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Damnation. 20-12-2008 07:42 AM

Emma: Nah, I'm kept semi sane by talking to one of my closest friends, so my sleeping patterns don't bother me that much <3.

And thanks, lol. When I do finally go to bed, I ain't coming out again until 5pm <__<;;

Snuffles 20-12-2008 07:56 AM

Afternoon everyone...

Feeling better. I felt better after I had some red rooster chips, perhaps I was suffering withdrawals tehehehe.

Emma- take care of yourself there *cuddles* your not pathetic =)

Damnation. 20-12-2008 07:56 AM

Glad you're doing better now, Katie ^__^

EDIT: OH HEY. Someone's been showing signs of 'stalking' me in another forum.

Creepy **** ._.;

Anyway, is beddy times for me now, see you guys tomorrow *hugs all and vanishes*

Seraphsigh 20-12-2008 08:08 AM

*hands out ear muffs*
*sings to Kahlia*
Zowie, that downright sucks. There's gotta be another door opening for you...look for it.

MaryAnne, don't cry baby. Stupid he-devil. *hisses*

Sending my love to all of you...

Kahlia1981 20-12-2008 09:57 AM

Thanks D'Arcy. It's kind of you to sing to me. I won't stress about blocking my ears lol ... I sing opera for fun. My singing teacher wants me to audition for the conservatorium in BrisVegas. I don't have the self confidence to manage it though.

*offers hugs to everyone*

Bitter_Angel 20-12-2008 11:50 AM

Mind if i take a bed in the corner for a while? I could use the break.

Mary Anne 20-12-2008 12:19 PM

Thank goodness for the weekend, a friday night at a friend's house and a drink took my mind of the crappiness of life for a while.

I am exhasuted this morning, the second my body realises it does not have to get on with the going to work and doing the essentials it shuts down just now, it is 11:30am and I have not had the energy to get dressed yet (not good as it is freezing here).

*curls up under a warm duvet*

*sends some chillyness to those who are too hot and hugs everyone*

Kahlia1981 20-12-2008 12:54 PM

Does anyone mind if I just curl up and die in a corner ?? I'm really sorry for not being able to support anyone right at the moment. My every thought and breath is being spent in just trying to keep me alive, and I don't know if that is a task worth undertaking. I feel unworthy of everything. Sorry.

*hides in a corner sobbing*

Snuffles 20-12-2008 02:03 PM

*cuddles everyone* No need to apologise... we can't support everyone all the time... but mind if I join you guys? I feel like ****.. really.. I don't know why I keep drinking when I know it makes me feel like ****.. I have urges... arrrgghhhh... I feel crap... grrrr.... I dunno *shrugs* *cries*

Louise 20-12-2008 02:19 PM

there is no need to apologies kahlia, *hugs* i am so sorry you are struggling you can survive, i no it is hard, but please keep going. please do not hesitate to pm me anytime you want to talk.


*cuddles everyone* No need to apologise... we can't support everyone all the time... but mind if I join you guys? I feel like ****.. really.. I don't know why I keep drinking when I know it makes me feel like ****.. I have urges... arrrgghhhh... I feel crap... grrrr.... I dunno *shrugs* *cries*
*hugs* drink always does that to me yet i still seem to keep drinking. i dunno anymore.

sends hugs to everyone else.

Snuffles 20-12-2008 02:27 PM

Thanks Louise, how are you? *cuddles*

Louise 20-12-2008 02:30 PM

not great at all today. *cries*

Snuffles 20-12-2008 02:45 PM

*cuddles* anything you wanna talk about?

Louise 20-12-2008 02:54 PM

it will be ten years tomorrow since my birth mum took her life, and i found her, and on monday, it is a year since my friend died.

Mary Anne 20-12-2008 03:04 PM

think my computer is having a bad day, I posted but it would not appear :(

for once had a good night last night, visited a friend, had a drink and did not cry.

*love and hugs to everyone*

Snuffles 20-12-2008 03:13 PM

*cuddles louise* I'm sorry to hear that =( Take care of yourself ok? I know it's prob hard =( just try =( *snuggles*

Maryanne- glad you had a good night =) sounds like a good night :D *hugs*

Pomegranate 20-12-2008 03:15 PM

I will respond properly to everyone later, promise.

Trying to find energy to go to a+e. Just want to crawl back into bed.

Snuffles 20-12-2008 03:25 PM

Take care Emma, hope you can find the energy to go *cuddles*

Snuffles 20-12-2008 03:42 PM

argh... i'm home alone now... alone.. alone.. I could do something.. just small.. no one would notice.. I could.. I could... argh... no no no no no.... *rock on the floor* I can't.. I shouldn't.. but I could.. *cries* *curls up in a ball*

Snuffles 20-12-2008 03:59 PM

I'm ok.. no one worry. Am off to bed. Night all *cuddles*
I'm ok...

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