese based sauces such as carbonara which I know from friends you can do a veggie version of. Unless you're vegan? Damn, can't remember if you are veggie or vegan-I suck :P And I suck even more because you just said you like tuna :P
Cheese is life
Mac and cheese is the best. Mmmmmmm
I think I've successfully put us all in a cheese coma :P
I’m looking forward to my veggie sausages and mash. I’ll have it later though.
Love mac and cheese!
Best stay indoors to be safe. Hope it isn’t too bad.
What’s everyone doing tonight. I’m going to sew. I’m in the middle of making an owl for my sister. It’s so ridiculous! Also going to make more bags. |
Definitely play it safe, as Lorraine said.
Sewing sounds good, an owl should be interesting-make sure you post it in the look what I made thread! I am watching TV patting myself on the back for having a productive yesterday and today. |
Im watching tv and will make pasta soon.
Sorry things are hard Beckie. Maybe update your support thread and then people can help you. It’s good to talk it through. Although distracting with tv is good too.
I’m still catching up on the last series of the Big Bang. I’m way behind.
^ Shameful :P
I know! I’m a disgrace!!! *wails*
Beckie I just saw your thread and I’ve posted.
There are people in the stairway of my flat making a noise. I wish they would go away.
Sorry guys, thought i managed to edit it before anyone saw!
Thanks for support <3 And no I haven't seen the new episodes of big bang! That sounds really annoying lorraine. Hope they move soon! |
I hope so too. It makes me anxious. I think it’s people doing some work in one of the flats.
Id be anxious too.
I even hate it when people are talking and walking past my house. |
Thankfully they have gone, so I’m starting to calm down.
I’m hungry now, so I’ve put my dinner on. Looking forward to it. |
Thats good.
Ive just eaten my dinner. Still pretty hungry though! Might have a yogurt. |
Yogurt sounds a good plan. I wish I’d remembered to buy fruit. Very annoying. I’ll buy it tomorrow.
Have you got anything planned for the weekend? I have my writing group tomorrow and then I’m meeting my dad in the west end for a cheeky pint. There are some fruit and veg shops there. I might get some nice fruit from them. |
It is really annoying when you forget something at the shop!
I forgot the hot chocolate and im annoyed! Not really. Seeing crisis tomorrow which will probably take a good chunk of the day as im going to them. Sounds like you've got a good day planned! |
That sounds like a great day tomorrow Lorraine.
Yoghurts are nommy. Hope the crisis team are helpful Beckie. |
I hope it goes well with crisis.
I just hope I’m more awake tomorrow. I’m determined to go though. |
Do you have any plans Katy?
Thanks guys :)
Not really, maybe some college reading/work. I am a saddo with no life :P
Same tbh :p
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