![]() |
*hands out bag of understanding, support, tissues, sweeties, hot chocolate, teddies and love*
checks in. I really dont want to be on this planet right now :( am very sad
*Tucks Tweetie and Hammy into big comfy beds*
Sleep tight. Things may be brighter in the morning. |
can i have a nice little room no early morn calls
Daves currently loosin it, and really anxious
1 person on ryl was just talk about endin it to me, and ive told em to ring samaritans i cant handle support anyone else im gonna explode right now could do with hiding and keepin safe im mentally screwed up in the head right now and feeling too much of everyones pain i care so much about others but its tearin me apart next few days will be the tester my new nurses appoint gulp im scared sh*tless dont know what to expect last one screwed me up no trust can i just crash in a nice little room somewhere and shut my door sorry im rantin now someone knock me out want to sleep and hide thanks Dave |
*offers Dave an extra large cup of tea* with added oooo lol
Stay safe hunni. |
Dave supporting is an art form mate! theres a quote an old therapist of mine told me that i have lived by ever since "dont let the drowning hands drag you under" Give what you can but learn to stay afloat! Its hard to stop, and it may seem a little harsh at times but in the long run it will keep you going and fit enough to keep supporting, else you will burn out and become ill from it! |
Hey this persons now saying they will end it tonight, i dont know what to do, i just want to hide i cant do any more that suggest them talk to samaritans.
kim dave accepts Large cup of tea, with with added oooo lol Stay safe hunni. thats helping me oooo typhoo oops |
thanks both of you gonna hide now
Kim that teas workin a bit oooooo tahnks can i have a nother
n matthew your right mate supporting is an artform ive still yet to get right, sighs, im like a see saw one time im in control then the next im drivin myself to my limits . Your therapist was wise mate, and your a wise little Ninjapenguin too. I will try not to let the drowning hands drag mne down (ive just checked my pm box to see 2 more frighteneing replies) and im scared to look at em ) shes er -not gonna think about it wheres the tea, er yer "not gonna let the drowning hands drag me down under " "and i will try and give what i can but learn to stay afloat" gotta stop matthew or im gonna blow up, people are all around me can i hide in my room please thank you both Kim and matthew, for your support and wise words. cries, can i stay here for extended time |
You can stay for as long as you like!
*Hands you an etra large flask of tea* Hunni, just dont check you pms. Dont read them. Im sure the person will understand. They would rather you where safe. Take care. |
thanks kim , matthew both of you take care too
Thanks Kim
i never thought id say this but think i will be here a while, dave accepts lovely extra large flask of tea, and your so understanding and caring, you desrve a cup of tea too and matthew, here both have some from my flask. your right kim, i will leave my pms for now, thanks, safe yer will retire to my nice little room night night thank you both for caring and being there, please look after yourselves both of you Dave |
Sleep tight Dave
Dont be up all night in the bathroom after all that tea. ;-) Take care. |
ooh yer wont hog the bathroom
will do , you sleep tight too
ooh good point, will try not to hog the bathroom an wake everyone will have a riot on my hands, will ninja in an out take care too kim and matthew :satisfied: |
Dave perhaps some rubber pants after all the tea! We dont want you wakin up all sticky now! eeew!
*decides to walk in and sit down in the corner, and look at everyone in here, afraid*
hey all brings warm coco for all
*hides in corner with duvet again*
*sits and stares at revision notes* |
*gives chels chocolate and tea*
Maybe take a day off from revision, you can't revise all the time. |
I have to pass these exams.
They're my ticket out of here. I've got to get out of here. |
give queen crabbit answers for her exams
you do need time off from revison |
Ooh, answers would be great :)
*throws away revision notes nad just sits in corner* |
Want a hot coco too?
I'd love one thanks.
And someone to tuck me up in bed. |
Gives you a large hot coco, and tucks you in bed, have a nice sleep
Thankyou :)
*falls asleep cuddling a pair of pants* Hey, it makes me feel safe... :p |
hehehehe, well aslong as your save and sound asleep
tip toes out |
*hands out chocolate buttons to everyone*
Hope you all ok! Im very sleepy as someone woke me up with 6 texts and two phone calls! Chelsea whos pants are those? |
takes three buttons, thankies ;p, do you want tucking in too? for some sleep?
hope you are ok |
Nah im out patient today thanks, just doing the rounds and then buggering off! :P
*checks in*
The pants are now MINE thanks. Pfft. Although their previous owner is what makes them special, but I aint telling YOU what boy gave them to me :p
People are allowed to wake you up if they think you're like, dead, or something. *goes back to her corner* |
Hey Matthew
sorry didnt get back to you earlier, them rubber pants were a good idea mate after drinkin all that tea can i keep em on, ooh can i have some choci buttons too. i went out for a walk and , er i went somewhere i shouldnt have too many memories, collects another flask of tea, hands tea around to everyone want to go hide in my room again, hide under blanket im exhausted and stressed oh well. thanks everyone its good to see you all here. Dave |
thanks for hugs and understanding. still feeling rubbish
Brings my tent and sleeping bag and sets up camp for the next few days
Hey hello Emma
offers you more hugs and a nice cup of tea Dave |
Dave may i suggest some talcum powder to stop the chaffing! The rubber can wear a little and we wouldnt want you posting about a rather painful rash now¬!
welcome bobidrawpictures
i like your tent cool hands out hot tea Dave |
thanks for the tea
(tis luke, and nice to meet you dave) |
throws talcum powder around
Hey Matthew
I have no problem with suggestion of talcum powder was gettin abit worried, throws talcum powder everywhere was wrigglin around like a mad man ooh dont want no rashes cheers mate offers Matthew more fish and a hot tea and choci buttons how ya doin mr Ninjapenguin |
*checks in*
I think i'm going to lose it veeeeeery soon. I'm scared. Meh. No i'm not scared, i'm just impatient. I want it to be over with. |
Dosnt the tea melt the buttons?
*builds a camp fire to go with the tea* Might come join you all tonight. Lizzie, we can lose it together. |
you can all join me in my tent, not too great eithee
Luke doe you have a permit for that tent?, Kim ive told you bot starting fires!
Dave you were only sposed to put the talc around the pant area and not all over your head! *gulps fishy buttons* Lizzie dont worry my dear i lost it ages ago! Hope you are ok! |
If i lose it, you might see where i left it... no? |
That is so true Lizzie!
Matthew i dont remember you ever telling me anything about starting fires! And Luke, only if you promise no funny bussiness! Im used to the loons around here! |
Hey no worries Luke , nice to meet you to
welcome Lizzie please dont worry ive lost it already, its nice in here and try and rest, yer Kim the tea does melt the buttons , ooh camp fire is cool, well hot you know what i mean,yer you take a break and chill abit Dave |
there will be no funny business(well i may fall over but thats about it) scouts honour(though i never went to scots)
*eats melted buttons and uses Mathews hair to wipe chocy covered fingers on*
*Curls up in centre of tent & rocks gently* |
Luke cool tent, wants to bring the camp fire inside, might not be good idea, tho,
well Matthew i thought the talc would look good on my head , plenty more left, ooh better not throw any on the camp fire, Lizzie i lost mine in the corner somewhere im sure it will turn up, well Kim youve got 3 loones now , Kim think im a loon |
grabs my little tent chair and places it in corner and sits down with a box of tissues
ummm if the tent burns down you will have to bring the tent next time
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