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chinahorse 03-07-2017 10:27 AM

Morning. Hope you managed some sleep in the end rebecca.

What's everyone's plans for today?

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 10:49 AM

Morning guys

How are we all?

Im not up to much Lillie. Just asda and driving lesson later! You?

FabulousMike 03-07-2017 11:03 AM

Beckie going to Asda? I am in shock :P

I've got the gas man coming today so staying in for that fun.

chinahorse 03-07-2017 12:17 PM

Lol beckie could guessed you were off to asda :p hope you enjoy the driving lesson.

Boring waiting in Mike. Hope you find something to entertain yourself with.

I have no plans. I've been to the hospital for an appointment and may go into town later for something to do and to pay my sick pay into the bank.

not_so_insig 03-07-2017 01:01 PM

I have received a autograph in the post today. I am mixed emotionally because I started a book last night and a character died near the beginning which is not what I needed.

I am waiting for my amazon parcel so I have to be in all day.

FabulousMike 03-07-2017 01:41 PM

Gas inspector come, all is well in the Mike household.

Going to town is a good idea, even if it's just for half hour, it's good to get out.

I'm sorry to hear you're emotional, Dawn.

Sketchy 03-07-2017 01:56 PM

Good afternoon everyone.

I'm in Asda just now. Having some lunch in the cafe before I shop.

FabulousMike 03-07-2017 01:58 PM

Everyone's loving Asda today!

Sketchy 03-07-2017 02:01 PM

Haha I wouldn't say I'm loving Asda. I need to buy food and want to look at the clothes.

What you up to?

FabulousMike 03-07-2017 02:07 PM

Asda is great, clothing shopping however is not great.

Not up to much, I'm being boring.

Sketchy 03-07-2017 02:10 PM

Clothes shopping is boring, but I want new dresses for going away next month that doesn't cost much.

A tiny bird from outside flew into the cafe.

not_so_insig 03-07-2017 02:14 PM

My amazon parcel has arrived. I can go out now.

Sketchy 03-07-2017 02:15 PM

That's great Dawn. It's annoying having to wait in.

I've finished my lunch, so I'm off to do my shopping now.

FabulousMike 03-07-2017 02:15 PM

Ah shopping to go away is a bit more fun, for some reason.

Aww bird, you don't belong in Asda, silly.

Yay, that is good news, Dawn.

not_so_insig 03-07-2017 02:19 PM

There's nothing on the telly unless you like sport. I am considering carrying on with my book.

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 02:26 PM

Just woken up from a nap. Oops! :/

FabulousMike 03-07-2017 02:41 PM

Maybe if the book upsets you you shouldn't read it.

Good nap, Beckie?

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 02:43 PM

It was a good nap thank you!

You up to much mike?

FabulousMike 03-07-2017 02:44 PM

See I never got into napping, I just don't like doing it.

Nah, just being lazy. You?

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 02:51 PM

I never used to until a few weeks ago!
I dont know what happened to me!
Even when Jasmine was a newborn and the staff offered to take her so I could nap for a few hours after being up all night but I never napped!!
Maybe I'm just getting old!

Same tbh!
Will set off to asda after this episode of cant pay we'll take it away

FabulousMike 03-07-2017 02:54 PM

You are not getting old! You already are...:P

I love Can't Pay!

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 02:57 PM

How old are you anyway?
(I dont expect a serious answer from you tbh)

Me too! If I'm ever going to end up on tv, this is the show I'm most likely going to end up on :p

FabulousMike 03-07-2017 03:00 PM

I am 26 years young!

I was thinking that for myself! Or one of those serial killer shows...

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 03:05 PM

Ha! You're older than me! :p

I am concerned
Would you be the victim or the killer..... :ermm:

chinahorse 03-07-2017 03:07 PM

Lol I'm likely to end up on tgat show too the way my life is going.

FabulousMike 03-07-2017 03:09 PM

Only time will tell, only time will tell ;)

Ohh we will all be TV stars!

Sketchy 03-07-2017 03:35 PM

Hey all.

I'm back from Asda. I got myself a new dress.

I love a nap. Tempted to have one just now.

Sketchy 03-07-2017 03:35 PM

But then I am old. :(

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 03:45 PM

Hey lorraine.
Its nice to get new clothes!
And you are not old!

Im just back from asda.
Luckily I just managed to get home before the school eruptions!!

FabulousMike 03-07-2017 03:45 PM

Yay for having a dress! Congrats.

Old woman say what? :P

Sketchy 03-07-2017 03:47 PM

Thank you Beckie. *Glares at Mike*

The schools in Scotland have already stopped for summer, so it was quite busy in Asda. Stressful when it's busy, but at least I got a nice dress and my shopping done.

chinahorse 03-07-2017 03:48 PM

Yay for getting a dress. What's it like?

Ahh good it can be a nightmare when the schools kick out. Full of noisy kids.

Naps are the best. I love a good nap.

FabulousMike 03-07-2017 03:48 PM

Kids are just awful...

chinahorse 03-07-2017 03:50 PM

I was trying to stop short of saying that lol

Sketchy 03-07-2017 03:51 PM

Hi Lillie. Normally I wear all black, but this is a dark blue dress. Nice and floaty.

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 03:51 PM

I think schools here only have a couple of weeks to go and then they'll be put roaming the streets for 6 weeks :plain:

chinahorse 03-07-2017 03:53 PM

Sounds lovely lorraine. Nice and cool.

Oh god don't. There will be kids everywhere all the time! We trade the students for kids where I live.

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 03:57 PM

I hate children. Well, apart fron Jasmine obviously!!

chinahorse 03-07-2017 03:59 PM

Other people's kids are annoying.

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 04:17 PM

Yep!! So so annoying!

Sketchy 03-07-2017 04:19 PM

It's no use. I think I need a nap.

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 04:23 PM

Nothing wrong with a nap!

Shy_Bambi 03-07-2017 04:37 PM

I finally ell asleep around 8am and have just woken up so I must have needed it!
My epilepsy is playing up today so I'm eating noodles and that seems to help calm it down a bit.

A nap sounds awesome Lorraine!

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 04:41 PM

Wow definitely sounds like you needed that sleep!
Sorry your epilepsy is acting up. It's a bitch of a condition!

chinahorse 03-07-2017 04:42 PM

Hope things improve rebecca, must needed the sleep!

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 04:56 PM

Lack of sleep can f*ck with epilepsy too so defo best to nap!

Up to much lillie?

Shy_Bambi 03-07-2017 04:59 PM

Yeah I just went to lay down on the bathroom floor, because when I get auras things get louder and more "I'm your face" to my brain if that makes sense. It makes me feel scared to. I hate feeling uncertain about my body, I don't know if it's going to attack me or not. Might go for a nap later.

Cacoethes 03-07-2017 05:03 PM

I understand. It is horrible.
Best to lie down somewhere safe and chill for a bit

chinahorse 03-07-2017 05:07 PM

Just popped to the shop and have forced down a cup of tea as I'm not sure what's caffeine or medication withdraw.

And I'm waiting for the news cos I'm an old far.

not_so_insig 03-07-2017 05:11 PM

I hate school holidays because I can't go swimming. They should put adult only sessions during the day. Then I would go. I can't tolerate kids not looking and the parents not giving a ****.

So far I have written 3 fan letters and read some of my book.

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