![]() |
Sounds lush lorraine. :)
Have a nice nap Rebecca. |
Ninja the rain does not sound lush.
Hi Lillie. How are you? You on your train journey? I hope it goes in quickly.
I like the rain!
Hey the first half went slowly then quickly then slowly again. I'm nearly there now though thanks. I'm in severe knee pain but oh well.
Anyone got exciting weekend lplans? |
Glad you're nearly thete Lillie
Sorry about the knee pain. Do baths help? I've got nothing planned this weekend. Probably just attempt to revise because my exam is on Wednesday |
Sorry you are in pain. I hope it stops soon.
I have no plans this weekend. I'll need to go to Morrisons or Asda. I might dye my hair. It's fading to pink. I have a deeper pink dye to try. Not a very exciting weekend. Do you have any plans? |
Pink hair sounds awesome!!!
I'm finding more telemarathons I can go on while I'm largely stuck on sofa. Any suggestions anyone? |
Hi Katy. How are you? I hope you find something good to watch.
Pink hair sounds like a good idea!
I'm in the same situation katy! Lol! |
I have no recommendations on what to watch Katy, but I will post some Quizzes late as I know you do them as a distraction quite a bit.
Yay for bright hair Lorraine, I wish I could be bother to do mine. I so love Nancy's (out of Hollyoaks) hair colour right now! |
I haven't watched hollyoaks In ages!
Thanks Ames.
Sorry to hear same boat Beckie! Trying to think of anything you might not of seen but nothing coming to mind other than youtubing old mock the weeks/russell howard stuff. Okay thanks Lorraine hows you? |
I'm currently watching dance moms. It's so trashy but I love it
I'm ok thanks. Nearly falling asleep. Think I'll go do some painting.
That's a good idea Lorraine :)
ha ha I might have to give that a go then Beckie, we all need a bit of trash in our lives!
We do indeed!
Eastenders will be on in a minute. Haven't watched it in a while! |
Did Rebecca have a nice nap?
Good morning everyone!
(If you're talking about me, Good Vibes, yes I did have an awesome nap! :D ) I gotta leave to take my hamster to the vets in a moment. Little fluffball has a rash under her chin :( I'm terrified the vet will say I've been abusing her or something. |
I doubt the vet would think any such thing lovely, hope your hamster is okay.
Morning guys
Hope your hamster is ok Rebecca. I'm sure the m vets wouldn't think anything like that. There things happen all the time |
He gave me a dodgy look but Cookie got her own back for me by biting him haha he gave her antibiotics and said if it isn't clear by Tuesday they'll have to put her under to check out her pouches
How is everyone doing today? It's pretty sunny, is anyone going out? |
Hopefully the anti biotics will work!
I have a tiny rash on my face which seems to have spread. I think I need to go to the vet too :p I have to go to asda (surprise surprise!) |
Good afternoon everyone.
I've just dyed my hair. It's now a deep pink. Just procrastinating before I get ready to go to Morrisons. |
Hey Lorraine!
Pink sounds good! I've been to asda now I'm doing some of a workout game on the Wii |
Lol asda again beckie :P
Afternoon guys |
Useless fact, hamster is the German word for hoarder, my brother had a hamster once called Titch, Tesco's is better.
Yep asda again!! :p
I managed to carry back a pack of 30 cans of coke. I usually get 2 8 packs because I can carry them easily. But the price has changed again so it would be £7 for 2 packs of 8 and the 30 cans are £7 at the moment. It was absolute hell carrying it back home and I've really hurt my arm doing it. But there's no way I was paying £7 for 16 cans when I could get 30 for the same price! No pain, no gain :p Anyway. Hello Lillie! How are you ? I used to think Tesco was better because I lived in a town with just a massive Tesco. But then moved here where the only supermarket is asda and I find I prefer it! Not with deliveries though. Tesco is far superior when it comes to deliveries. There a Sainsbury's just outside town but Sainsbury's is expensive . I'm watching Harry potter |
Lol I prefer asda stunning. How're you?
Holy heck beckie! That's some muscle there! Which harry potter are you watching? I'm poo beckie tbh. So much pain but crocheting again when I can manage it. |
I'm watching the first one. They all look sooo young!!
Ah sorry you're not feeling good. Hope the pain eases soon. <3 |
I like a useless fact cpt stunning. Thanks.
I'm in coffee shop before I head to the shop. Having a mug of tea. |
Bit hot for tea isn't it?!
It's never too hot for tea, silly Southerner :tongue2:
Don't you northerners start ganging up on me!!
I remember one Manchester meet where several people spent basically the ENTIRE DAY making fun of the way I said 'glasses'. And Katy, I also remember you making fun of the way I say 'latte :p |
I consider myself a Welsh person first then a northerner. As the north west england is only 10 miles from my flat.
I am a southerner and still drink tea in heat waves!
I've actually just had a coffee as I've cooled down since putting on shorts and having the windows open!
My house always stays really cool for some reason. The coffee shop in town was packed. They do seriously nice milkshakes made from real ice cream. I might have to treat myself to one next week. Butterscotch is my favourite. |
Mmm a milkshake sounds nommy.
It was a bit warm for tea. I should have had some irn bru. I might buy some from the shop.
I loovvee milkshakes!
There are probably slimming world recipes for milkshakes tbh. There are slimming world recipes for basically everything! I haven't had irn bru in so long! It is tasty. |
Milkshake is nommy but then I would say that when not at tge cassel I run a milkshake shop :P
I have gone out to get pampering stuff in the orders of a nurse at the cassel. And I'm treating myself to a blended caramel latte cooler in Costa. Soooooo good. And yes. Never too hot for tea. |
Sounds lovely Lillie. What pampering stuff have you got?
Hi all
Do you get free milkshakes lillie?!
The pampering stuff sounds great! :) Hi dawn! |
Hi Beckie.
I am kinda worried because I have had a letter from my bank asking to verify my id. According to my bank's website they are doing it to everyone who banks with them. It's getting the photocopies verified which means that I will have to ask a nurse when they next come to do my depot. I am scared that they will say no. Also the name of my full name is slightly different on my id than on my account. |
That's weird. I've never heard of a bank doing that before!
Why would the nurse say no? |
Could you perhaps phone the bank or go into the bank and ask why they are doing that? Sounds very bizarre!
Pampering sounds a good idea Lillie.
Dawn, it might be an idea to go into the bank and ask them. I'm home from the shop. It's so warm. We had thunder here earlier. It was so loud. Yay casualty and doctor who tonight. I might do some painting before it. |
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