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Sketchy 29-12-2016 05:44 PM

That sounds so nice. I wish it was summer now.

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 05:49 PM

Me too. I usually hate the heat and love the cold. But I'm feeling very differently about it this year for some reason! I still don't like it when it's boiling hot but a bit of warmth would be nice!

Sketchy 29-12-2016 05:52 PM

I'm the same. I normally prefer the dark nights and the cold but this year I'm feeling the cold too much. I must be getting old or something.

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 05:58 PM

Me too I think!
And I save a lot of money on heating when it's warm. Topping up the gas all the time does get expensive!

Sketchy 29-12-2016 06:00 PM

I'm dreading my gas bill going up with the amount of times I put the heating on, but it's just too cold not to. Urgh, I sound like an old grump.

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 06:02 PM

Definitely too cold not to put the heating on.
Oh the joys of adult life!

Wonderland. 29-12-2016 06:31 PM

It's rather chilly but I refuse to put the heating on! Blankets galore!

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 06:32 PM

Haha!! I was convinced I wasn't going to put the heating on so much this year but that went out of the window fairly quickly!!!

Sketchy 29-12-2016 06:41 PM

I've just put my heating on and hoping to heat up soon.

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 06:44 PM

Hope you warm up quickly!!
I've had mine on most of the day.
I don't usually put it on until the evening but I was feeling especially cold today!!

Sketchy 29-12-2016 06:46 PM

Today is freezing. I'm cold from being out walking and came back to a cold flat.

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 06:50 PM

Coming back to a cold house is unpleasant!
I wish I had one of those things where you can turn on your heating via an app on your phone. That looks really cool!

Sketchy 29-12-2016 06:53 PM

That would be really useful. I'm useless with stuff like that. I don't even know how to set the timer on my heating.

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 07:04 PM

Neither do I! I don't even know if I can with mine.
I used to be able to in my old house but it was a very different system

Sketchy 29-12-2016 07:10 PM

I'm finally starting to heat up. :)

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 07:15 PM

Yay!! :)

I've just had dinner. It was a weight watchers beef and red wine casserole. Was rather nice!
I'm on slimming world, not weight watchers but the slimming world ready meals are £3 each! They are a lot bigger but still rather expensive!

Sketchy 29-12-2016 07:17 PM

My sister has tried slimming world recipes. There was a curry she made that was nice.

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 07:26 PM

My favourite slimming world recipe is the chicken and Quorn sausage jumbalya. It's so nice and is pretty easy to cook!
I need to start cooking properly again! There are so many great recipes to try!

Buttons. 29-12-2016 07:45 PM

I have to admit the only quorn thing I liked was a certain fake chicken spicy burger-nommmy

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 07:48 PM

I really like all the Quorn stuff. I was veggie for 9 years so I had to like it really!!

Buttons. 29-12-2016 07:51 PM

Ha ha I only managed a year veggie then my brain went *morals/burgers/morals/burgers*

Sketchy 29-12-2016 07:55 PM

I've been veggie for 20 years. I like the quorn sausages.

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 08:12 PM

I couldn't imagine life without Chinese crispy duck, fried chicken, burgers and steak now!! :p

Have you tried any of the cauldron stuff Lorraine? Their stuff is really good. And I used to love the Linda McCartney pies although they are pretty expensive.

Sketchy 29-12-2016 08:16 PM

I love the cauldron sausages. I use them to make a sausage casserole. I also like their falafel. Some of the veggie stuff is pricey though, but cooking it yourself from scratch is a lot cheaper.

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 08:26 PM

I love their falafel. And the tofu pieces.

I'll have to check out some more recipes

Serendipity. 29-12-2016 10:27 PM

I keep thinking I could go veggie but I would miss chicken too much!

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 10:32 PM

Chicken is yummy!!

How are you Hannah?

I'm watching Freaky Friday!

Serendipity. 29-12-2016 10:37 PM

Freaky Friday is good! :)

I'm a bit wobbly but okay! How are you Beckie?

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 10:48 PM

It is! I haven't watched it in years!

Hope you're ok! Sorry to hear you're feeling wobbly.
I'm good thanks :)
Feeling quite energetic but nowhere to go and nothing to do and no one to see which sucks!

Cacoethes 29-12-2016 11:39 PM

Good night everyone!! :-D

Buttons. 30-12-2016 02:39 AM

Hope everyone is getting a good sleep :)

Cacoethes 30-12-2016 08:31 AM

You clearly weren't!!

Serendipity. 30-12-2016 12:57 PM

I hope you slept eventually Katy!

How are you all today?

Cacoethes 30-12-2016 01:03 PM

Hi Hannah!
I'm good. Got to go to asda today though. Booooo

How are you? :)

Serendipity. 30-12-2016 01:06 PM

Haha I probably need to do food shopping too! Actually I definitely do but so much effort!

Glad you're good :) I'm okay thank you!

Buttons. 30-12-2016 01:19 PM

Ha ha unfortunately not but worse things happen at sea :P

Hope you both enjoy your food shopping :P

Serendipity. 30-12-2016 01:21 PM

Owh Katy :( How are you today? How's your day looking?

Cacoethes 30-12-2016 01:25 PM

I hate food shopping! But I also need fags so that's my main motivation :p

*hugs katy*

I haven't seen amy (voldemort) in here for quite a while.

Buttons. 30-12-2016 01:26 PM

A bit **** but I'm watching Harry Potter and trying to forget about it :)

How are you doing lovely?

Buttons. 30-12-2016 01:29 PM

Ninja posted know the feeling re cigs!!!
Yes was wondering where Amy had toddled off to!

Serendipity. 30-12-2016 01:29 PM

Hahaha well as long as it gets you there Beckie!

I was just thinking about Amy yesterday!

I have a bag of crisps somewhere in my room but I don't know where!! :(

Serendipity. 30-12-2016 01:29 PM

*Hugs Katy* I hope HP helps cheer you up!

Buttons. 30-12-2016 01:31 PM

I may use spells to steal your crisps :P

Buttons. 30-12-2016 01:35 PM

Okay may slightly becoming myself again-have started arguing with HP films again especially when deviates from books 0.o

Cacoethes 30-12-2016 01:45 PM

I'll get out at some point! Probably have lunch first.

Harry Potter films cure all!!
We watched a few of the films over Christmas and my brothers were bringing up plot holes that aren't plot holes if you know your stuff.
My brothers may be very clever but they cannot beat me on harry potter trivia!!!

Hope you find your crisps Hannah!! They can't have gone far!!

Buttons. 30-12-2016 01:50 PM

If you don't win on HP facts I may severe my friendship with you Beckie :P

Cacoethes 30-12-2016 02:03 PM

Haha!! Luckily I have a rather extensive knowledge of Harry Potter!
Wish I could say the same for maths :p

Sketchy 30-12-2016 03:44 PM

Good afternoon all.

Cacoethes 30-12-2016 03:58 PM

Hi Lorraine! How are you?

Sketchy 30-12-2016 04:07 PM

I'm ok. I'm having a cup of tea in the coffee shop again because it's next to where I had to collect my meds. What are you up to and how are you?

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