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SoMuchMore 22-08-2011 07:54 PM

*curls up alone*

Doikers 22-08-2011 07:59 PM

*Squashes Laura* How is it to be home?

frenchhorn 22-08-2011 08:41 PM

*hugs Louise, Mark, Heather and Laura* *waves at Ella*

I'm home now, still want to OD, but trying to keep myself distracted. I had an awful moment earlier, my teddy had fallen out of my bag on the way back from the station so I had to go back and look for him, found him on the edge of the road poor thing, but I found him which is good, have had him since birth

Emo 22-08-2011 08:45 PM

Am so glad you got your teddy back ...Sorry you are still feeling the same with wanting to OD.
We can talk here instead of you doing that ....i have to go for a bath in half an hour but ill be back on at lest until 11pm.

My husband has a bunny thats he has had since birth he keeps it in our bed and never sleeps with out him.
What color is your teddy ?
have you named him ?

frenchhorn 22-08-2011 08:49 PM

Thanks Ella. My teddy is a light brown colour and he is called William.

how are you doing?

Emo 22-08-2011 08:59 PM

Am doing ok .
Listening to some music and waiting for the hot water for my bath.
Am all aches and pains because i walked a lot today doing shopping and getting a game for my husband
so i bath will be great for my legs and back.

was the train busy ?
what are you up to at the moment?

I want some monster but my husband said ill be up all night if i drink that now.
I think he is right lol

frenchhorn 22-08-2011 09:05 PM

yeah baths are good for that sort of thing.

yeah the train was pretty busy, but I took a dizepam to calm myself down and just watched a comedy show.
I'm just on facebook and watching more comedy at the moment.

hehe I think your husband may be right, monster at this time is a little silly :P

Doikers 22-08-2011 09:28 PM

OOOOHHHHHHHHHHH Oliver , Isn't Diaz wonderful?Here for you

*Waves at Ella*

frenchhorn 22-08-2011 09:32 PM

*hugs Mark* yeah it is pretty good. I would have literally not coped on the train without it

Emo 22-08-2011 10:38 PM

back from my bath my legs and back arent hurting as much now.
Feel a little triggered feel like cutting

frenchhorn 22-08-2011 10:47 PM

I'm glad the bath helped a bit Ella. sorry your triggered can you do anything to distract yourself.

the urge to OD is getting worse, sat here shaking like a leaf, my heart pounding.

Emo 22-08-2011 10:56 PM

Am so sorry you are feeling so bad ...maybe have an early night go to bed with your teddy and wrap your self up warm comfort yourself do good things for yourself.

I have to pray in a few minutes so that will keep me busy for a little then am going to bed then waking up at 3 am to do another prayer

I hope that you stay safe tonight
Pm me any time if you need to talk Oliver

frenchhorn 22-08-2011 11:03 PM

Thanks Ella, I hope praying helps you and wow you must be dedicated to wake up at 3 am to pray, hope it helps keep you distracted though

XSingleMummyX 22-08-2011 11:59 PM

Hi all, just after a chat and all reali, im 21 with two kids and suffering with depression

Cazki 23-08-2011 12:03 AM

*hugs Louise*
*Hugs Mark* Well done for being weeks free! Thats excellent :)
*Hugs Heather*
*Hugs Laura*
*Hugs Oliver* I'm sorry that you have strong urges to od
*Hugs xdanix* if okay? Hi i'm Ian welcome! How are you?
*Waves to Ella*

frenchhorn 23-08-2011 12:07 AM

*hugs Ian* how are you?

Hi xDanix *waves* I'm Oliver how are you?

Cazki 23-08-2011 12:10 AM

*Hugs Oliver* I'm doing ok thanks Oliver. How are you? Are the urges still as strong?

frenchhorn 23-08-2011 12:15 AM

glad your ok Ian. the urges are still really strong, really want to go to a bridge near me to jump and I want to OD, cant stop thinking about it all. am going to take a diaz to see if that calms me down.

XSingleMummyX 23-08-2011 12:38 AM

*Hugs Ian and Oliver* (If you're wondering how I know your names, Charlie's with me)

frenchhorn 23-08-2011 12:42 AM

*hugs Dani* ahh cool, say hi to her from me.

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