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Pizza sounds so good. I had a heavy lunch of mac n cheese, so although I crave pizza I'm too full for it. I might get pizza at Asda cafe one day. They sell it by slice and it's so good. It stops me buying rubbish if I eat before my shop.
Ooo mac and cheese! Nom!
That sounds like a good plan with the pizza!! |
it was yummy. It's made me sleepy though.
What toppings is on your pizza? I like onion, mushroom and sweetcorn. I also like olives too. Basically any veg except bell peppers. I get a bad reaction to bell peppers. I managed to accidentally eat some yesterday and ended up with stomach ache. |
Mmmm pizza. I don't even know what monstrosity I will be expected to eat tonight.
Its a ham and pineapple pizza.
When i get a dominoes i always get pineapple, mushroom and sweetcorn. I wish they did olives. I should have bought some today actually. Dammit!! Is it always that bad lillie? :/ |
I hope you get something nice Lillie.
Hope you enjoy it Beckie.
Thanks Lorraine! I have my usual bag of m&ms too!!
Cant wait! |
Peanut or chocolate? I love the peanut ones. I have a bounty for later.
They are crispy ones!
I should have got peanut ones. They are nice! Bountys are good! |
Crispy ones are good too. I haven't had m&ms in ages.
Have you ever been to M&M world?
It is a magical place! |
No I haven't. It sounds great!
It is!!
So easy to spend a load of money in there though! My friend spent like £50 in there!! |
I've never heard of it. In New York they do so many m&ms. My sister went and brought me back lots of bags of different ones, including peanut butter.
Nice! I think it must be the same sort of set up in the london one.
Lots of cool merchandise too! |
M&ms always remind me of top cat cartoon. When I was a kid my sister and I were given m&ms and a top cat video and watched it whilst eating the m&ms, so for some weird reason I now associate the two.
I love those little associations from childhood!
Whenever i watch Pokemon, it reminds me of pancakes because mum would always make them for us on sundays when Pokemon was on. And we were allowed to eat them in the living room!! And holby city always reminds me of pizza now :p |
Yum pancakes. I associate scooby doo with mac and cheese, because it was always on whenever mum made it.
I associate casualty with red wine and wotsits, because whenever I watch it with my sister we always have those. |
Red wine and wotsits, winning combo there!!
Haha, we are just so classy!
Totally!! :p
Not long til pizza time!! |
Yay. Pizza time is always good. I'm excited for you.
It seems to have eased off with the rain so hopefully my walk there won't be too soggy!! |
I hope it's dry for you. We've had a dry day for a change here. It warm too.
Its been torrential rain most of the day here!
Looks like we've swapped weather! |
It's been pouring it down all afternoon here too. Needed it though as it was very muggy.
Speaking of food associations my mum used to give me batternburg cake whilst watching bullseye in the 1980s. I still watch bullseye but I hate batternburg. I haven't had batternburg cake for over 10 years.
I like battenburg but I'm not a huge fan.
I ate my bounty. |
It rained this afternoon but not for very long. It's been ok.
I have to get up early tomorrow. Mainly because I have the washing machine engineer is coming again. I hope that they send someone else. |
Ewww to both batten burg and bounty.
I hope you get it fixed Dawn. I know how annoying it is not to have it working.
Haha my bounty was delicious!
Yes I have run out of clean pyjamas. I have a few new pairs so I have to dig some of them out. Fortunately I haven't run out of underwear.
We really did need the rain lillie!
I was without a washing machine for 6 months. It sucked!! Back from sw. Had a good loss and got my next award so im happy. And extra happy cos pizza is in the oven! |
Well done Beckie. Enjoy your pizza.
I enjoyed my pizza! Already looking forward to next weeks :p Whats everyone up to? |
I'm deciding what to watch on Netflix. I got distracted by YouTube.
Ah deciding what to watch on Netflix is tough!!
What are you up to?
Im watching taskmaster.
Will probably go to bed soon. Its been a long day! |
I'm already lying in bed. I'll probably go to sleep soon. I want to be up tomorrow to do housework, pick up meds and paint.
Its still raining really hard so I'm looking forward to going to bed. I love the sound of rain.
Sounds like you've got a productive day planned! |
I love the sound of the rain too. It's very relaxing.
I just hope I do my tasks tomorrow. I get tired really badly, so it's a bit of a struggle. I do need to pick up meds, so I have to go out. I might go for a coffee too. Have you got anything planned for tomorrow? |
Don't beat yourself up about it if you don't manage to do it all. Just take the day how it comes :)
I'm seeing my care coordinator and doing some more driving theory prep. Need to go to asda and might wait for my carer in the evening to take me so I can get more stuff. Im off to bed now. Night night and hope you sleep well |
Sounds like you have a busy day ahead too.
Good night. Sleep well. |
Good morning all! I should be sleeping but it's raining and I haven't seen the rain in like a month and I don't want to miss it so here I am at my bedroom window at 4am xD
Ha ha sounds like a rain related plan Rebecca! Unfortunately my dog doesn't share your rain enthusiasm she looked outside saw rain then looked at me like I'd summoned the rain to ruin her life :p
Lol Katy. But imagine if you had to outside naked to use the bathroom in the rain.
I just wanna stay in bed today. Such bad pain. Grumble rumble |
I am sitting here waiting for the washing machine engineer. Again. Fingers crossed that they are able to fix it this time. Also fingers crossed that they send someone different because I am showing even more scars today and I will feel mega uncomfortable if he comments.
I just had the postman come and I am waiting for the amazon man too. So I shall be seeing a lot of people today. |
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