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XSingleMummyX 23-08-2011 12:49 AM

HIIIIII OLIVER! (From Charlie)

frenchhorn 23-08-2011 12:55 AM

Hi Charlie how are you and Dani?

Cazki 23-08-2011 01:01 AM

Oh cool lol. Hiya Charlie :) how are you?

*Hugs Oliver* I'm sorry that the urges have not died down.

Billy! 23-08-2011 01:06 AM

Hey Ian.
Erm, the lucozade has kicked in and me and Dani are HYPER!!!!!!!!

frenchhorn 23-08-2011 01:07 AM

*hugs Ian*

*jumps on Charlie* hehe

PoisonedApple 23-08-2011 01:19 AM

*hugs Dani and Charlie and Ian and Oliver*

I've determined that if I'm to do NaNoWriMo I'll need to do my weekend writing during the week. When I'm home and it's a weekend day I either don't write at all or hardly anything.... *nods*
Aside from that I've been moving more stuff out of my office to archives... It's so cleared up I may take a day off this week just because I can... kind of a mini vacation of sorts, ya know?

*cuddles Oliver until the urges are run off*

How other than hyper are you Charlie?

*leaves hugs and party popper for Mark* Good job on 7 weeks. (it was 7 right? sorry its back a ways)

Billy! 23-08-2011 01:24 AM

*Falls over* *Cuddles*
I'm good :) enjoying my night with Dani.

PoisonedApple 23-08-2011 01:27 AM

*cuddles back*good good.
g'night everybody :)

frenchhorn 23-08-2011 01:28 AM

*hugs Crimson* night

*hugs Charlie* glad your having a good night

Emo 23-08-2011 01:57 AM

I cant sleep , really not feeling so well..:(
Oliver i think you should call some one if you are feeling that you are going to OD or feel like going to the bridge .
I hope the diaz help you

frenchhorn 23-08-2011 02:00 AM

Hi Ella, sorry you can't sleep. sorry your not feeling well whats wrong?

the diaz has helped a little, but I gave into some urges and cut, a lot and quite deeply

Emo 23-08-2011 02:11 AM

I think i have a stomach bug and am feeling really hot
i know its nothing to do with what i had for dinner because my husband is feeling ok

Glad its is helping . sorry that you cut
Am watch tv on line and the live feed died on me :(

frenchhorn 23-08-2011 02:16 AM

sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon.

Doikers 23-08-2011 11:10 AM

*Hugs Heather*

*Hugs Laura*

*Waves to Ella*

*Waves to Dani* Hi I'm Mark:)

*Hugs Ian*

*Hugs Charlie*

*Hugs Crimson* Yes 7 weeks :)

Emo 23-08-2011 11:12 AM

Morning !!
how is everyone this morning ?

Doikers 23-08-2011 12:00 PM

Numb Ella , *Waves* How are you?

Emo 23-08-2011 12:18 PM

Sorry you are feeling numb .
Am doing ok , feeling a lot better than what i was feeling last night.
Unsure what was going on there.

Doikers 23-08-2011 12:24 PM

I'm glad you're feeling better Ella :)

Laura2.0 23-08-2011 01:30 PM

*hugs all*

Last day at home for a while.

SoMuchMore 23-08-2011 02:46 PM

*hugs Mark, Laura, Oliver, Crimson, Charlie, Heather, and Ian*

*waves to Ella*

*waves to Dani* Hi! I'm Laura.

Sorry for my lack of details since I got back. I got sick yesterday (at least not while I was on vacation) and just didn't feel like talking about anything. Today, I feel better-ish... have a regular cold now. Anyway, my vacation was good. I thought everything was really interesting and I love exploring new places. Makes me really want to do a 5th quarter in my graduate program so I can intern in London for 3 months :-)

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