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Doikers 17-01-2011 09:27 PM

*Hugs Lia* Why are you at your wits end Hun?

*Hugs Josh* Sorry , I just saw your signature of Matt Tuck and thought "Matt" :P

ˈsäləˌterē 17-01-2011 09:27 PM

Hey Josh, how ya doin?

TheSuffererComplex 17-01-2011 09:30 PM

yeah its alright =]

And honestly, im not doing too great. but im holding up. Im just feeling rather lonely.

FlyingNy 17-01-2011 09:44 PM

Sorry Josh, I called you Matt because Mark did. Blame him :P I'm Lia. Hey :) Glad you're holding up, you can hang here if you're feeling lonely :)

Lots of things...I'm worried about my friends. One of them is always...well, not good. She keeps texting me, all of the time and I don't feel she actually wants my friendship, more of me as a counsellor and I can't just ditch her, but she's dragging me down, I spend most nights talking her out of things and I'm just so tired. And my other friend's really ill...it might be serious and she's just split up with her fiance and she's really on edge too... I just don't know what to do. My 'auntie' who I have known for my whole life has breat cancer...she's got kids and they have no one else. I'm in the middle of my drama practical exam, but I can't do it, I can't act, I don't know what's wrong with me because I've done this before, I just can't get into it and I'm so worried that everyone is going to fail because of me as the whole group's marks are effected by each person. I can't even explain myself right. Being so busy stressing about everything else isn't helping me to pass these darn exams...

FlyingNy 17-01-2011 09:47 PM

My rock's leaving me and I have no one else to turn to. My family just get at me, my friends get pissed when I'm snappy...no one gets it.

Doikers 17-01-2011 09:49 PM

*Hugs Lia* I'm sorry hun , you sound like you have much on your plate . I have the same deal where I feel someone is using me more for counselling/someone to bitch at and I don't want to say , "Hey , TRY and help YOURSELF" because I don't want to push them over the edge and I don't want to come over as a horrible person.

Doikers 17-01-2011 09:51 PM

Oh Liaa *Hugs* My PM box is open for you hun, You want to become Facbook buddies? That way I may be able to help . I am having an early night tonight though :S

FlyingNy 17-01-2011 09:59 PM

Sure :) Is my fb on my profile? I think it is. I know how it feels, I can't tell her where to go in case it makes her do something stupid.

Doikers 17-01-2011 09:59 PM

*Night time hugs my Wardies*
Catch up with you tomorrow :)

ˈsäləˌterē 17-01-2011 10:00 PM

Lia hun, don't be hard on yourself. You're just spreadin yourself too thin. You need a break to catch your breath. You have to take care of yourself first. Even then, you can't be everything to everyone.

TheSuffererComplex 17-01-2011 10:02 PM

its alright dont worry about it =]

Kahlia1981 17-01-2011 10:22 PM

*huggles all*

Had a bad night last night. Woke up twice with panic attacks. Feeling quite fragile this morning. Meh. Also still extremely tired because the sleep quality was so poor. :-(

Oh well.

FlyingNy 17-01-2011 11:05 PM

*Hugs Kahlia* I'm sorry, I don't know what to say right now. But I hope you can get better sleep tonight. I'm thinking of you.

I'm glad we didn't get on your nerves Josh :)

*Hugs Solo* Thanks :) I find it really hard to put myself first though.

SparkleKitten 17-01-2011 11:14 PM

*cuddles ward* my counsellor saw what I've been like over the past 2 weeks, my fiance kept it well documented and had me fill out a questionnare and she looked at it all and she's worried and my goal for this week is to get my gp to give me a refferal to the mental health team in my area :( I'm so worn out, sorry for the lack of individuals today, I'm thinking of you all x

ˈsäləˌterē 17-01-2011 11:53 PM

I understand Lia. It sounds good, but I can't do it either. Seems to be the common theme with all of us!

FlyingNy 18-01-2011 12:19 AM

We'll need to work on that Solo. All of you guys matter to me, no matter how long your stay here.

*Hugs Sarah* It's alright my dear, not everyone can always support others. It's enough to know you care :) I hope all goes well for you and you can get things sorted. I really admire your courage you know.

misskitty112 18-01-2011 12:24 AM

*hugs ward* I so wanted to be super on top of things with individuals and such, then life hit me... again.

I can't keep doing this.

SparkleKitten 18-01-2011 12:28 AM

*cuddles everyone* you're all amazing, I know you can do this. I know you'll beat it, because you're all truly wonderful. <3

ˈsäləˌterē 18-01-2011 12:29 AM

It's ok Felicia! Life happens hun.

Kahlia1981 18-01-2011 07:58 AM

*cuddles everyone*

Two hours until my online meeting. Nervous as hell. Taken 1/2mg of xanax because I need to stay sharp. Hopefully it will kick in and be just enough. *sigh* Why am I such a stress-bucket? It would be so much easier to do this group assignment if I was studying on-campus. :-(

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