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Eska 05-07-2017 11:26 PM

Nor have I but it doesn't surprise me

Eska 05-07-2017 11:27 PM

Aw what colour were you going to go for Lillie?

FabulousMike 05-07-2017 11:28 PM

Anyway, past my bedtime.

Night guys!

chinahorse 05-07-2017 11:30 PM

Night night :)

Pastel blue but I couldn't find it.

Eska 05-07-2017 11:32 PM

G'night Mike

That's a shame :( It would suit you

chinahorse 05-07-2017 11:35 PM

Yeah but it's such a lot of money as I have log hair and loads of it and I'd have to bleach it first.

Eska 05-07-2017 11:37 PM

That's true. I wimped out of bleaching my hair and just put purple over what I have. Plus it's not so long and pretty fine.

Shy_Bambi 05-07-2017 11:37 PM

Good night Mike!

I'm going to head to bed too actually. Goodnight all!

Eska 05-07-2017 11:38 PM

Night Rebecca! Sleep well

chinahorse 05-07-2017 11:43 PM

Probably best for you hair love! What sort of purple is it?

Night rebecca.

Eska 05-07-2017 11:45 PM

It's a bright purple technically, but it comes up quite subtle on my hair. I'll send you a pic :)

chinahorse 05-07-2017 11:50 PM

It looks great.

Eska 05-07-2017 11:52 PM

Danke schoen! I really like how it's turned out

chinahorse 05-07-2017 11:55 PM

Love it when this gs turn out well with hair.

I'm playing the if I go to sleep right now I have precisely 10 hours 5 mins and 40 seconds to sleep game.

Eska 05-07-2017 11:58 PM

I'm playing the "my gp told me to get less sleep so I would be less tired so I'ma stay up late" game. Not sure it's the wisest but we'll see! Last night I didn't get all that many hours so we'll see how today/tonight goes...

chinahorse 06-07-2017 12:00 AM

Not sure the gp meant don't sleep at all like...

Eska 06-07-2017 12:02 AM

Heh, true. And my mood definitely wasn't like this when I saw them! Butttt if I go to bed now I can get a reasonable seven or eight hours which I figure counts as sensible!

chinahorse 06-07-2017 12:03 AM

That is actually a sensible amount. Well 8 is for legit adults but I'm not a legit adult and need 9 to 9 and a half.

chinahorse 06-07-2017 12:06 AM

Anyhow night love x

Eska 06-07-2017 12:07 AM

It'll be fine as long as I don't wake up at half six again! Either way on that note I should try to sleep and see what happens... I'm not putting money on it but we'll see

Eska 06-07-2017 12:07 AM

Goodnight honey, I hope you sleep well x

chinahorse 06-07-2017 01:45 AM

I keep having nightmares :(

Eska 06-07-2017 06:53 AM

Oh no :( Did you manage to get some sleep in the end?

I woke up at half six as predicted!

chinahorse 06-07-2017 07:07 AM

Morning :)

I did yeah but I had to sleep with my fairy lights on and my door bolted.

Well at least you got some sleep?

FabulousMike 06-07-2017 07:53 AM


chinahorse 06-07-2017 07:57 AM

Hallo :) hope you slept ok?

Eska 06-07-2017 08:19 AM

Morning Mike! How's you today?

FabulousMike 06-07-2017 08:27 AM

I had an okay sleep, wasn't the best but had worse.

I'm good thanks, how are we all?

chinahorse 06-07-2017 08:37 AM

Glad you're good Mike.

Ways everyone up to today then? I have so much to do and no motivation. I have numerous jobs and a flat inspection at 11 so the estate agent can take photos and I'm worried they will kick off at the state of the house even though my room is tidy and it's not my mess. And the washers broken but no chance of getting that fixed now. Grr. Can't wait to have my own place!

FabulousMike 06-07-2017 08:41 AM

Nothing to do today.

Ugh house inspection sounds no fun! Make sure you explain it's not your mess though if they mention it!

Eska 06-07-2017 08:44 AM

I don't have anything to dooooooooo so I don't know what to do with today!

Lillie that sounds kind of stressful :/ I hope they don't kick off at you or anything! Hopefully they will be able to see that your room is nice and tidy

chinahorse 06-07-2017 08:53 AM

I'm worried they will try to make me clean it anyway because they need the photos as it's going on the market.

Oh no eska. Sunbathe with a book?

Eska 06-07-2017 08:58 AM

That's a good idea! Now I just need to wait for the sun to come out. And I do actually have a book to read! Also need to go to the library to return a couple of others. Assuming the library is open. I think maybe they have like a postbox thing where you can return books anyway?

chinahorse 06-07-2017 09:02 AM

It's not out where you are?! I don't think it went in where I am lol.

Libraries smell soooooo good. Maybe Google search to see if it's open?

I should get in the bath as it'd be hella awkward if I was in it when the inspection people come. :/

Eska 06-07-2017 09:09 AM

Yeah you might want to get a move on with that!

We have white clouds at the moment. I think it's supposed to clear up later maybe though?

I'm sure that even if the little library here isn't open the big one up in town will be so maybe I'll see and then take the train down there if it is closed... And I could go shopping too! Don't know what I'd be after mind you.

chinahorse 06-07-2017 09:11 AM

Hmm if I remember it's meant to clear.

Hmmmmm a unicorn. Pretty sure they sell those in town.

Eska 06-07-2017 09:14 AM

Yes! A unicorn! I knew there was something on my list. And then I can ride it home and it'll save me getting the train back.

I nearly bought new approach shoes as well as new walking boots yesterday but didn't... and I don't know if I can without blasting my staff account into little pieces! So will have to hold off on that.

chinahorse 06-07-2017 09:19 AM

Haha new shoes are so tempting though.

Eska 06-07-2017 09:28 AM

Yep! And these are ones I thought about buying last year and didn't, and I didn't realise they would be in this year's range again so I thought I'd missed my chance with them!

chinahorse 06-07-2017 09:54 AM

Ooo that's even better. I wouldn't be able to resist those either

MunchBox 06-07-2017 10:32 AM

Hello guys.

Just walked back from the GP and I'm a soaked with sweat.
It's bloody warm, isn't it?

Eska 06-07-2017 10:38 AM

Tis! I love it though.
Was the GP ok?

MunchBox 06-07-2017 10:42 AM

Haha, I'd like it if I can some summer appropriate clothes.
Currently wearing a beanie hat to tame the fro.

GP went okay, probably gonna have to listen to them for a change.

How are you?

Cacoethes 06-07-2017 10:45 AM

Heey guys!

chinahorse 06-07-2017 10:48 AM

Glad the gp went ok Mary. Summer clothes are a must in this heat!

Morning beckie, how's the neck pain?

Eska 06-07-2017 10:55 AM

I'm wearing climbing shorts and they're super comfy! And listening to GPs is a regrettable must occasionally...

I'm good, just discovered I don't have the focus to read though so will have to come up with some alternative way to amuse myself. Might do some art - what should I draw?

Hi Beckie! How are you doing today?

Cacoethes 06-07-2017 10:56 AM

Still painful but a little better i think thanks Lillie
Im ok thanks eska!

How are you guys?

I forgot to put my bin out last night so i missed collection :(

chinahorse 06-07-2017 11:00 AM

Oh no beckie. Hopefully the bin wasn't that full!

chinahorse 06-07-2017 11:02 AM

My landlords here and it's awkward.

Cacoethes 06-07-2017 11:03 AM

I think i can cope. Luckily i don't get through that many bin bags because of living alone. I think it will be a bit of a squeeze though!

That sounds awkward lillie :/
How long are they there for?

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