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nonperson 21-07-2022 08:37 PM

RYL fight!

PM me for cheap ringside tickets =P

Cacoethes 21-07-2022 08:49 PM

Oh you XD

nonperson 21-07-2022 08:52 PM

What? I'm deadly serious ;-)

It should be a fun night.

Cacoethes 21-07-2022 09:14 PM

Well yes, i have to admit it would be fun!

nonperson 21-07-2022 09:47 PM

I'll get Zombie back to join in with his krav maga too

Cacoethes 21-07-2022 09:49 PM

I don't think i could compete with krav maga!
How is he doing anyway?
Haven't seen him about in forever!

nonperson 21-07-2022 10:49 PM

Not yet!

He's fine =)

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 07:48 AM

Good good :)

Morning everyone!

nonperson 22-07-2022 08:03 AM

Mooorning. I'm off to London today with the family.

How're you?

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 08:36 AM

Have fun!
Doing anything in particular?

I'm good thanks!

nonperson 22-07-2022 08:51 AM

St Paul's cathedral. And some food in a few places. Then my sis and mum are going to the theatre in the evening so me and Dad will probably go to Forbidden Planet and M&Ms world instead lol.

I'm at the train station. Don't think I've ever been so early for a train. Still got 10 minutes.

Got much on today?

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 08:52 AM

Sounds like a good day out!

I'm always super early for trains.
Even though the train station is literally a 4 minute walk away, i always end up there 15 mins early!

Gas safety check, neighbour coming to clean and work. That's all for today i think!

nonperson 22-07-2022 08:58 AM

I'm late for everything. Or, not late but last minute.

All the fun stuff for you today then!

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 09:04 AM

I have a massive anxiety about being late!

Yep! Being an adult is boring!
Will be nice to have a clean house though!

nonperson 22-07-2022 09:14 AM

So do I but I end up panicking and stressing and then still running late for some reason. Now I'm worried about being too early!

Send her over to mine when she's done. I need all my ceiling spiders removed. =/

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 09:24 AM

We need to find a happy medium!

Ceiling spiders 0_o

nonperson 22-07-2022 09:30 AM

They're harmless. I don't mind them.

But I am concerned as to where my giant doorway spider has gone.

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 09:32 AM

That is concerning!
I had a ton of tiny baby spiders in my porch bit the other day. It worries me that mummy spider is probably nearby!

Zurg 22-07-2022 09:37 AM

Spiders are cool!!! When i find one in my flat i adopt it, name it and announce it to be the protector of whatever room i discovered it in :D

I've always wanted to hold/pet a tarantula. Its sheer size inflicts terror in my soul but it is also covered in a tiny bit of spider fur that makes me go 'awwww…'

My bathroom needs a Quick clean up too. Unfortunately, none of my neighbours would probably deal with that even if i asked them. Rude!!! The total decay of my neighbourhood!!!! Nobody wants to be exploited for free Labour!!!! Ack!!!

Hope you Will have fun in London, NP :D

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 09:44 AM

I am not a fan of spiders!
I only have an issue with the big ones though.
The other ones can hang out

My dad has a 'salmon pink brazilian bird eating spider'
Her name is esme and she's terrifying

How rude of your neighbours zurg!

tamobhuuta 22-07-2022 10:03 AM

Ew spiders *shudders*

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 10:19 AM

Hey tamo

I forgot i also have my sainsburys delivery coming tonight between 8-9pm

one_step_closer 22-07-2022 02:07 PM

Busy, busy in here. I can't keep up! I hope you're all having a good day.

Pi.R^2 22-07-2022 02:18 PM

Too many spiders!

np, what are your mum and sister seeing at the theatre? (I love the theatre!) I also hope you have a great day out :)

Beckie, I have to go to Sainsbury's this afternoon and am now regretting not getting a delivery :(

How are you Lindsay?

one_step_closer 22-07-2022 02:20 PM

You could maybe hijack the van that Beckie's delivery is in, Jenna.

How are you doing?

I'm a bit of a jumble with MH stuff but no energy to sort it out.

Pi.R^2 22-07-2022 03:20 PM

I'm sleepy but OK!

Oh dear :( What kind of activities could help you with that?

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 03:28 PM

Supermarket delivery is one of the greatest invention known to man!

I have finished early and have a rekorderlig and halloumi fries.
And we have non alcoholic slushies now which we get for free :-D

Pi.R^2 22-07-2022 04:21 PM

Oh my days!! Do they have the blue one???

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 04:28 PM

Sadly not, just red. But considering changing it to blue!
We had both last year when the alcoholic slushies finished

one_step_closer 22-07-2022 04:44 PM

Free slushies! So good. Watch you don't get brain freeze if you have one, Beckie.

Sleepy through the day isn't a nice feeling. Are you getting enough sleep, Jenna?

Talking to someone sometimes helps with my mental illness idiot things but there aren't many good professional people I can contact any more. I'm just trying to focus on pretending I don't exist. Will do some reading for a bit soon.

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 04:47 PM

I did get brain freeze XD

I'm very excited for my sainsburys delivery.
Even though there's quite a few substitutions on there.

I'm glad you exist lindsay

one_step_closer 22-07-2022 04:51 PM

I don't get brain freeze, I get eyeball freeze. Anyone else?

I hope the substitutions suit you, Beckie. Sometimes they are just ridiculous.

Thank you, Beckie. <3

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 05:01 PM

That sounds uncomfortable!

Thank you!
There is a list of substitutions but it's not very clear
A load of stuff wasn't available either and they couldn't find suitable substitutions apparently.
I know it's not their fault though. They are told what substitutions are acceptable on the computer when they're picking the products so it's not actually down to the staff. Just the ridiculous computer system!


one_step_closer 22-07-2022 05:07 PM

I hope the main things are there at least.

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 05:13 PM

I think it'll probably be ok.
Not a massive deal if things are missing.
These things happen!
I just hope i get my iced coffee.
That's basically the only reason i ordered from sainsburys rather than tesco. That and rekorderlig mango and raspberry!

Zurg 22-07-2022 05:42 PM

I trind to Google the kind of spider you mentioned your dad has, Beckie. I was a wee bit disappointed because the name indicated it might be pink :D But sadly, it was just plain, old spider-y colour :-(
If a pink spider actually existed i would absolutely have to aquire one of those!!! It'd be one of nature's most fabulous spiders!!! Power to the pink spiders!!! <3

Sorry. It has been a long day. I nearly fainted and became grumpy at the same time because my dinner was later than usual. This also makes me say some very weird things…. I blame the lack of stable blood sugar!!!

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 05:49 PM

Yes, sadly not pink!

Oh noo!
How are you feeling now?

Zurg 22-07-2022 06:25 PM

I'm okay. Just incredibly tired.

….But i just had an idea :D i could get an ordinary tarantula and dye it pink!!!! Yay!!!

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 06:35 PM

Hopefully you're getting some rest now!

I'm not sure how ethical that would be XD
Actually, food dye would probably be ok

Zurg 22-07-2022 06:39 PM

Screw the ethics!!!!! The motive justifies the means in this case!!! Who wouldn't love a bright pink gigantic spider????? :D

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 06:41 PM

Well, at least they'd be easy to spot when they try to do a disappearing act, as they often do!

Zurg 22-07-2022 08:17 PM

We could also tie a helium filled balloon around its tiny stomach and then it would never ever be able to hide again….!!! I love my genious side sometimes :D

nonperson 22-07-2022 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4328559)
np, what are your mum and sister seeing at the theatre? (I love the theatre!) I also hope you have a great day out :)

My sister saw Hamilton yesterday (with a good review) and they're both seeing 2:22 this evening.

I'm finally on the train home. Absolutely shattered but it has been a good day. I climbed 528 stairs to the top of St Paul's cathedral which I did not know was a thing...!

Cacoethes 22-07-2022 08:32 PM

Yessss zurg!!!

That is a lot of steps!
I'm glad you had a good time!

I have had my sainsburys delivery!
I got basically everything and the substitutions were good. The delivery man was lovely
I got the biggest frying pan known to man though!
I ordered a 21cm and got a 32cm one!

Pi.R^2 22-07-2022 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4328565)
Sadly not, just red. But considering changing it to blue!

That is such a tragedy. Blue slush is the best!


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4328567)
Sleepy through the day isn't a nice feeling. Are you getting enough sleep, Jenna?

Talking to someone sometimes helps with my mental illness idiot things but there aren't many good professional people I can contact any more. I'm just trying to focus on pretending I don't exist. Will do some reading for a bit soon.

I am, my body just believes that infinite sleep is desirable.
I hope your reading helped you feeling a little better.


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4328595)
My sister saw Hamilton yesterday (with a good review) and they're both seeing 2:22 this evening.

Your sister has good taste! Hope they also enjoyed 2:22.

Evening all!

Pi.R^2 22-07-2022 09:59 PM

Beckie that's an impressive frying pan! Was it a substitution or a mistake? Either way maybe you can make paella.

nonperson 22-07-2022 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4328608)
Your sister has good taste! Hope they also enjoyed 2:22.

They did. She said Tom Felton was only a few metres away =o

BECKIE - I did it. I just bought a Shinedown ticket........!

Cacoethes 23-07-2022 07:35 AM

It was a substitution jenna!

Awww yay np!
I'm proud of you!! :-D
Did you decide on Cardiff or London in the end?

Morning everyone!

nonperson 23-07-2022 07:44 AM


Standing ticket at London. I looked up places to stay in Cardiff and it was all beyond extortionate. Loads of tickets were still available directly from the arena so I had no issues getting one in the end.

I think the answer is to buy stuff at 11:30 when I'm bone tired and can't over think it heh.

130 days to go =D

Cacoethes 23-07-2022 08:01 AM


That's when i do most of my impulsive buying too XD

Yep! So excited!

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