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tamobhuuta 03-05-2021 12:37 PM

I'm ok but starting to feel anxious which sucks. How are you?

Cacoethes 03-05-2021 01:09 PM

Hey guys

tamobhuuta 03-05-2021 01:26 PM

Hi Cacoethes how are you?

not_so_insig 03-05-2021 01:56 PM

Hello all.

Cacoethes 03-05-2021 02:06 PM

I'm ok thanks
Woke up being called for lunch and just been out for fresh air.

How are you guys?

tamobhuuta 03-05-2021 02:21 PM

Hi insig, how are you?

Was your fresh air chilly Caco? It's chilly here.

Cacoethes 03-05-2021 02:26 PM

Yes it was rather cold!
One of the other girls lent me one of her hoodies because mine has disappeared

not_so_insig 03-05-2021 02:30 PM

It's very rainy and windy here. I cant watch TV through the dish

Cacoethes 03-05-2021 02:40 PM

That's annoying

I'm watching line of duty on iplayer.
I know it goes against my anti-BBC thing but everyone kept telling me to try it and it is pretty good

not_so_insig 03-05-2021 03:15 PM

Yes it's annoying. Fortunately the only thing I am desperate to watch is Corrie and it's repeated tomorrow on itv2 so I am hoping that the weather is better then. Or because it's not until later that the wind has died down.

shadow-light 03-05-2021 07:24 PM

am i the only one who had never even heard of line of duty until like 3 weeks ago when everyone was talking about it al over social media?

Turns out theres like 7 series :o

nonperson 03-05-2021 07:43 PM

You're not the only one!

There was even a segment on BBC Breakfast about it this morning because the very last episode aired last night or something. So now I know the big spoiler but nothing else about the show. =P

shadow-light 03-05-2021 07:44 PM

all i really know is that everyone appearently hated the ending :laugh:

nonperson 03-05-2021 07:49 PM

I think people are programmed to hate whatever ending is written as a sort of misdirected anger at the show finishing forever!

Dare I mention Game of Thrones. >.>

shadow-light 03-05-2021 07:55 PM

game of thrones went squiffy as soon as it overtook the books in my opinion... i've heard the books will be finishing differently - if he ever gets round to writing them

[Luna] 03-05-2021 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by shadow-light (Post 4299111)
am i the only one who had never even heard of line of duty until like 3 weeks ago when everyone was talking about it al over social media?

Turns out theres like 7 series :o

Definitely not the only one!!

[Luna] 03-05-2021 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4299115)
I think people are programmed to hate whatever ending is written as a sort of misdirected anger at the show finishing forever!

Sounds like a legit theory to me.

nonperson 03-05-2021 08:09 PM

Yeah it's kinda like what's the point of finishing the GoT books now...

And yup, totally legit theory! People definitely like to have something to rebel against. =P

tamobhuuta 04-05-2021 10:58 AM


Cacoethes 04-05-2021 11:29 AM

Morning tamo
How are you?

not_so_insig 04-05-2021 12:11 PM

Afternoon all. It's windy again today so guess I will be unable to watch anything through the dish again? Though saying that I saw Corrie last night as the wind had died down.

tamobhuuta 04-05-2021 12:14 PM

I'm ok thanks Cacoethes, how are you?
How are you insig? I hope you don't lose your telly.

Cacoethes 04-05-2021 12:24 PM

It is very windy today

Glad you're ok tamo
I'm meh. Ward round today

not_so_insig 04-05-2021 12:40 PM

It's raining too.

I am slightly under the weather but otherwise ok.

Cacoethes 04-05-2021 01:04 PM

They have just replaced the windows in my room.
I've had to be out of my room ALL morning because of it but now i can see outside and people can't see in.

tamobhuuta 04-05-2021 02:00 PM

That's good Cacoethes. Good luck in ward rounds.

Sorry you're not great insig. I hope your afternoon improves.

not_so_insig 04-05-2021 07:54 PM

Happy Star Wars Day everyone!

tamobhuuta 05-05-2021 09:59 AM

Hi people.

Cacoethes 05-05-2021 10:50 AM

Morning tamo

tamobhuuta 05-05-2021 11:58 AM

Hi Cacoethes how are you?

Cacoethes 05-05-2021 12:36 PM

Could be better thanks for asking
How are you?

tamobhuuta 05-05-2021 01:09 PM

Yeah, I'm ok. Getting hungry for lunch!

not_so_insig 05-05-2021 01:57 PM

Hello all. I am still under the weather but my card for my cpn arrived today along with my competition prize.

Cacoethes 05-05-2021 02:16 PM

It's pouring down here

tamobhuuta 05-05-2021 02:30 PM

That's cool insig.

It's cool and cloudy here.

not_so_insig 05-05-2021 03:19 PM

It's sunny and cool here.

Cacoethes 06-05-2021 10:37 AM

Morning guys

tamobhuuta 06-05-2021 11:06 AM

Hi Cacoethes, how are you? I just had my second covid jab.

Cacoethes 06-05-2021 12:09 PM

I'm ok
Nearly lunchtime but I'm not really hungry

How are you feeling after the jab?

tamobhuuta 06-05-2021 12:24 PM

Probably best to eat something even if you don't feel like it.

I'm fine so far, but the first one hit me in the night.

Cacoethes 06-05-2021 01:18 PM

I had a tuna mayo sandwich

Yeah it does tend to get you the next day

tamobhuuta 06-05-2021 02:17 PM

Well done for the sandwich.

I've started feeling anxious so I'm going to work through my coping list. What are you up to?

Cacoethes 06-05-2021 02:24 PM

Thanks :)

That's a good idea
Hope you feel better soon

I'm watching line of duty

tamobhuuta 06-05-2021 02:28 PM

Are you enjoying it?

Cacoethes 06-05-2021 02:34 PM

Yes i am!

tamobhuuta 06-05-2021 02:43 PM

I'm watching Friends and now I'm going to do a wordsearch.

Cacoethes 06-05-2021 02:58 PM

Sounds good

not_so_insig 06-05-2021 03:35 PM

I have been for my weekly walk around the park at the bottom of the road. My polling station is in the park so I voted whilst I was there. Almost forgot my mask though.

tamobhuuta 06-05-2021 04:24 PM

I'm not voting, I know I should but I don't like any of the candidates.

not_so_insig 06-05-2021 04:38 PM

I am a member of a political party so I voted for the party I am a member of.

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