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farawayfairy 12-07-2008 06:20 PM

I think ours was an aloe vera one too!

lil-princess 12-07-2008 09:49 PM

*hugs for everyone who wants/needs them*

Thanks, i don't know if i want to go for the day now tomorrow with him :( i just want to fade away and never come back.

I went out for a little while to distract myself so i went and met a friend, and spent a few hours with him but i didn't like something he told me, that my best friend said to him, she said to him that i better watch out and me and her and her fiance are in for a big falling out which is gonna end up in one massive argument. Please say i can go, i don't want to live like this anymore :( apparently its my fault i'm anorexic and my fault i started self harming, i hate this stupid life of mine. I can't do this. xx

Auburn Shadow 12-07-2008 10:14 PM

*hugs you* Sorry sweetie I don't have anything constructive to say. *more hugs* Just.... it's not your fault sweetie.

MammaMia 12-07-2008 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by blondiebear (Post 916108)
Helen dear, from the point of view of a seamstress, please watch what you choose for brides maid dresses! Make sure they suit the body types of all of the ladies in the wedding party. Hope you don't mind the warning.

No that's fine, you might want to remind me when we go to look hahaha :tongue2:


Originally Posted by Kuwairo (Post 916047)
Aww bless Hells, I'm guessing you were hoping for a girl?

Yeaaaah. Besides all the young ones that have been born in last 13 years (including her eldest and my nephew), the majority were boys. Besides the only two young ones that we see, are my nephew (not that my mum, sisters and nan have seen him in an absloute age) and my cousin :) SO TIME FOR A GIRL!!!! Plus my other cousin isn't going to know until her bubs arrives in October, but hopefully that will be a girl too :P


Originally Posted by farawayfairy (Post 916059)
Oo, that's good news Hells.


I've had yet ANOTHER good night out :) Me & my mu went to my godparents', really good fun as always :D Ahhh it's really put me in the mood for my holiday. *squeals* We're possibly starting the packing tomorrrow and my (poor) mum is telling my dad where we're going hehe. Not that he needs to know why there or how we got the money...grr!

Ahhh hyperness ^_^

Kuwairo 12-07-2008 11:11 PM

^share the hyperness!

*hugs for everyone who needs them*
susan I hope your headache's a bit better. i get tension headaches a lot they're horrid.
lil-princess you never asked to be ill, it's not your fault you are

MammaMia 12-07-2008 11:16 PM

*shares the hyperness*

Seriously Emma, people are right, it's not your fault, you didn't ask to be ill :(

effervescence 13-07-2008 12:36 AM

He doesn't like the thought of getting married to a self harmer, so i've gotta sort my mental health out before anything happens, but he is supportive in a way just not in the way i want him to be, he expects me to be happy 24/7 now i'm with him but i'm not.
- that's exactly how my boyfriend is. EXACTLY. so, cos i cant sort out my own relatiosnhip i dont know what to say, just that i understand.

i'm still here, yes. still alive, yes. but i don't know why, and i don't know for how long.

lil-princess 13-07-2008 02:15 AM

*Sending everyone loads of hugs*

I'm glad your still alive :) if you wanna talk or anything i'll be around somewhere.

I should be asleep lol but i'm not, i can't be bovered to do anything and i've gotta be up in like 6 hours to get ready and what ever to spend the day with my bf and i'm meeting all his work mates that can't wait to meet me and i don't know if to be happy, excited or nervous, but i shall post again after tomorrow night or when ever if i'm not to tired and let you know how it goes, that's if i don't sleep in hehe so better set my alarm oh the joys. xxxx

effervescence 13-07-2008 02:24 AM

thanks :)

hope it goes well xx

Jetforce 13-07-2008 05:28 AM

*digs myself a graveyard and jumps into it*

I'm a failure :-(

Auburn Shadow 13-07-2008 07:27 AM

*huge hugs* you're not a failure sweetie. What happened?

Jetforce 13-07-2008 07:54 AM

i failed a subject in my exam :-(

Auburn Shadow 13-07-2008 08:03 AM

*huge hugs*
can you retake?

Jetforce 13-07-2008 08:38 AM

Next year...yeah but still that's $500 down the drain :-(

zowie 13-07-2008 09:19 AM

Back from my holiday already. Got ill and had to come home; mentally ill that is.

Jetforce 13-07-2008 10:36 AM

*cuddles zowie*

Auburn Shadow 13-07-2008 11:23 AM

*hugs you both*

MammaMia 13-07-2008 12:58 PM

*hugs everyone*

You're not a failure Jem :(

Auburn Shadow 13-07-2008 01:48 PM

*more hugs*

*sigh* I was in a good mood once. Now... I don't know what I feel anymore, numb maybe?


blondiebear 13-07-2008 03:38 PM

*hugs Jem*
*hugs Zowie*
*hugs Hana*

I got the serging done yesterday, while i was also sitting here chatting. Go figure. The next step is pressing in all of those hems. That takes longest.

I'm not awake yet. Went back to sleep after breakfast and Bozo Cat woke me up.

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