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MammaMia 10-12-2010 06:47 PM

How rude of the PO :( Suppose the snow & that isn't helping..

one_step_closer 10-12-2010 06:47 PM

I'll send you some tinsel, Mark!

I'm falling. I'm becoming obsessed with my own death, again. I daydream about it and right now i'm trying to find some songs that will explain to my brother why I am doing this. And what I want played at my funeral. :-(

Doikers 10-12-2010 06:55 PM

I've done the whole songs for my funeral too , I have three so far :S
I'm sorry you are daydreaming about death so much *Hugs Lindsay*

The Post office put a note through my door when I was out and now they can't find my tinsel at the depot :( Oh well at least it wasn't my Mums Christmas presant from my Dad which I ordered for him to throw Mum of the presant scent , I put a note on my door and the postie left THAT at my neighbours so that's okay :)

MammaMia 10-12-2010 07:00 PM

Glad he left that present with your neighbours rather than losing that Mark :( Sucks about the tinsel though!! -hugs-

Lindsay, please try to distract yourself. I'm sorry you're daydreaming so much about suicide. It sucks majorly. Please try to get some help. I know they're refusing you to be allowed IP which I think is totally ridiculous. But you can survive this and get better Lindsay.

I often think of songs for my funeral too :S Not always due to wanting to kill myself though -shrugs-

FlyingNy 10-12-2010 07:13 PM

I do that, but like Helen, not always down to wanting to die. I just like to be prepared. But I agree with the others Lindsey, you've got nothing to lose by asking for help.

I know :) He proposed yesterday, and she was scared at first because she's been hurt so much in the past, but I played cupid and convinced her to feel the fear and do it anyway. Her fiance sent me a thank-you text this morning, although I have never spoken to him in my life.

MammaMia 10-12-2010 07:22 PM

Awww that's so cute Lia =)

misskitty112 10-12-2010 07:39 PM

*hugs ward*


Doikers 10-12-2010 07:47 PM

*Hugs Felicia and makes uber strong coffee*

misskitty112 10-12-2010 08:00 PM

Thanks, Mark.
I'm trying to get a notes sheet written up for my Brit lit final. ugh.

FlyingNy 10-12-2010 08:21 PM

*Hugs Felicia*

misskitty112 10-12-2010 08:36 PM

*Hugs Lia*
How are you?

Doikers 10-12-2010 08:37 PM

I can't face learning anymore of my game tonight.
I had a bath and "Noticed" I scars ,Oh How I want to add to the collection :S
I'm tired of not cutting , It would help , even if it's just a short term thing *sigh* It's been 12 days and the hill just keeps getting steeper ( crap analagy I know )

misskitty112 10-12-2010 09:11 PM

*Hugs Mark* I don't have words, but I do hope things get easier.

I harmed like an hour ago.... to get my mind off things and to "focus" on this Brit Lit. An hour later, and I have 2 pages of notes. It's a step up, I think.

Doikers 10-12-2010 09:23 PM

I'm sorry you harmed, Felicia.*Hugs* It's not the perfect way to get things done though and we both know that . *feels like a hypocrite*

misskitty112 10-12-2010 09:30 PM

I know it's not. But it was simple, and gave me something else to let my mind drift to while I'm writing other than all the things that are tearing my heart apart right now. And it was easy.

I always look for the easy way out *sigh*

MammaMia 10-12-2010 09:33 PM

*curls up and tries not to cry*

Doikers 10-12-2010 09:37 PM

*Huggles Felicia*

*Squishes Helen* Are you okay hun?

MammaMia 10-12-2010 10:02 PM

Not really Mark :(

My best friend texted me a short while to say goodnight & promise. Although we're not talking properly still, we're still texting each other good morning & goodnight. Her cold's gone to her chest, even more worried sick about her :'(

Doikers 10-12-2010 10:06 PM

I'm going to bed .
*Night time hugs my wardies*
I love you guys n gals :) you get me through yet another urge filled evening :)

Doikers 10-12-2010 10:08 PM

Oh I'm sorry to hear about your friend being so sick , I hope she recovers soon . *Hugs Helen tight*

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