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satsuma.star 26-11-2011 05:00 AM

Just had enough guys.. anyone got any advice for someone whose struggling to stop racing thoughts and flash backs, I am So triggered.

Billy! 26-11-2011 05:03 AM

*Waves* Hi, are cuddles ok?
I don't really have much advice, but i'm in the same place and i'm just writing rubbish in my R/V. Like literally writing down whatever I'm thinking at the time.

satsuma.star 26-11-2011 05:08 AM

Thanks hun*hugs* . Just sick of laying here:( can't sleep at all .. hope your ranting/venting goes good and gets it out

Billy! 26-11-2011 05:11 AM

*Hugs back* I know how you feel, are you in the UK? If not, what time is it where you are? Have you got any methods to help you sleep?

satsuma.star 26-11-2011 05:19 AM

I'm in the next county from you if Ur still in oxon :p just looked@ Ur r/v posts.. I try all sorts, my head never chills out enough.. my neighbours are making noise now. :/ my best way is being artificialy warm, by using hot water bottle, leccy blanket or soup tonight is leccy blanket night.. not working tho.. how r u feeling now x

Billy! 26-11-2011 05:22 AM

Oh right, insane time to be awake :) Oh right, that's annoying, you need to find something you really enjoy that you can focus all your attention on and use it to relax before bed :)
I don't know, still got a lot of stuff going round in my head.

satsuma.star 26-11-2011 05:31 AM

I wanna just concentrate on Xmas, however it makes me too excited, So probably not best idea lol.. I ended up putting up my Xmas tree last night out of sleeplessness, impulsivity, lol.. I like having cuddles with my cats, but my o/h won't let them in the room when he sleeping, :'( and one has a sore eye So probably should let him have some peace. Lol.ugh the fact my house is always freezing doesn't help my sleeplessness and racing thoughts.. I have my psychiatrist on the 8th So I will ask him what I should do.
Do you live at home with Ur parents?
I used to hate living@ home because my mum used to go mad if I made the slightest noise.. on a good note, Xmas lights r being turned on in our little town So gives me something to be happy aboot

Billy! 26-11-2011 05:37 AM

Aww, concentrate on it, being excited is better than being low :)
Yeah I live with my mum, brother and sister. But luckily they're all pretty deep sleepers :) I miss my cat :(
That sucks, I hate the cold. I'm useless when we go camping in the summer. Could you get a hot bath or something?

satsuma.star 26-11-2011 05:42 AM

Oooh u legend. Bath time it is for me.. I'm bored of lying here on my nice warm blanket.. I have 2 cats Harry and gizmo
They are my world, my mum was a heavy sleeper, when she. Wanted to be. It did my head in.. :/ I'm So glad that she kicked me out when she did:) I wouldn't have the life I has today.. what happened to your kittykat:(

Billy! 26-11-2011 05:46 AM

Haha. I love my bath :) I wish my mum would kick me out lol.
He got hit by a car and died back in April :(

satsuma.star 26-11-2011 06:05 AM

Aww No the poor baby: '( I never let. My boys out alone, always with me on a lead. They have No sense, So it'd take them like 5 min to injure themselves. I'm about to sleep now pumpkin.. pm me if u wanna talk again. It comes straight thru to my phone So can respond quite quick x

satsuma.star 26-11-2011 06:06 AM

Also I hope you manage to sleep soon:) x

Billy! 26-11-2011 06:07 AM

We always let ours out but I felt so bad cause he was following me when it happend :(
Ok then, I hope you sleep well :) Nighty night.

SoMuchMore 26-11-2011 07:47 AM

*sneaks in and drops off hugs*

Doikers 26-11-2011 11:31 AM

*Hugs Charlie*

*waves to SatsumaStar* Hi I'm Mark :)

*Hugs Laura*

Billy! 26-11-2011 01:52 PM

*Hugs Laura and Mark* How are you both?

Synthetisk 26-11-2011 04:02 PM

I really have no idea what to do. I need to do something, because I'm not well, but I'm too scared to.

razey02 26-11-2011 08:58 PM

hiya. i need to stop thinking. i need to go to bed but I don't want to switch my laptop off. I don't want to be sensible. I want to...can someone just make me not...?

Jetforce 27-11-2011 12:41 AM

*sneaks in through the secret entrance and waves*

How is everybody?

Doikers 27-11-2011 11:04 AM

*waves to Jetforce*

*waves to razey*

*Hugs Feli*

*Hugs Charlie*

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