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risenfromperdition 09-08-2011 03:41 PM

tell linds we're all thinking of her :( <3
*squishes you*

risenfromperdition 09-08-2011 03:41 PM

hope all you english people are ok =\

Doikers 09-08-2011 03:59 PM

I live pretty rurally Heather , am not near any Rioting .
How are you? *Hugs*

risenfromperdition 09-08-2011 04:10 PM

im ok. bloody tired.
and nauseous for no reason =[

Doikers 09-08-2011 04:25 PM

Awh! I'm sorry

frenchhorn 09-08-2011 04:32 PM

*curls up and cries* can I die now please, I can't wait until my date for my plan, the pain is too much to wait. I may as well just go and do it now.

Doikers 09-08-2011 04:55 PM

*Hugs Oliver* Whats up mate ?

Cazki 09-08-2011 04:57 PM

*Cuddles Oliver* I'm so sorry i really wish you didnt feel so bad and im sorry you feel this way

*Cuddles Heather*

*Cuddles Mark* Thank you for the update. I'm thinking of you Lindsay im really sorry that you have been struggling so much and that your so low. *Sends hugs to Lindsay* How are you Mark?

frenchhorn 09-08-2011 05:09 PM

*hugs Mark and Ian*

sorry guys, I can't do this anymore. I really need to die, can't wait for a few weeks time, everything is too much, I have to do it.

SoMuchMore 09-08-2011 05:18 PM

*hugs Oliver tight* I'm sorry you are feeling so badly. You don't deserve to be feeling like this. You're such a good, caring, and strong person. Can you please tell someone how bad you are feeling? I'm very worried about you.

*hugs Ian* how are you doing?

*hugs Mark* thanks for the update on lindsay. I'm sorry to hear she is doing so poorly at the moment. If you can tell her we are all thinking about her and support her. How are you doing today, mark?

*hugs Heather* Hope you feel better soon hun!

*hugs Louise* how are you today?

Doikers 09-08-2011 05:27 PM

*Hugs Ian*

*Hugs Oliver* It gets better mate , hang on :S

*Hugs Laura* I'll be sure to collect up all the good wishes for Lindsay and pass them on:)

Doikers 09-08-2011 06:47 PM


frenchhorn 09-08-2011 08:01 PM

*hides* can I stay in here for a while, feeling very unsafe, really want to die, so badly. really want to go out and jump from a bridge near me, and the riots are now in manchester, part of me really wants to go out and get caught in it and get killed that way so it isn't me putting the pain on my family, is that really sick of me?
sorry guys i'm not being very supportive and i'm being a bad wardie.

Doikers 09-08-2011 08:14 PM

It's not sick Oliver . Please stay online

frenchhorn 09-08-2011 08:52 PM

*hugs Mark* sorry I is useless

Cazki 09-08-2011 11:41 PM

*Hugs Oliver* You are not a bad wardie, unsupportive or sick. I would say that your very caring kind supportive and a very valuable member. Please keep fighting, im very worried about you.

*Hugs Mark* How are you?

*Sends hugs to Lindsay* I'm very greatful for all your hard work and support. Your an amazing person, it makes me so sad that your struggling so much.

*Hugs Laura* I'm ok thanks. How are you?

I cant say i know what your both going through (Lindsay and Oliver) but i can relate because of when i struggled when i first came to ryl and the other times iv struggled. I'm thinking of you both.

Doikers 10-08-2011 09:14 AM

*Hugs Oliver*

*Hugs Ian*

Louise 10-08-2011 02:21 PM

*hugs everyone*

*hugs Lindsay* I am so sorry that things are really difficult for you, you have been through so much and deserve the support and help. I am thinking about you.

*hugs oliver* I am only a PM away also there is the supporters you can contact any time you need support.

How is everyone else?

Doikers 10-08-2011 03:47 PM

*Hugs Louise* How are you hun?

Right Lindsay would like me to keep you in the loop about her .
She is to stay in hospital for anti-psychotic injections , she was worried they would discharge her while she was suicidal . So , yeah , she is safe .

Louise 10-08-2011 06:19 PM

it is good that they are trying something to try and help lindsay.

I wonder how oliver is today.

how are you mark?

I am could be better tonight.

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