![]() |
They do the 1% milk is some places as well.
I've tried that and didn't really notice a difference.
But pretty much all milk tastes the same to me! |
Full fat is yuck, it taste like cream but is just thin and runny.
If you haven't guessed it, I hate cream. |
When I was in the rehab place, the cook would make you coffee with proper cream in it instead of milk. It was sooo good! Not so good for my waistline though :p
I've been looking at horses for sale. I have fallen in love with a gelding. He's so beautiful and perfect and I want him!! |
I bet that was a perk in there.
If only you could get a horse Becky! |
How many hands is he? What colour? I totally approve of buying him :D lol
I love horses too Beckie.
Sadly the nearest I get to one is the model ones in my bedroom! |
He's a 17hh black gelding. He's so gorgeous!
A great all rounder and is an excellent showjumper and no vices and not spooky and he's perfect! I miss riding so much! |
Ahhh he sounds lush. If huge! I miss riding too. One day eh one day.
He is! Yeah he is quite large! The tallest I've ridden so far is a 16.2 which I thought was massive at the time! My horse was only 15.2 so I was used to her!
Yep, one day! |
I've ridden 16.3 and that was like controlling a giraffe!
Haha! Yeah it is a bit like that!
When I was a kid, we went to this farm place and got to sit on a horse that was over 18hh! Me and 2 of my brothers all sat on him at the same time. It was mental! |
Woah. I'm guessing some sort of heavy horse?
Yeah, shire I think.
I love shires. They are gentle giants! |
Yeah so true.
I'll be going to see the fam on Saturday and it's a showjumping day so I'm looking forward to that!
I'm off to bed now. Night night and sleep well all!
That sounds like a good day love. Definitely something to look forward to. Night night x
I miss horses and horse riding. I'm thinking in the future going to this place near my parents' which caters for disabled riders and see if I can get into it again, I still have my old riding boots etc so could be feasible
I am weird, I love skimmed milk!!! I genuinely prefer it it. Green is okay bu I can't stand blue. Hope everyone has had/is having a good sleep x |
Morning guys. How are you all?
Morning Luna how're you?
I just about managed to get to the train station. Seems I over estimated how far I can walk. But am in the train now which is good. I look even more like a poodle as I made the mistake of brushing my hair and then I got rained on. Rda is great Katy. The horses are so gentle unless you're able bodied. Then they are a nightmare! |
I'm glad you managed to get on the train love. I hope your meeting goes well today.
I'm just on my way to work. |
The train has free wifi and I have pineapple for breakfast. I am sold.
Boo to work. Hope it passes quickly for you. |
I'm so tired. Could do with some adrenaline kicking in soon or I'll be asleep in my meeting.
Am glad you managed to catch the train. Have you got a book or some puzzles or something to keep yourself awake before the meeting?
Thanks for the RDA idea :) Morning all :) |
Morning love how're you?
I don't have the concentration to read but have been playing games on my phone. I'm more awake now. |
Lol I like that dress I could be an extra from Grease in it !
Morning everyone :)
I'm up in the actual morning because a doctor from the hospital decided to call me and tell me that my thyroid levels are fine. Bit of a pointless call tbh! The riding for the disabled thing sounds like a really good idea Katy! I find that horses always make me feel better. I hope your meeting goes ok today Lillie. Sending hugs x |
Well that's good to know I suppose beckie! What are your plans for the day?
Thanks. I'm on my second train now waiting for it to depart. |
My free tshirt came this morning. I am going out for coffee later. I also had a record come this morning and my clothes order has been sent.
That's true, it is good to know!
I don't really have any plans. Going to try and go for a walk at some point. Do some exploring! There's a footpath by the river through a cow field so could be interesting! Sounds good dawn! |
That all sounds great dawn.
Be sure to wear your wellies beckie! Sounds like it'll be a nice place to explore though. This train stops at like EVERY stop. Urgh. |
Yes it looks like a nice walk!
A while ago when I went past on the bus, I saw a man who was right in the middle of the river for sone reason. He must have been freezing! Ugh. Hate the slow trains! So frustrating! How long have you got left? |
Yes it looks like a nice walk!
A while ago when I went past on the bus, I saw a man who was right in the middle of the river for sone reason. He must have been freezing! Ugh. Hate the slow trains! So frustrating! How long have you got left? |
Maybe he was fishing? Seems very odd though! And yep rivers aren't the warmest!
I have 35 mins on the train and then a 20 min bus journey. It's an epic trip. |
I couldn't see any fishing equipment but that's probably the reason. I can't think of any other reason a person would do that!
That is a long journey!! When I go on long journeys, I download some films on my phone/tablet. Makes the journey a bit less crap! |
Good afternoon all.
I'm about to get ready to go out for a bit. I need to go to the shop and I'll go for a coffee too. |
I have had a insurance company phone me. I hate when people call my phone as it stresses me out. If it weren't for the fact that I need the Internet I wouldn't have a phone at all.
Hi Lorraine. Coffee sounds good!
I hate it when that happens dawn. I never ever answer the phone to numbers I dont recognise. If it's important then they'll leave a message and I can decide whether to call them back or not. |
I've never given out my landline to anyone bar my mum, so I only ever get calls on that off of her. My mobile is a different story however, but at least I can block people on that!
Like Bex said people will leave a message if it's important. |
That's why I got a call blocking phone Beckie and rarely give out my number. If they are in my contacts I don't mind. I have an app in my mobile which automatically blocks people who aren't in my contacts list. Time was when you could answer your phone and if it was a wrong number then it didn't stress you out. These days you darent answer any strange numbers in case it's a scammer. Trouble is being polite gets you nowhere these days as they don't listen to being told to not call you again or they persistently call you several times if you don't answer.
i don't have a landline. Getting calls stresses me out.
I have a landline but the phone is rarely plugged in!
I need to cancel it really. I only had one at my old house because the reception on my mobile was bad and I was forever getting nuisance calls! |
The only people who have my number are my mum, dad, brother, my great aunt and the cmht. Everyone else either texts me or sends emails.
I found a comfy sofa in the coffee shop and I'm having a cup of tea. I only came out to go to the shops.
Sounds good Lorraine! A cup of tea on a comfy sofa is a nice treat when you have to go out.
I survived 8 years without a landline. Trouble is that Vodafone are crap around here but it's the only network that will work in my parents house. I was spending more money on calls and Internet than my landline costs when using my phone. That's only reason why I got a landline.
Yip, it's my reward for actually making it out of the flat, because I nearly hid inside again.
I was in caffe nero with my friend before and we sat on the comfy seats.
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