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risenfromperdition 16-09-2010 07:37 AM

hows you dear?

xxjuliexx 16-09-2010 07:39 AM

:notsure: hello everyone

risenfromperdition 16-09-2010 07:49 AM

hey amy :)
how're you?

one_step_closer 16-09-2010 08:08 AM

Hello everyone, how are you all today?

Doikers 16-09-2010 09:54 AM

*Safe Hugs to the Ward*

*Waves to Owen*

Sorry I don't have many words this morning .

one_step_closer 16-09-2010 10:18 AM

*hugs Mark* How are you doing?

Doikers 16-09-2010 10:33 AM

*Hugs Lindsay* I'm feeling okay , getting frustrated with my computer as it just completely froze on me :S I ended up harming last night :( It will leave a obvious scar *sigh* Just one more for the collection :( I'm just , I don't know how to describe it , frustrated/upset/numb . sorry.
How are you now Lindsay? have the OD effects worn off at all?

MammaMia 16-09-2010 10:34 AM

I'm sorry you overdosed last night Lindsay and not feeling well & that you cut Mark *major hugs to both*

*hugs ward*

one_step_closer 16-09-2010 10:42 AM

Mark, i'm sorry that you self harmed. Those are some awful feelings to be having. Please be gentle with yourself and let yourself experience them safely.

Helen, how are you?

I'm feeling a bit better but not entirely well yet. But, I am going to try and make a promise to myself that I will never self harm or overdose again. I don't need this.

Doikers 16-09-2010 10:53 AM


I am going to try and make a promise to myself that I will never self harm or overdose again. I don't need this.
Thats a REALLY positve thing to do Lindsay!! Good Luck :)

one_step_closer 16-09-2010 10:55 AM

Thank you. I'm just tired of all of these scars and the trips to hospital. I don't know what i'm going to replace the behaviours with but i'll try to work on that with my psychologist. I'll probably need to rant to the ward a lot more!

Doikers 16-09-2010 11:01 AM

Theres nothing wrong with ranting here , WE all do it heh , we are totally here for you :)

Kahlia1981 16-09-2010 11:18 AM

*huggles those who can accept them && waves at Owen*

Lindsay: Your promise to yourself is really positive, but please remember if you make a slip it doesn't have to mean the end of everything because slips happen. *offers positive vibe hugs*

*glomps Mark*: Sorry to hear you are having computer troubles and that you are having those feelings. I echo Lindsay and ask you to be gentle with yourself.

Helen: *cuddles*: How is college going? Any sign of that bus pass yet?

*waves at Amy*: How are you going?

*glomps Heather*: How are you doing sweetpea?

I'm still alive and kicking despite not wanting to be. Oh well. c'est la vie. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

shadowedsoul 16-09-2010 11:36 AM

Cuddles all. Nevermind it doesn't matter,all is fine

MammaMia 16-09-2010 11:36 AM

Kahlia, glad you're still alive & kicking sweetheart. Really am. No sign of bus pass, going to phone them once I've been to the oh-so-thrilling (not) jobcentre =/ College is going well thank you =)

Lindsay, I'm okay I think despite a little pain. Had a really awesome night's sleep as I didn't have to be up at 7am!!

Doikers 16-09-2010 12:25 PM

A woman from the local cmht just popped in , the first time anyone from there has been in touch since my SW was at my Psych meeting on August the 29th , then he badly hurt his leg , I was talking about suicide and my Lithium was increased by 200mg nd aside from weekly lithium blood tests I've had no support at all. She asked if everything is okay and I said Yes , I didn't want to mention My Self Injury to a complete stranger and it's true that my mood is less suicidal but I still get suicidal thoughts from time to time which I said to her . It was a bit out of the blue , she didn't phone me or write to say she was coming hmmm still at least it shows the cmht care a little I guess

one_step_closer 16-09-2010 01:24 PM

Kahlia, I hope tomorrow is a much better day for you.

Jill, please talk to us. We care.

Helen, i'm glad you're ok and you managed to have a good sleep. Sleep is amazing :)

Mark, I wouldn't know what to think about that!

Scarletdreamer 16-09-2010 01:45 PM

*tiptoes in and sits in a corner* :-/

Doikers 16-09-2010 01:48 PM

*Scoots up beside April* How are you today?

frenchhorn 16-09-2010 02:01 PM

*hugs April* whats up?
*hugs Mark*
*hugs everyone else*

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