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Cacoethes 30-10-2022 06:39 PM

That does sound very good!

I stocked up on sweet potato lasagne today.
Asda hasn't had it for AGES! Probably because it's only 88p. So i just grabbed loads of them lol

one_step_closer 30-10-2022 07:01 PM

Is it chilled meals you get? I wish I had an Asda closer to me so I could just go in when I need stuff instead of getting a delivery and not being able to buy too many food items because I probably won't be able to eat them all on time. I'd love to try some of the things you've been talking about. I'll need to find some time to go on the bus to Asda.

Cacoethes 30-10-2022 07:09 PM

Most of the stuff i get is frozen!
Apart from the salads obvs.
I am lucky to live so close to asda
Did forget to buy bananas today though. Sad times. Quite fancy a banana

Elmer 30-10-2022 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4335756)
All leaves are yucky :P
I wasn't imagine just lots of different cheeses but that would be excellent!
I remember at the first ever uni thread meet we went to Pizza Hut and they had unlimited free salad. I got a big bowl of doritos and nothing else; that's my kind of salad.

My favourite part about that whole meal was you unironically chatting about your salad, as if you didn’t have a literal bowlful of plain tortilla chips in front of you. Not even flavoured, just plain.

Also, I used to love a cheese salad. Might try recreating one at some point.

Cacoethes 30-10-2022 07:20 PM


I tried some vegan cheese and onion bakes the other week. (Sheese and onion)
Was not impressed.

Pi.R^2 30-10-2022 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Elmer (Post 4335764)
My favourite part about that whole meal was you unironically chatting about your salad, as if you didn’t have a literal bowlful of plain tortilla chips in front of you. Not even flavoured, just plain.

Quite the first impression I gave you :P I should start a collection of people's first impression's of me - T's was "that's quite a lot of person".


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4335766)

I tried some vegan cheese and onion bakes the other week. (Sheese and onion)
Was not impressed.

A lot of vegan cheese takes a lot of getting used to! I only liked most of it when it was so long that I'd forgotten what real cheese tasted like.

Pi.R^2 30-10-2022 07:45 PM

Also I'm gonna make a Jenna Cheese Salad. So far it will contain different types of vegan cheese. Hmm, need to think a little more though to bulk it out. But no goddamn leaves!

Cacoethes 30-10-2022 08:24 PM

I can't remember the first time i met you jenna!
Was it the Oxford meet where you paid my train fare??

I like real cheese too much to ever give it up!
I don't eat it much at all. But i do love a bit of cheese.

Elmer 30-10-2022 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4335770)
Quite the first impression I gave you :P I should start a collection of people's first impression's of me - T's was "that's quite a lot of person".

To be honest, the salad situation was dwarfed by you ordering a soya hot chocolate from Costa because you wanted to try vegan hot chocolate but then demanded cream on top, baffling the poor employees, then you declared that you thought you might be allergic to soya, then we all went on a mission to find antihistamines, got lost in the rain and accosted a giant fish.
Also my very first impression of you was you pretending you hadn’t seen me so…

I’m gonna make a vegan egg salad.

Elmer 30-10-2022 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4335773)
I can't remember the first time i met you jenna!
Was it the Oxford meet where you paid my train fare??

I like real cheese too much to ever give it up!
I don't eat it much at all. But i do love a bit of cheese.

Also I would like to hear the story of the Oxford meet

Also also I understand your stance on cheese. I’ve got to the point where real dairy makes me ill and I accidentally discovered I don’t actually like it any more, which was a shock

Cacoethes 30-10-2022 09:30 PM

I don't remember a great deal about it tbh!
Think me and Jenna both lived in East London at the time and i was gonna come to the oxford meet but my bank ****ed up and jenna offered to pay.
I think i may have travelled back on the train with cam?
And their were no seats so we were sitting by the doors.
Actually i think she might have been IP and having to go back??
I did go to 2 oxford meets i think so maybe mixing them up.
My first meet was an oxford one though

Pi.R^2 30-10-2022 11:52 PM

Yeah, I think that sounds about right. I mainly remember your username being Pink Freud at the time (eta nope, Scarlett’s Web) and meeting you in Paddington station. And then I’m the same in that the Oxford meets seem to blur into one! My more vivid memory of our early hanging out is you coming to my flat and watching Toy Story 3!

Cacoethes 31-10-2022 08:19 AM

Omg yes i remember that!
Oh and i came to watch you playing the violin in your orchestra thing once!
I had to wander around until after midnight because i had literally no money for the tube home until my money went in at midnight. Then just kept wandering for some reason XD
I think that was also the day i found out i was pregnant

Morning everyone!

nonperson 31-10-2022 11:13 AM

Pink Freud XD

I had no idea these meets were eventful.

Cacoethes 31-10-2022 12:30 PM


Yeah we had lots of fun at meets!

Hey np!

I am in a&e because my gp surgery is incompetent *facepalm*

nonperson 31-10-2022 02:05 PM

Oh no, better to go there and get yourself checked out though.

Cacoethes 31-10-2022 02:11 PM

Yeah. Just a pain! The buses here have changed now and are only every hour (if they turn up) and I've had to miss work and the gp could easily have sorted a blood test! But oh well, I'm here now!
Had bloods done. Cannula in.
The coffee machine isn't working though :'(

How are you?

nonperson 31-10-2022 02:19 PM

Sounds like you're getting more done than just a blood test though which your GP wouldn't be able to do?

Oh that's just the final straw the coffee machine not working!

I'm meh, struggling to be motivated. And I had to cancel my blood test tomorrow because I can't get through to a single ****er on the phone to tell me if I've actually got forms or not.

Cacoethes 31-10-2022 02:34 PM

So far its just been the blood test and basic obs.
Doc said that to diagnose diabetes though, it'd need to be a fasting blood test and then I'd be given glucose or something. But my sugars were normal so I'm guessing it's not that anyway!


Oh noo! Is it an important blood test?

one_step_closer 31-10-2022 03:03 PM

Hi everyone.

Any news yet, Beckie? Someone needs to fix the coffee machine, a non working coffee machine should never be allowed to happen!

Sorry to hear you're not so good, NP. It sounds like you've done a lot already with the phone calls and that would suck up anyones motivation.

not_so_insig 31-10-2022 03:04 PM

Hello all. I have an vet appointment this afternoon. Fingers crossed its nothing serious.

one_step_closer 31-10-2022 03:05 PM

I hope everything goes ok, Dawn.

Cacoethes 31-10-2022 03:11 PM

Nope no news!
The drinks vending machine is broken too....
There's ALWAYS at LEAST one broken machine. Out of 3.
And it's usually the one i want too....

nonperson 31-10-2022 04:08 PM

It's sort of an important blood test. Ideally I wanted it done before my diabetes check up but it'll have to wait until after now. I'll just never find out the result.

Also I didn't make any phone s this morning, Lindsay. Just a million last week where no one answered so I didn't think anyone would today either.

That's a bit odd about needing a fasting blood test to diagnose diabetes, unless that's for type 2. A finger prick test was enough for me diagnosed on the spot!

Cacoethes 31-10-2022 04:43 PM

It would be for type 2. Runs in my family.

Oddly enough, all my blood tests are all normal!
I am really surprised!
He said to ask my gp for a fasting blood test.
But i doubt it is diabetes because my sugar levels were fine!
I need Dr House!
Waiting for bus now

tamobhuuta 31-10-2022 04:53 PM

I'm glad your blood is healthy :)

Cacoethes 31-10-2022 05:04 PM


tamobhuuta 31-10-2022 06:17 PM

What are people up to this evening?

one_step_closer 31-10-2022 06:20 PM

Sorry NP, my mistake. How has your day been?

I hope you're home and resting now, Beckie.

I'm just doing my usual internetting, reading, and TV. What about you, Tamo?

Cacoethes 31-10-2022 06:26 PM

Yep I am home!
I got a coffee and belgian bun from greggs before the bus!

I'm just watching random tv. Should probably put dinner in soon.

not_so_insig 31-10-2022 07:42 PM

Dont forget that it's Halloween tonight peeps in case you get an unexpected knock on the door.

Cacoethes 31-10-2022 07:53 PM

Already heard loads of kids.
But its been posted all over the local site that if the house isn't decorated or hasn't got pumpkins outside, then you don't knock.

Cacoethes 01-11-2022 08:18 AM

Morning everyone!

Zurg 01-11-2022 09:46 AM

Morning Beckie.
How are you today?

I have sinister plans of taking a nap soon. It is very windy and rainy here today. It is one of those days when the Sun never really come through the clouds. A perfect day to spend napping :)

Elmer 01-11-2022 11:33 AM

Love the idea of a sinister nap Zurg! It does sound like a good day for napping

one_step_closer 01-11-2022 11:34 AM

Morning everyone, how are you all?

I hate grey days. Napping some of it away sounds good. Don't be napping all day though, Kat. We'll miss you here. And why is it a sinister plan?

I've got the gym group this afternoon.

Cacoethes 01-11-2022 11:57 AM

Hey guys!

It was raining earlier but the sun is out now!
Bit windy but not cold!

not_so_insig 01-11-2022 12:09 PM

I am sitting here waiting for the vet to call with the results of my cat's blood test. I have my cpn visiting later. I woke up early so am bored. Naff all on telly.

not_so_insig 01-11-2022 12:22 PM

Also it's ok weather wise here. I had horrendous rainfall last night and I got rather wet walking to and from the pillarbox.

tamobhuuta 01-11-2022 01:02 PM

I'm also waiting to hear from my CPN. I just had a text out of the blue from my old uni disability support worker asking how I was! She managed to do the same when I was IP before!

Cacoethes 01-11-2022 01:41 PM

Ah now it's grey and raining! Booo!

That's weird tamo!

not_so_insig 01-11-2022 05:13 PM

It's quiet here. Have you been working today Beckie?

Zurg 01-11-2022 05:26 PM

I eventually managed to get a nap :D
I did struggle a bit due to restless legs and an urgent need to pee….

I'm bored. It's election day in Denmark and there's only election news and interviews on the tv >:(
I haven't cared less about an election in my life. They are all a bunch of knobheads!!! It seems to stupid and a waste of resources to go through this. They never really achieve anything anyway, they just spend the majority of the time throwing dirt at one another…

not_so_insig 01-11-2022 05:52 PM

Sounds like UK politics. Zurg do you not have Netflix?

one_step_closer 01-11-2022 06:02 PM

Have you had a call back about your cat, Dawn? Did it go ok with your CPN?

Did you talk to your CPN, Tamo? It's nice that your uni worker is in touch sometimes.

I hate when you can't sleep for restless legs and needing to pee. Have you got any other TV services or dvds to watch? Politics is so boring.

not_so_insig 01-11-2022 06:23 PM

Yes I have had a call from the vet. My cat has an infection so I have to pick up antibiotics from the vet. My appointment with my cpn went ok.

Cacoethes 01-11-2022 07:05 PM

Nope not at work today! I am tomorrow though.

Politics is both boring and infuriating.

Hopefully the antibiotics will help!

Cacoethes 02-11-2022 09:24 AM

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 02-11-2022 11:59 AM

Morning Cacoethes, how are you?

Cacoethes 02-11-2022 12:01 PM

Hey. I'm ok thanks.
Leaving for work soon.

How are you?

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