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one_step_closer 24-01-2019 11:58 AM

Morning everyone.

nonperson 24-01-2019 12:13 PM

Morning. How’s it going?

zombiehunter 24-01-2019 01:18 PM

good morning you bampots :-D

NP are you not working today??

nonperson 24-01-2019 02:23 PM

I am at work! Just... not doing it. >.>

zombiehunter 24-01-2019 02:34 PM

lazy arse :-p

one_step_closer 24-01-2019 04:52 PM

No unkindness in this thread!

How is everyones day going so far?

not_so_insig 24-01-2019 05:15 PM

It is ok. I am warm despite no heating and I am going to wash my hair later.

one_step_closer 24-01-2019 06:54 PM

Are you wrapped up well?

not_so_insig 24-01-2019 07:03 PM

I had 3 layers on. I am now warm despite wearing very little in comparison now but I have had my shower. I washed my hair. Thinking of putting my onesie on.

chinahorse 24-01-2019 07:17 PM

*trips up the step into the thread*
I've been falling over lots today :/

How're you all?

nonperson 24-01-2019 07:26 PM

Hey Lillie. Oh dear for falling over! Blame the ice and snow, even if you don't have any.

I'm finally warm again and have had dinner (I cooked! *gasp*) and had cake for dessert. =)

How are you?

not_so_insig 24-01-2019 07:27 PM

I am ok thanks Lillie. I am wearing my Minnie mouse onesie.

How are you?

nonperson 24-01-2019 07:36 PM

Hey Dawn. Does it have a hood with ears and a bow?

not_so_insig 24-01-2019 09:33 PM

No sadly not nonperson.

chinahorse 24-01-2019 11:17 PM

Onesie still sounds epic

Well done for cooking np

one_step_closer 25-01-2019 12:54 PM

Morning nearly afternoon.

Thanks NP, now I want cake.

How are you all today?

Buttons. 25-01-2019 03:02 PM

Afternoon Lins. Not great but I'm alive which is always a start.
Emmeline Pankhusrt there's so many to choose from! I'm thinking of when she says she's a hooligan

one_step_closer 25-01-2019 04:11 PM

I hope you can build on alive.

I'm not sure if I even know any of her quotes. You could get them all tattooed all over your body...

Buttons. 25-01-2019 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4208723)
I'm not sure if I even know any of her quotes..

*lost all respect for you*

one_step_closer 25-01-2019 06:55 PM

I think I lost your respect a very long time ago. :laugh:

nonperson 25-01-2019 08:31 PM

I don't even know who that is... =/

But what I do know is that I love shortbread.

Buttons. 25-01-2019 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4208742)
I don't even know who that is... =/

Go away. She's the reason you have the vote.

Lins, I hate you :P

nonperson 25-01-2019 08:51 PM

Well politics sucks anyway. *shrug*

Buttons. 25-01-2019 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4208744)
Well politics sucks anyway. *shrug*

You wouldn't have any rights if you didn't have political rights. *sighs*

Buttons. 25-01-2019 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4208729)
I think I lost your respect a very long time ago. :laugh:

well you're gtting close

Buttons. 25-01-2019 09:00 PM

*has tantrum*

nonperson 25-01-2019 09:05 PM

About what?

Buttons. 25-01-2019 09:23 PM

Your face.

nonperson 25-01-2019 09:32 PM

Don't look then.

Buttons. 25-01-2019 10:38 PM

*has more of a tantrum*

nonperson 25-01-2019 10:46 PM

*takes her face away...*

Buttons. 26-01-2019 04:17 AM

I love your face really.

nonperson 26-01-2019 12:29 PM

Good morning all.

*opens up ryl café for fry ups*

one_step_closer 26-01-2019 01:05 PM

I'll have fried everything please!

How are you all today?

nonperson 26-01-2019 01:27 PM

*whips up a plate of fried everything* =P

I wonder if anyone's tried to do a battered fry up...

I'm ok, having a super mega chilled day so far. How're you?

chinahorse 26-01-2019 02:23 PM

I'll have bean on toast please!

I'm having a chilled day too. My friend is down and we're just napping together lol.

nonperson 26-01-2019 02:54 PM

Beans on toast on it's way x2 (for your friend). =P

Social napping sounds nice, haha.

chinahorse 26-01-2019 04:47 PM

Haha thanks.

We just wah he'd Mulan and bertie slept on me after being a pain and standing in front of the tele for a bit

You up to much?

nonperson 26-01-2019 05:09 PM

They don't quite understand tvs, do they.

And nope, up to nothing much at all. Cat has been sleeping next to me all day while I've been setting up my new phone and watching tv.

Might go do some washing up now just so I can say I've stood up for a bit today.

chinahorse 26-01-2019 06:27 PM

That sounds like a perfect day np.
I've been napping lots more with bertie asleep on me.

nonperson 26-01-2019 07:08 PM

How long is your friend staying for?

chinahorse 26-01-2019 08:10 PM

She's down for the weekend.

We use went for dinner out. I had a lentil sweet potato and spinach dhal with nan bread. So tasty!

What's everyone planning for dinner?

nonperson 26-01-2019 09:05 PM

Ooh that does sound yum.

I'm just about to stick a pizza in the oven.

chinahorse 26-01-2019 09:27 PM

Omnomnkm pizza
I had leftover take away pizza for lunch

chinahorse 27-01-2019 09:48 AM

Morning guys

nonperson 27-01-2019 11:47 AM


chinahorse 27-01-2019 12:08 PM

Have you got plans today?

I'm saying goodbye to my friend getting my house in order and doing some studying.

nonperson 27-01-2019 12:23 PM

I need to get my house in a bit more order... At least get the washing up done, change bed, do some laundry, have a shower. Nothing exciting at all. =(

And I've woken up with a big black cloud over my head for some reason... so... meh.

chinahorse 27-01-2019 01:29 PM

Oh no :-( maybe sorting the house out a bit will help to shift it? Feel a bit like you've achieved something good?

I've showered and hoovered and dusted the living room. Am on my second load of laundry. Got loads of it to do though. Might go change out of people clothes now my friend has left. People clothes don't aid studying or housework.

chinahorse 27-01-2019 02:47 PM

I did some study. The topic I'm doing now is drierthan an over cooked turkey. I'm hang a breK for a bit as the fibro is making life hard.

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