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chocostashchick 15-03-2008 06:51 PM

*hugs RYL twin* that is so great that she is talking! maybe she is tired so she doesn't want to open her eyes? or maybe she is embarassed? the meds and the strain on her body could make her wicked tired.
hahaha i definitely slept better because of our crappy Denial Tent sleepover lol! i slept *gasp* for like 10 hours! not uninterrupted because i kept having weird dreams and waking up but 10 hours! weeeee! yeah one dream i remember was that this guy who was a ghost that i met on a tour of an underground cave brought me to the future where i was dead and i found out from a salesgirl in a shop where the ghost man went to buy something that i had died of lung cancer in a prison where i was working on prison reform or something. it was really weird. and Oprah was still alive and all old and wrinkly but still doing her talk show!

ooh tea!
*grabs mug of tea and sits by Virtual Campsite campfire and eats some toast*

MammaMia 15-03-2008 07:25 PM

Apology accepted, I'd like to apolgise too :)

*hugs everyone*

TOAST!!!!! Can we have a huge sleepover tonight?

I need to stop feelig so low, to stop planning bad & evil things....., to not self harm (haven't done anything yet).


chocostashchick 15-03-2008 07:27 PM

YAYYYY let's have another crappy Denial Tent sleepover!!!!!

MammaMia 15-03-2008 07:34 PM

I need to text Em to make sure she got home safely yus.

Sugar and Spice 15-03-2008 07:59 PM

Woo!! England beat Ireland and Wales just beat France!!!

*grabs teddy bear and curls in a corner*

Want to sleep - hardly slept again

MammaMia 15-03-2008 08:05 PM

Goooooooooooooo England & Wales <3

~*forever_broken*~ 15-03-2008 08:22 PM

I think another denial tent sleep over is a good idea

*pulls her knees to her chest*

Cousin update: She's still not opening her eyes and I guess the conversations are VERY short. My mom and I are headed down to the hospital in about an hour... Don't know when I'll be back on.

*takes a cup of tea to her corner, sits down cross-legged and stares blankly into her tea*

*hugs to everyone*

MammaMia 15-03-2008 08:44 PM

*hugs everyone*

I burnt my hand earlier ha, wanna make it worse :(

newanda 15-03-2008 10:31 PM

*pokes head in*
i've never visited in here before but,
i heard something about denial tent camping...
is there a tv in the tent... i could bring movies!

*hugs* for everyone having a rough day

MammaMia 15-03-2008 10:52 PM

Yessssssss we have an awesome tv, with everything we want =]


Welcome to our tent XD

Detour. Derail 15-03-2008 11:56 PM

*staggers into the denial tent*

Pomegranate 16-03-2008 12:30 AM

crap, just crap *tries to cry and ignore the sinking feeling*

*hugs everyone in the tent*

Ally- any news on your cousin?

Hope everyone else is alright! x

MammaMia 16-03-2008 12:30 AM

*dances alone*

I'm really scared atm!

Pomegranate 16-03-2008 12:35 AM

Why are you scared hun?

MammaMia 16-03-2008 12:37 AM

A pregnant friend of mine (I have 5!) is bleeding yet again, I just hope the baby is still fighting!!!


Pomegranate 16-03-2008 12:39 AM

*hugs* I'm sorry sweetie, really I am. Has she been to the doctors?

MammaMia 16-03-2008 12:43 AM

Midwife is checking for a heartbeat as we speak, I don't know what's going on yet obviously....I'm so so so so so scared.

She deserves this chance soooooo much *cries*

I feel so selfish aswell |:

Pomegranate 16-03-2008 12:46 AM

You aren't selfish for worrying about your friend, it is perfectly normal and natural. At the moment there is nothing you can do but wait to see what happens and then support her whatever the outcome. Will she call you when she knows?

MammaMia 16-03-2008 12:49 AM

I feel selfish over something else actually, my bad for not saying...

I'm sure she'll be alright, I just wanna know and stuffs. She'll be back on msn....

Pomegranate 16-03-2008 12:53 AM

What are you selfish for doing hun? You know you can tell me and I won't judge you x

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