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I'm cooking some noodles to have dinner early instead of late. I'm hoping that will help me xD
I hope everyone is doing okay! |
I love noodles. Hope you enjoy them.
They were yum!
How are you Lorraine? |
Afternoon all
Hello Dawn!
I'm ok thanks Rebecca.
How are you? How are you Dawn? |
My plans were to go to asda.
Ive done that now. I found some nice fruit in the reduced section so I am happy! And its really warm outside! Noodles sound good Rebecca! What are you up to Lorraine? Hi dawn! |
I'm still lazing around. Going out in a bit for coffee and to sketch and write.
Reduced fruit is good. I have dried mango to snack on, which is nice. |
Sounds like a good plan!
Dried mango is yummy! |
It certainly is. Yum.
I can't be bothered going out, but I need to go to the shop too. Thankfully everything is opened late here, so I can leave later. I'm having one of those cold coffee drinks, hoping it will waken me up to get moving. |
Mango in general is yummy!! It's a pain to eat though because the stone in it is hard to get around if that makes sense xD
I might go for a nap. Nothing on tv and I'm bored. |
I just buy the ready chopped mango. Much less hassle.
Enjoy your nap. |
I always find its better to just get it over and done with.
Enjoy your nap Rebecca! There really isnt anything on tv. |
That would probably be more sensible. I'm going to leave it later and have dinner in the coffee shop. They do nice jacket potatoes.
That sounds good.
Jacket potatoes are always a good choice! My mum got me some groceries from sainsburys yesterday so ive got a braised beef with red wine and roasted potatoes healthy ready meal. I am looking forward to it! |
That will be nice. Mums are great like that. My mum used to surprise me with groceries a lot.
I have been watching Don't Tell The Bride. I agree that there's sod all on the telly and tonight doesn't look great unless you like athletics. I am waiting for a book to come in the post so once it comes I will read it so I shouldn't be bored. I feel sorry for people stuck in hospital because there's nothing to do.
I hope your book comes soon Dawn. I need to read more.
Im watching a tv show ive already downloaded.
Dont know what I'd do without my downloaded shows/movies and Netflix!! |
Same here with Netflix. Although I'd like to watch less and read more, but I've been too lazy. I need to borrow some books from my sister's big library she has.
Right. I'm going to get moving otherwise I'll never get out. |
I need to read more too.
See you later Lorraine! |
Urgh, changed mind. I'm not going out. I need a quiet day in because I've been busy for me this week. Plus I have lots of shopping to do in town tomorrow, so I'll need to be rested.
Thats probably for the best Lorraine.
You don't want to be wearing yourself out |
Have you anything planned for this evening? I might do some sketching. I would like to paint but I'm to tired to even stand at my easel, so sitting sketching seems a good plan.
I need days where I can be lazy and do nothing otherwise I become ill. I have been to the post office and coffee with my friend today. |
Nothing planned.
Need to shower and have dinner. Thats basically it. Sketching sounds good. Thats good dawn. |
Did you enjoy coffee with your friend? What kind of coffee did you have?
When I go shopping tomorrow I'm going to treat myself to an iced caramel latte in costa. I'll need it with the hectic shopping trip I have to do. |
I had a latte. I might be going for coffee with my other friend next week.
Iced caramel lattes are my favourite thing in summer!
I never had an iced latte.
That's good you are going out again. I recommend iced latte.
Especially as the friend who I was with today can't do coffee next week.
I wish i had friends who lived close!
Geographically, the closest friends I have are a 30 min train and about a 25 min bus! |
That must be hard Beckie, but do you manage to get to see them often?
I'm lucky I have my sister 4 doors away. My friends are further away, but public transport is so good here that it's it an issue. |
My friend who I am meeting hopefully on Tuesday is a 40 min train ride away. We are meeting halfway between the two at a shopping centre. My mum is taking me as there's no buses until 4 hours later!
That's good your mum is taking you.
Next week I have more life drawing to go to, and an appointment, but nothing else planned. Do you guys have anything planned for the weekend? I'm going for dinner with my friend and back to her flat on Saturday. |
I am going out with my parents but Idk where. We never know until the Sunday.
It can be quite nice not knowing and doing something random. I hope you go somewhere nice.
Ive just had my ready meal.
It was very tasty!! |
What was the ready meal?
I had some chicken earlier :) |
We're going out to an Indian restaurant tonight :D
Glad you enjoyed your meal Beckie! |
Hope you guys enjoyed your meals.
I love Indian food Eska. Hope you enjoy it. |
It was braised beef with red wine and roasted potatoes and carrots.
Yum! Did you have anything with the chicken katy? Chicken is nice! Ooo i love indian food! Enjoy! |
Hey guys
Hey Luna, how are you?
Luna!!! Helloo!!!
How are you? Its been a while! |
I'm ok, how are you guys doing?
Im good.
Been up to much? |
I'm ok thanks.
You up to much? I'm having a lazy evening watching pride and prejudice. Will maybe sketch later. |
Hey all :) I've switched from Super vets looking for homes to Game of Thrones as otherwise I think I'd have had millions of dogs before the night was out:P
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