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Detour. Derail 11-03-2008 01:17 PM

Hey guys. I just got back from counselling...
please dont let me go anymore :pinch:
Im now curled up in the corner of my kitchen...and i have to go back to college in a bit...
i cant do it :/
I want to go back to bed :/

*hugs Ally*
How are you feeling sweetheart?

chocostashchick 11-03-2008 01:45 PM

*hugs Alexx*
aw honey i'm sorry about that
come sit in the Denial Tent and pretend it never happened!!

*squishes Alyssa*
go to health center and you can take care of two birds with one stone?
yesh Emma is right, just remember you are actually in the Denial Tent hiding in the Virtual Camp

Chloe and Jeremy i hope you had a nice safe sleeping in the camp :)

Helen and Emma and Alyssa, go forth and be students
and i will make you coffee and tea and smores and more roasted chestnuts on the campfire whilst you are in classes and whilst i waste away at this temp job

i'm being a naughty secretary today teehee i have fishnets and pleated skirt and pumps and everything muahaha
okay just wanted to share that

*goes to poke the campfire and put marshmallows on sticks*

Detour. Derail 11-03-2008 01:50 PM

Does anyone want hot chocolate?
I have enough to share...

I also have lots of hugs going spare...
if anyone wants one of those...
I cant go out today...
but my teacher will kill me if i miss another lesson :/
oh no
someone hide me?

chocostashchick 11-03-2008 01:53 PM

*shares hot chocolate with Alexx*
*squishes you*
aww honey come on in and hide in the Denial Tent
that way your professor can't hurt you
and if they try you are protected by the Denial Tent's magical non-triggery safety mosquito net!!!
and we are all here to shout words of encouragement and give you lots of hot chocolate and treats while you are there
and when you come back to post you can tell us about it

chocostashchick 11-03-2008 02:02 PM

aww Emma honey i forgot to ask how was last night? is everything okay now?

~*forever_broken*~ 11-03-2008 02:06 PM

*hugs Alexx*
Aw hunni, I'm sorry you didn't have a good session (well, at least it sounds that way), and that you don't want to go to lecture... Totally understand... *hugs*

Callie, sounds like a cute outfit :-)
As to the cut, I think I may just leave it butterflyed... I'm pretty good at that and I really don't want to have to deal with those people again...
Take care all

chocostashchick 11-03-2008 02:13 PM

aww thanks
i've decided that when i am in the real world and not Denial Tent tis much easier to put a costume on and pretend to be somebody else

*pokes Alyssa* be careful though - they could at least look at it? don't want a worse scar than you need

*cleans up around campsite and puts new blankets and pillows in Denial Tent for everybody*
*snatches a blanket and hides under it for the duration*
*smores and tea and hot chocolate are by the campfire for whoever wants it*

Detour. Derail 11-03-2008 02:17 PM

Hey guys...im back ><
I couldnt do it...
i couldnt go in :crying:
it was horrible..
*hides in the corner under a pile of blankets*

Detour. Derail 11-03-2008 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Hells (Post 619082)
Can I have some hot choc & lots of hugs please?

*Gives you a big mug of hot chocolate and a masssive cuddle*

I walked out of college too...:pinch:

Pomegranate 11-03-2008 02:38 PM

*hugs you Alexx* Don't beat yourself up too badly hun. Can you make another appointment?

*Winks at Callie*- naughty secretary sounds fun :P :)

As for the infected cut- I cleaned it, put an iodine dressing thing on it and wound with gauze. I have to go to health center tomorrow anyway so will get it checked out then.

Ally- I know you don't want to go but be careful eh? *hugs* xx

chocostashchick 11-03-2008 02:38 PM

*mega-snuggles Alexx and Helen from underneath the giant blanket am hiding under*
welcome back
tis okay, you are safe in the Denial Tent. come hide in here and it is like it never happened :)

*offers you hot chocolate being kept warm by campfire, and popcorn and smores and muffins*

*waves to miss Emma*
glad you are okay today - keep safe till tomorrow :)

SnowBerrySnuffles 11-03-2008 02:40 PM

*sits in one of the many corners that there are*
Failed a maths exam, I know it. Didn't answer enough questions to pass. Why do I even bother... urg.

*hugs to everyone*

chocostashchick 11-03-2008 02:44 PM

*passes Claire a blanket to hide under*
sorry hunny
stupid maths.... maths should be banned

Detour. Derail 11-03-2008 02:46 PM

*hugs claire tightly*

*hugs Emma too* thankyou. I have another conselling session next tuesday....but my teacher is gonna freak out at me for not going in today...

*hugs for everyone*
Look..my doggie followed me into the tent :]
She's very squishy....and small and cute ^_^
and she's really warm hehe

MammaMia 11-03-2008 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Reason[TO]Believe (Post 619088)
*Gives you a big mug of hot chocolate and a masssive cuddle*

I walked out of college too...:pinch:

Thank you Alex. *hugggggs*


Originally Posted by chocostashchick (Post 619090)
*mega-snuggles Alexx and Helen from underneath the giant blanket am hiding under*
welcome back
tis okay, you are safe in the Denial Tent. come hide in here and it is like it never happened :)

*offers you hot chocolate being kept warm by campfire, and popcorn and smores and muffins

*mega snuggles you and hides in our giant blanket. I'm feeling so **** and gonna regret it tomorrow for not going.....


Originally Posted by SnowBerrySnuffles (Post 619092)
*sits in one of the many corners that there are*
Failed a maths exam, I know it. Didn't answer enough questions to pass. Why do I even bother... urg.

*hugs to everyone*

*hugs* you might have done better than you think...

chocostashchick 11-03-2008 03:05 PM

*peeks out from under blanket*
YAAAAY a doggie in the Denial Tent!!
lucky Alexx i want a doggie

sorry about your teacher
your health is more important and it's really none of your teacher's business, is it? shouldn't they be a little more compassionate?
hey maybe at your appt next tuesday, the psych could write a note for your school? good luck hun

thx Helen
do not feel guilty for mental health days! if that is what you need, then do whatever it takes! do you have friends in the class you can borrow notes from?

*slides one of the lapdesks under the giant blanket in case you have work to get done now*

Small_Black_Flower 11-03-2008 03:05 PM

Hello all again

*lots of warm hugs and snuggles to everyone*

have screwed up my assignment
have screwed up
started DBT today

*hides under giant blanket*
x x

Pomegranate 11-03-2008 03:08 PM

How did the DBT go hun? Assignments suck- we should start a movement to ban them!

*snuggles doggie and offers cuddles and snuggles (see me rhyme there?) for everyone that needs them* xx

chocostashchick 11-03-2008 03:09 PM

welcome back Emm!
we have Alexx's doggie under the giant blanket with us! tis loverly
way to go starting DBT!
*is proud for you*

~*forever_broken*~ 11-03-2008 03:14 PM

I'm just not sure I can bring myself to have my cut looked at. I need to make a meds appointment... And I'm going into the counseling center later this morning... I am just too tired to deal with them I think :crying:

*hugs to everyone, please excuse me if I just whine and don't address what's going on with y'all... Got NO sleep last night*

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