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chinahorse 02-04-2018 09:19 PM

Glad you're taking care of yourself. And I hope it goes soon! You're definitely doing all the right things at any rate.

I've retreated to bed with snacks. My body no longer wanted to be upright. Don't believe I have to set an alarm for both my days off *grumble*

Aubergine 02-04-2018 09:23 PM

Bed with snacks sounds good. I'm sorry that your body is being difficult. :( How come you have to set your alarm for both of your days off?

Thank you. :)

chinahorse 02-04-2018 09:30 PM

I dislike my body a lot. It's a right idiot.
I have that 2nd interview tomorrow morning and the therapy at 10am on Wednesday morning. Like I shouldn't moan but I have to leave the house every day until the 18th and urgh. *moans*

Whatre you up to?

Aubergine 02-04-2018 09:35 PM

Oh dear. That's no fun, Lillie. I would moan if I was in your position, so please, moan away - better out than in!

I'm say on my bed, against my wall, listening to music. :)

Buttons. 03-04-2018 08:06 AM

Morning all :)

Eska 03-04-2018 08:15 AM

Morning Buttons, how are you?

chinahorse 03-04-2018 08:23 AM

Good morning!

I'm a happy soul
For unknown reasons my council tax has gone down by 40 quid. Happy days

Eska 03-04-2018 08:39 AM

Awesome :)

Buttons. 03-04-2018 08:55 AM

Morning Eska :)

Happy to hear about your tax Lillie :)

Aubergine 03-04-2018 08:56 AM

That's cool, Lillie! Mine went up by 6%. :'(

How're you, Eska?

Buttons. 03-04-2018 08:57 AM

Maybe getting a new sofa which would be fab, I'm visting the local rescue centre with my parents and deciding if I'm ready to put my emotion into another dog.

Buttons. 03-04-2018 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Aubergine (Post 4167118)
That's cool, Lillie! Mine went up by 6%. :'(


Eska 03-04-2018 09:08 AM

Ouch, Aubergine! That's not nice.

Buttons, a new sofa sounds good! I hope your visit to the centre goes well.

I'm feeling a bit fragile but I think I'll be ok.

chinahorse 03-04-2018 09:11 AM

Eek aubergine! Think mine actually goes up but the way I pay has changed which means I'm paying less at once.

OO new sofa would be ace buttons! Hope the rescue centre goes well.

*hugs* eska- got much planned today?

Eska 03-04-2018 09:17 AM

I don't really have anything lined up. Might go into town to pick up my prescription.

chinahorse 03-04-2018 09:21 AM

Might be good to get out? You could have a drink in a coffee shop or something as well?

Eska 03-04-2018 09:24 AM

Yeah. I'll see how I go. It's tempting just to have a sofa day.

chinahorse 03-04-2018 09:26 AM

Swap? I have so much to get done today :(

Eska 03-04-2018 09:28 AM

Oh no :( What are you up to?

chinahorse 03-04-2018 09:30 AM

Got an interview, need to get and fill my prescription, collect train tickets, pay in my wages, post some stuff, call back a place about an interview, call my gran and dad, do laundry and if I cba clean the house (its either do it today or tomorrow) and change my bed sheets.

Eska 03-04-2018 09:33 AM

That is a lot! Good luck with the interview, I hope it goes super well for you. Where's the other interview?

chinahorse 03-04-2018 09:39 AM

Thankies :)

That one is a coffee shop, thursdays is a shop.

Aubergine 03-04-2018 09:43 AM

Hey again. :)

I called in sick to work. Feel really guilty, but I'm so sore. My manager was nice and they're fully staffed today, so me being off isn't the end of the world.

My CC has just been. She's so lovely. She said to call her any time in the week if I need anything from the shop and I can't go out. She offered to go get me some honey today (I've woken up with a cold. I'm falling apart), but I prefer Strepsils!

Eska 03-04-2018 09:44 AM

Sounds good! Hopefully you'll be out of your current company nice and soon :)

Eska 03-04-2018 09:46 AM

Hi Aubergine. I'm glad you called in sick - don't feel bad, if you're sore you're right to stay home. I'm glad your CC is lovely!

Aubergine 03-04-2018 09:57 AM

Thanks Eska. :)

Just listening to some music. It's nice. What music are you into?

Eska 03-04-2018 10:01 AM

I like a pretty eclectic range really. I definitely enjoy instrumental minimalism, and indie rock/indie folk. I grew up listening to a lot of classical, too, though I don't so much these days.

Aubergine 03-04-2018 10:05 AM

Oh cool. That's a bit like me - I like a bit of most things. I grew up listening to Nirvana and stuff like that though - not classical! I remember you saying you like Einaudi. His stuff is some of my favourite stuff to listen to. I like listening to acoustic versions of things too. I have Spotify and listen to a lot of its suggestions - I like most of the music it chucks out. :)

chinahorse 03-04-2018 10:09 AM

Wow you're both a lot more cultured than I am!

Eska 03-04-2018 10:10 AM

Yeah, I tend to really enjoy suggestions for new music. I use the website 8tracks quite a lot - it has lots of playlists made by other people. I don't have Spotify so can't use that for suggestions. Acoustic music is lovely. Do you play any instruments?

Aubergine 03-04-2018 10:14 AM

I don't think so, Lillie! I'm not really cultured at all - I just really love music!

Oh, I've never heard of 8tracks! Sounds good though. I've had Spotify pretty much since Spotify was first a thing. Wouldn't be without it.

I play the piano a bit. I own an acoustic guitar, but cannot play it at all well. :P How about you? Play anything?

Eska 03-04-2018 10:27 AM

I used to play the flute when I was in school but I haven't in years.

Aubergine 03-04-2018 10:38 AM

Oh cool. Is it something that you'd ever consider taking back up? I find the piano very relaxing.

chinahorse 03-04-2018 11:07 AM

The flute is so hard to get sound out of! I used to play the clarinet badly but still :P

Aubergine 03-04-2018 11:10 AM

That's cool, Lilllie! Did you enjoy it? I didn't play any instruments at school - only picked them up as I got older. I have an electric piano, which is awesome because it means I can play at midnight without annoying my neighbours. :P

not_so_insig 03-04-2018 11:16 AM

Morning all. I am just killing time until my tesco order arrives.

I think that I have a new neighbour. Either that or a squatter. Late last night there was a load of footsteps above me and a light in the flat above. Though I think I may have inadvertently woken them up last night I used my hoover dead late (am used to using it dead late as I have had no neighbour above me for 5 months and also previously the neighbours didn't object). If I see them then I will apologise for that.

Eska 03-04-2018 11:17 AM

Electric piano sounds awesome :) One of the reasons I don't play any more is that I don't want to disturb neighbours. The other is that I like ensemble playing best and I'm not stable/consistent enough for weekly rehearsals and whatever. I'll stick to hobbies I can do on an ad-hoc basis!

Eska 03-04-2018 11:18 AM

Dawn, I hope that if you do have new neighbours they're nice and friendly :)

not_so_insig 03-04-2018 11:23 AM

Yeah I hope so too. Atm they aren't making too much noise. Sounds like a man - would prefer a female.

Aubergine 03-04-2018 11:28 AM

Hey Dawn! I hope your new neighbour is nice. :) Getting anything good in your Tesco delivery?

I've never played in an ensemble, but I imagine it's good fun! Sticking to ad hoc hobbies is a good plan for you then, I think. :)

Dad is transferring £150 into my account so I can get some private physiotherapy. He does my head in sometimes, but he's very generous. Just ringing round places to see where can see me the soonest. It's quite disheartening to keep eing told "not for a couple of weeks." :(

chinahorse 03-04-2018 11:39 AM


Oh I hope you can find somewhere aubergine.

Eska 03-04-2018 11:43 AM

Yesssss! So so happy for you! When do you start?

chinahorse 03-04-2018 11:46 AM

18th. Got to do my notice at the shop first or they'll dock my wages.

Eska 03-04-2018 11:49 AM

Bet you're counting down the days.

chinahorse 03-04-2018 11:52 AM

I am already yes!

Aubergine 03-04-2018 11:55 AM

YAAAAAAY! Go Lillie! Congratulations. :D

I found somewhere that can see me at 4pm today and it's only two roads down from where I live. :)

not_so_insig 03-04-2018 11:58 AM

My tesco order came early. I have chocolate ice cream. Didn't really want ice cream but at half price it was too irrestible.

They subsituted an item without telling me. Instead of angel delight I got chocolate custard. But I am sure that I can eat it.

not_so_insig 03-04-2018 12:01 PM

Ooo I have just seen your news. Congrats Lillie.

Aubergine 03-04-2018 12:02 PM

Chocolate custard sounds lovely, Dawn!

Eska 03-04-2018 12:05 PM

Aubergine I'm glad you found someone who can see you :)

Dawn I hope you enjoy the chocolate custard!

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