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chocostashchick 13-03-2008 01:39 PM

good morning lovely people
*squishes Alexx and Jeremy*

hope everybody is okay today
i'm well terrified - first meeting with person today for DBT and whatnot
i shall be hiding in a teeny corner of the Denial Tent covered in a fortress of blankets and pillows until further notice pretending this isnt happening

before i go into hiding, there are lovely smores and tea and popcorn and treats by the campfire if anybody wants them

i hope everybody has a safe day at Uni and work and at whatever scary appts they have

*hugs Alexx, Jeremy, Chloe, Emm, Helen, Kit, Alyssa, Carole, and whoever else is wandering around in here*

love and courage and loveliness to all

*scuttles to Denial Tent*

Detour. Derail 13-03-2008 01:46 PM

I'm crying because its morning....
and i dont want it to be morning...
and Ive just realised ive lost MORE weight and im scared..
*curls up*

Good Luck Callie!!!!!*hugs*

Detour. Derail 13-03-2008 02:38 PM

Yeh...i didnt manage to get an appointment with my doctor at the other surgery...
because i fail ><

*crawls to a very dark corner with her doggie and her meds*

chocostashchick 13-03-2008 02:57 PM

*peeks out of her blankety fortress in the Denial Tent to offer Alexx hugs and sympathy*

so sorry sweetie - but hey who needs docs when they can have the Denial Tent and cute doggies? be strong sweetie we're here for you

Jetforce 13-03-2008 03:40 PM

*hugs Callie and Alexx* Thx's for tea and popcorn :-D

Good luck DBT..hope it goes well for u!

I think u lovely Alexx...so dw about the weight gain ;) well try not too

PurpleSmurf 13-03-2008 04:06 PM

I am so Urgy why am i so urgy :| Argh i so am not safe by myself i just wish the world would give me a freaking break....

Jetforce 13-03-2008 04:16 PM

*Hugs Emo-Fairy*

Try keep urself occupied with something to keep ur minds off hurtful things

Hope that helps a tad xx

chocostashchick 13-03-2008 04:19 PM

Kit honey you need to distract yourself and keep busy
when we are alone with our thoughts is when we are most vulnerable
keep busy busy!
think distracting thoughts
ooh! i know! i can distract you with humor!!
want to know something funny?
i just tripped on the power cord under my desk at work in front of a room full of people and fell into a large floor lamp
(it actually wasnt funny at the time but i'm trying out the whole laugh with them so you wont be laughed at thing)

PurpleSmurf 13-03-2008 04:22 PM

Heehee you sound as bad as me my boss says Kit is Klutzy and he is afraid one day im gonna hurt myself badly with how Klutzy i am Im doing like five things at once im watching a tv show on hbo and listening to music chatting and browsing the board hoping that i can keep myself busy... Busy is the key... Right?

Jetforce 13-03-2008 05:10 PM

Yep...i assume so :-)

*hugs Kit*

PurpleSmurf 13-03-2008 05:17 PM

*hugs Jet and Choco* Sorry I swear i will stop being whiney

Jetforce 13-03-2008 05:43 PM

it's ok...we r in the psych ward...anything goes and whatever is said here..stays here :-P

PurpleSmurf 13-03-2008 06:04 PM

Thats Good Because i seem to be in an odd whiny mood that is driving everyone around me crazy....

~*forever_broken*~ 13-03-2008 06:44 PM

Jeremys right. Whine away.
*offers you some cheese ;-)*
Naw, sorry just teasing

*curls up in her corner for a nap*

Detour. Derail 13-03-2008 07:06 PM

*storms in*
*crumples in a heap*
*starts crying again*

I hate them i hate them i hate them
why cant they leave me alone?!?!?!
why do they have to pick on me and b*tch about me?
why do they have to make me feel like sh*t.
*sobs her heart out*

MammaMia 13-03-2008 07:27 PM

I have been to a&e today, had a wee accident with my hand today.

But it's not broken yaaaaaay!

~*forever_broken*~ 13-03-2008 07:32 PM

*hugs Alexx*
What's wrong hunni? Who's b*tching at you?

Helen you ok? What happened? *careful snuggles*

~*forever_broken*~ 13-03-2008 07:36 PM

*cries in her corner and consideres her bottle of Tylenol*
Just watched a recap of this HBO show 'In Treatment'... Girl ODd on who knows what, some prescription meds. And I got a bit jealous. Makes me kind of want to. I mean, I have been wanting to for a few days but it doesn't help to see someone else do it...
And I can't. Have a counseling session tomorrow and he's sure to ask (I know he's worried and that makes me feel kind of bad)... and I'm worried that if I did and then told him he might decide to have me locked up and then I won't be able to go home for break... and then my family will all know :crying: So I'm stuck...

*cries quietly in her corner wraped up in her blanket*

Detour. Derail 13-03-2008 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by ~*forever_lost*~ (Post 624812)
*hugs Alexx*
What's wrong hunni? Who's b*tching at you?

These girls in my sociology class....they make me feel really arkward and paranoid and they make me feel inadequate and fat and ugly and BLAH ><
They wish I was dead....
I wish I was dead :crying:
*cries again*

Detour. Derail 13-03-2008 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by ~*forever_lost*~ (Post 624820)
*cries in her corner and consideres her bottle of Tylenol*
Just watched a recap of this HBO show 'In Treatment'... Girl ODd on who knows what, some prescription meds. And I got a bit jealous. Makes me kind of want to. I mean, I have been wanting to for a few days but it doesn't help to see someone else do it...
And I can't. Have a counseling session tomorrow and he's sure to ask (I know he's worried and that makes me feel kind of bad)... and I'm worried that if I did and then told him he might decide to have me locked up and then I won't be able to go home for break... and then my family will all know :crying: So I'm stuck...

*cries quietly in her corner wraped up in her blanket*

*offers you my blanket too*
Dont cry hun....
Please stay strong...i know its hard...
*hugs you for comfort AND support*

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