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not_so_insig 02-10-2017 06:53 PM

It's food in my parcel Lorraine. I will cook it tomorrow. One meal is vegetarian as they do yummy vegetarian food.

Sketchy 02-10-2017 06:55 PM

Yummy. I hope you enjoy it.

Cacoethes 02-10-2017 07:00 PM

I bet they were amazing live!

Im just watching Doctor who.
Making sure all the last bits and bobs are clean and tidy for the inspection tomorrow.

Sketchy 02-10-2017 07:27 PM

I hope the inspection goes well.

Cacoethes 02-10-2017 07:29 PM

Should be ok. Everything is in order.
They always find something to moan about now!
Usually non existent limescale.

Sketchy 02-10-2017 07:31 PM

You’ve done everything you can. Maybe plan a nice treat for afterwards. Actually is tomorrow your pizza night? That’s always a nice treat.

Cacoethes 02-10-2017 07:32 PM

Yep tomorrow is pizza night! :-D
Luckily I'll be at college so I won't be home when the lady from the letting agent comes.

Sketchy 02-10-2017 07:36 PM

That’s good.

Cacoethes 02-10-2017 07:44 PM

I am tired!
But its not even 8pm yet!!

Sketchy 02-10-2017 07:48 PM

You’ve had a busy day. I guess it will be an early night tonight.

Cacoethes 02-10-2017 07:52 PM

Most definitely!
Another early start tomorrow

Sketchy 02-10-2017 07:55 PM

It must be exciting though starting something new. It sounds like you are already settling in and meeting new people.

Cacoethes 02-10-2017 08:01 PM

It is exciting and I do really enjoy it!
And I'm not so tired once I get going.
Its just that initial 6:30 wake up!

Sketchy 02-10-2017 08:11 PM

That’s an early start. Especially since it’s getting darker in the mornings.

I really hope I have the energy to go into town tomorrow.

Cacoethes 02-10-2017 08:19 PM

Yep its getting colder and darker!
I am really not looking forward to it getting all frosty :/

Maybe get an early night tonight Lorraine?
A good sleep might help.

Sketchy 02-10-2017 08:23 PM

That’s a good plan. I badly want to shop and the thought of getting the foo fighters album will get me through. I can go for a coffee in costa.

Cacoethes 02-10-2017 08:24 PM

Good plan!
Always good to have a treat after doing something stressful

Sketchy 02-10-2017 08:26 PM

I agree. It’s amazing how stressful shopping in town can be. It’s so busy in Glasgow centre. Although at least it’s not the weekend.

Cacoethes 02-10-2017 08:29 PM

It can be really stressful!
Especially when it's busy.

Think im gonna head off to bed.
I know its really early but took my meds early tonight!
Night night!

Sketchy 02-10-2017 08:30 PM

Goodnight Beckie. Hope you sleep well.

not_so_insig 02-10-2017 08:32 PM

I am here Lorraine. But I keep on falling asleep. I have fallen asleep 4 times today.

Sketchy 02-10-2017 08:34 PM

You must be tired Dawn. Maybe have an early night.

not_so_insig 02-10-2017 08:38 PM

I hope that it's a combination of getting up early and not being able to sleep. I hope that I sleep better tonight and I don't get up early.

Sketchy 02-10-2017 08:40 PM

I hope you have a good sleep tonight.

I’m hoping I sleep well so that I actually get up tomorrow.

not_so_insig 02-10-2017 10:30 PM

I have just counted my dvds. I own 160. My dvd cabinet isn't full so it will increase in the future.

Cacoethes 03-10-2017 06:56 AM

I am tired and it is cold!!

Sketchy 03-10-2017 07:08 AM

Good morning Beckie. It is cold today. It’s windy here too.

Sketchy 03-10-2017 07:22 AM

That’s a lot of dvds Dawn.

Cacoethes 03-10-2017 07:32 AM

Not windy here luckily!
The bus is warm though!

How are you?

Sketchy 03-10-2017 07:36 AM

I’m ok thanks. Sleepy.

How are you?

Hope you have a good day at college.

not_so_insig 03-10-2017 12:07 PM

Morning all. I am suffering from a little bit of flu. I have chills and was cold in bed last night.

Sketchy 03-10-2017 12:25 PM

Oh no. I hope you recover soon Dawn.

Shy_Bambi 03-10-2017 01:49 PM

Good afternoon all! :)

not_so_insig 03-10-2017 01:49 PM

Thanks Lorraine. My head feels a bit fuzzy too.

not_so_insig 03-10-2017 01:50 PM

Hi there Rebecca.

Shy_Bambi 03-10-2017 02:03 PM

Hello Dawn! I hope you feel better soon :(

not_so_insig 03-10-2017 02:20 PM

Thanks Rebecca. I am having a lazy day though.

Shy_Bambi 03-10-2017 02:40 PM

Lazy days are good sometimes. I was going to have one until my mum dragged me out lol

Cacoethes 03-10-2017 03:13 PM

Hey guys.
Just finished college and waiting for bus home

Buttons. 03-10-2017 03:46 PM

Hope you managed to get a bus Beckie.

Hi all :)

Cacoethes 03-10-2017 04:44 PM

Thanks :)
Im home now and put doctor who on!

How are you katy my dear?!

not_so_insig 03-10-2017 05:11 PM

Hi Katy and Beckie.

Cacoethes 03-10-2017 05:12 PM

Hi dawn!

not_so_insig 03-10-2017 05:18 PM

Is it permissible to order Dominos because I don't feel well and therefore don't feel like cooking? It's times like this I wish I had a partner because they could do the cooking.

Cacoethes 03-10-2017 05:24 PM

I don't see a problem with that at all!

not_so_insig 03-10-2017 05:34 PM

Weirdly my left elbow has started hurting.

I felt much better after drinking monster energy though.

Sketchy 03-10-2017 05:34 PM

Dominoes is a good idea Dawn.

I didn’t go into town. Had a bad sleep from my sore throat, but I’ll go tomorrow. Feeling a bit better now. I think staying in resting has done me good.

How is everyone?

Cacoethes 03-10-2017 05:43 PM

Resting is the best thing to do when you're ill Lorraine!
Glad you're feeling better.

Im tired!
And can't wait for my pizza tonight!

Sketchy 03-10-2017 05:51 PM

Yay pizza night! Love pizza.

Cacoethes 03-10-2017 05:54 PM

Only a couple of hours to go until pizza time!
Luckily they had the ham and pineapple.
And its on special offer!

What are you having tonight?

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