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I'mJustMe 06-07-2010 09:48 PM

Great. Thanks, that's reassuring.

I'm weird like that. No, I don't and I don't plan to get any as I am only 16, the mother would have to get involved and never will I go there.

You don't seem fine Jill. I know 'nothing' I am an expert on 'nothing' and 'fine'. ANyway, the word fine is banned, it's 'bang-tidy' :)


shadowedsoul 06-07-2010 10:01 PM

Yeah I know fine is banned sorry. just don't know what to say on how I'm feeling. Forget about me,it's you I'm more worried about.

I'mJustMe 06-07-2010 10:05 PM

Don't worry about me. I'm...bang-tidy. Ish.

Common side effects of other mood stabilizing medications include:
  • Mood swings < What's the point in that then?!

shadowedsoul 06-07-2010 10:10 PM

Hmm okay I will believe you. =p that seams a bit backward and stuiped. Shutting up now.

I'mJustMe 06-07-2010 10:23 PM

You don't have to shut up. What do you believe me on?


shadowedsoul 06-07-2010 10:29 PM

That your bang tidy. Idk

I'mJustMe 06-07-2010 10:56 PM

I'm just confused. I've thought I have depression for ages, I have all the symptoms, but not these mood swings have been thrown in as well. I can go from being suicidal to fine, almost happy even, in a matter of minutes. But I don't have manic highs, and my mood switches by the hour, not weeks. Sometimes I will have a period of day where I am happy for no apparent reason, but not enough for it to be a problem and I'm not doing anything wild, just not as sad.


shadowedsoul 06-07-2010 11:06 PM

Huggles Hun, wish I knew how to help. =\

PoisonedApple 06-07-2010 11:08 PM

I think that's called fast cycling... or something like that. not all bipolar people have the same speed of transition from one mood to the next some only do a full cycle once or twice a year with other far more frequently, like throughout a day or week...

I'mJustMe 06-07-2010 11:13 PM

So no one's going to tell me I'm being thick and of course there's nothing wrong with me...? Well, I know they would be lying.

*Hugs Jill back* Ergh, why do I have to be crazy? No offence everyone else.


shadowedsoul 06-07-2010 11:48 PM

hmm wish I could say how I'm feeling, but I can't even explain it to myself ugh

shadowedsoul 07-07-2010 12:31 AM

Hmm that felt better, happy mask back on now, I'm okay now have written that.

PoisonedApple 07-07-2010 12:35 AM

*comes in and blinks in confusion*
I'm glad you're feeling better but now that you've written what?

shadowedsoul 07-07-2010 12:39 AM

Hmm just wrote how I trully feel then edited it out can't say how I'm feeling not really to scared I guess. Sorry for the confusion.

Scarletdreamer 07-07-2010 12:43 AM

Lia: about bipolar - I am diagnosed as either bipolar II or bipolar NOS (not otherwise specified)... not sure which as I've not asked my NP in awhile what my exact dx is. Anyway, someone who is bipolar can have moodswings that are not manic... I mean, it would still be called being either manic or hypomanic (hypo = "below" which I am sure you know) which means that the highs & lows aren't so huge. Only a professional can manage diagnosing which one it is... but to me it sounds like you're going through a mixed episode. That means that you're feeling both "manic" (or "agitated") and low/depressed... I'm currently in a "dysphoric state" - which means that I'm in an agitated hypomanic state. Guhhhh. Am I making any sense here? I'm sorry if I've missed much, do you have any questions that I can answer?? *hugs*

Sorry for the lack of other individual replies - but good to see you, JK. *cuddles*

I saw my NP and we're switching me off Abilify... guhhh... onto Tegretol and Invega (sp??). Am scared. And am suicidal, and really want to cut. And purge. And basically self destruct.


Scarletdreamer 07-07-2010 12:44 AM

Jill, I saw what you wrote before you edited it and I think you need to go talk with someone IRL if you can... *hugs tight* We don't want to lose you... please try & stay safe.

Oh and Lia, an "r/v" is a ranting/venting thread. Found in the ranting/venting forums - the link is in my sig ("//My Venting Spot\\").

*cuddles everyone*

shadowedsoul 07-07-2010 12:59 AM

**** sorry April,shouldn't have wrote that. Needed to get out howi felt when no one was around. I'm sorry hun. I can't tell anyone in reall life, I know that sound pathetic and stuiped.

risenfromperdition 07-07-2010 01:35 AM

blaaah. *glares at father*

he was too tired to drive me to group tonight... and he asked me in the car after he picked me up from walking as my ankle was dyinggg if it was a COE group... uhhh no its ed in general... and he said he was talking to my cousin bout me (:/) and she said that [she had coe] what helped was going to overeaters anonymous... but i dont overeat... only when been not eating all day and then not really overeating :/ and i cant believe he was talking to my cousin about me :s and i hate that just becuz im fat he thinks i should go to overeaters anonymous... and isnt gonna be as helpful cuz i dont eat that much and never for the 'typical' reasons so..

[sorry for the repeat laura ><]

i just... cant stand this.

xxjuliexx 07-07-2010 01:59 AM

heather ur not fat hunny *offers hugs* ur beautiful

risenfromperdition 07-07-2010 02:12 AM

hah i am but thanks <3

how're youuu

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