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Laura2.0 18-06-2011 10:14 PM

I'm off my meds now.
I'm supposed to take something else now, but I failed last night.

shattered1 19-06-2011 06:06 AM

*waves hi to everyone*
just gonna stay in my corner, if that is cool with everyone.
Angel - hope you are feeling better
Mrs Pan - I hope your headache is all gone. i get some that will last for days, i agree they need to be destroyed.
hope everyone else is doing alright....take care

Doikers 19-06-2011 10:03 AM

*Hugs Laura*

*waves to shattered1*

Doikers 19-06-2011 12:27 PM

*Hugs AuraGrace*

Emo 19-06-2011 07:07 PM

Feel like cutting ...really not feeling good at all
I though that someone cared about me so much that they would do something for me but it turns out they don't am heart broken

just feel saying sod it and cutting

Doikers 19-06-2011 08:24 PM

*Waves to Angel* I'm sorry hun :/

SoMuchMore 19-06-2011 08:57 PM

*hugs everyone*

*spies mark and hugs*

Doikers 19-06-2011 09:11 PM

*Hugs Laura* How are you hun?

SoMuchMore 19-06-2011 09:20 PM

I'm hanging in there, Mark. Not great, but *shrug* surviving.
How about you?

Doikers 19-06-2011 09:36 PM

Hanging in there at my Parents place for Fathers Day . Pretty tired but I don't sleep well here.........*Hugs Laura*

Cazki 19-06-2011 09:53 PM

*Grabs a blanket and hides in corner* *wraps blanket round himself*

*Hugs Mark*

*Hugs Laura*

*Hugs Laura*

*Hugs Mrs Pan*

*Waves to angel*

*Waves to Shattered1*

*Hugs Matt*

Doikers 19-06-2011 09:57 PM

*Hugs Ian* , How are you mate?

Cazki 19-06-2011 10:00 PM

Heya Mark :) im not bad i guess, got a horrible cold and feel awful.

Doikers 19-06-2011 10:06 PM

Sorry Ian *Germ killing Hug*

*Night Time Hugs My Ward mates*

shattered1 20-06-2011 01:17 AM

Atlantica - here have some orange juice and chicken soup (probably not at the same time), get feeling better soon

Angel - Sorry to hear the person disappointed you, I can empathize with how much that hurts

AuraGrace - Yes, the SIing helps cope. But it is not a healthy way. I am telling myself that as I am telling you. For me it had been a while, I know we are not supposed to go into how long, but not that long...but Friday I gave into urges that had been bad all week long. Why? I don't know Friday it wasn't even that bad. I understand the rush...but there are a lot of risks too. If you can not make it without doing it (which i am not promoting just so the mods know) please be careful.

*waves* to everyone
Have counselling tomorrow am scared. Don't know what to expect. But have been disassociating at each of the sessions and don't want to tell counselor that I did have my slip and SIed and other things. Just want to disappear.

BWchick 20-06-2011 04:20 AM

*comes into ward*
hey everyone sorry I haven't been here for a while.... I need a hug.... How is everyone? I feel soooo confused right now that I don't even know where to start.

Emo 20-06-2011 09:15 AM

I feel like i have achieved nothing in my life
No kids no job no friends .

my mother is right am a waste of life

Only Good thing i have done is marry my husband and became Muslim


Doikers 20-06-2011 10:23 AM

*Hugs Shattered1* Good Luck at counselling :)

*Hugs Megz* Why so confused Hun?

*waves to Angel* I'm sorry you feel so low hun, I have the same issues :/

one_step_closer 20-06-2011 11:41 AM

Morning everyone.

Doikers 20-06-2011 11:49 AM

Morning Lindsay *Hugs * How are you?

I AM Quitting the drink , I had a bit of a SlipBut I'm DETERMINED again, on my 2nd day.........

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