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The Worst Witch 11-01-2022 09:03 PM

I can't shower in the mornings either, I'd much rather spend an extra 10 minutes in bed :P. Also, if you have showers at night it's supposed to help your sleep hygiene so I swapped from morning showers to evening showers in an effort to help me sleep. It oddly works, I read an article that if you have a bedtime routine of a toddler you sleep better so I do :P

Never heard of it np. Is it a phone game? I don't tend to have games on my phone, I prefer actual console games

Cacoethes 11-01-2022 09:11 PM

I get up and half watch tv and half random internetting.
But tomorrow I'm going to have to get up and, depending on what time I get up, go right into a psychologist appointment at 9am.
Thankfully online rather than having to go to the cmht for 9am!

I don't play that np! What is it?

I heard that too Alison!

The Worst Witch 11-01-2022 09:18 PM

I usually get up and just chill out on my phone, I have a colouring in app that's good for mindfulness. It keeps me motivated to do mindfulness every day because you get achievements based on how many pictures you colour in, there's a new one every day and they have Disney pictures :P. You can also print them out if you want, although that takes up a lot of coloured ink so I don't tend to.

I hope your appointment goes ok tomorrow Beckie, good luck :)

Cacoethes 11-01-2022 09:35 PM

That sounds good!
Jasmine likes those apps too

Thank you :)

The Worst Witch 11-01-2022 09:42 PM

I think what we've deduced from tonight Beckie is that I'm just a massive child :P

Cacoethes 11-01-2022 09:44 PM

Haha! Probably a good thing considering your career choice! :p

I can't really talk anyway. I watch CBBC every morning!

The Worst Witch 11-01-2022 09:53 PM

Probably :P

I haven't watched CBBC in years! Is it any good these days?

Cacoethes 11-01-2022 10:01 PM

Yeah it's not bad!
It's more random!
I like operation ouch. It's twin doctors (dr Chris and dr xand van tulleken, they've been on adult stuff too) and they're quite funny together. And it's educational!
And there's 'boy girl dog cat mouse cheese' which is entertaining. And the new danger mouse and dennis and gnasher!!!
But they've started putting BBC bitesize on during the day :plain:

nonperson 11-01-2022 10:21 PM

Learning is fun.

https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/ It's a word game. You have to guess the word in 6 guesses or less but you get clues if any of the letters are right and in the right place or right but in the wrong place. There's a new one every day.

Cacoethes 11-01-2022 10:28 PM

Oh god I had a look and it confused me!
I have been very easy to confuse lately lol
It can be an issue at work sometimes!

Cacoethes 12-01-2022 09:24 AM

Morning everyone!

The Worst Witch 12-01-2022 10:06 AM

Morning :)

Good luck today. Let us know how you get on :)

Cacoethes 12-01-2022 10:50 AM

Heya :)

Just finished psychologist appointment

How are you?

tamobhuuta 12-01-2022 11:21 AM

Good morning :)

Cacoethes 12-01-2022 11:28 AM

Morning tamo :)
How are you?

The Worst Witch 12-01-2022 11:32 AM

Morning tamo

How did you get on Beckie?

Cacoethes 12-01-2022 11:38 AM

It was ok thanks
The psychologist is very nice

tamobhuuta 12-01-2022 11:41 AM

I'm glad the psychologist was nice. Do you know what kind of therapy you'll be doing?

Cacoethes 12-01-2022 11:56 AM

I don't think it's going to be any specific type of therapy.
Just general working on the main issues

tamobhuuta 12-01-2022 12:00 PM

Oh OK. I thought therapy was always specific :)

Cacoethes 12-01-2022 12:02 PM

Doesn't seem to be!

Do you have any plans for today?

tamobhuuta 12-01-2022 12:07 PM

A shower.

Cacoethes 12-01-2022 12:08 PM

Sounds good!

tamobhuuta 12-01-2022 01:10 PM

I'm clean!

one_step_closer 12-01-2022 04:19 PM

Your psychologist might work out what therapy could be good for you with time Beckie.

Well done with having a shower Tamo!

What's everyone doing with the rest of the day?

Cacoethes 12-01-2022 06:08 PM

Well done tamo!

Yes probably lindsay

I've just finished work.
One of my favourite customers bought me a drink today!

one_step_closer 12-01-2022 06:15 PM

So sweet. It's nice to be appreciated. :-D and you deserve it.

Cacoethes 12-01-2022 06:21 PM

Aww thanks!
It was really nice of him!
I was worried about getting something too expensive and he said 'i don't care, get champagne! Get a car, a holiday to majorca!''

Cacoethes 13-01-2022 07:19 AM

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 13-01-2022 12:20 PM

Morning :) you're up bright and early! How are you?

Cacoethes 13-01-2022 12:25 PM

I was indeed!

I'm not great tbh!
Lots going on
But I have my eyebrow and nail appointment today!

How are you?

tamobhuuta 13-01-2022 12:29 PM

Sorry to hear that. I hope you enjoy your hair and nail appointment, it's good to be nice to yourself.

I am ok, I had a phone appointment with the neurologist, a portion of which was spent complaining and laughing about psychiatrists.

Cacoethes 13-01-2022 12:37 PM

Thanks :)

I hope the appointment was useful! It's nice to have a laugh about psychiatrists!

tamobhuuta 13-01-2022 12:38 PM

Is there anything else you need to do today? I need to do laundry.

Cacoethes 13-01-2022 12:56 PM

I was going to go to asda but I'm not sure I will.
We shall see!

tamobhuuta 13-01-2022 01:02 PM

How come?

one_step_closer 13-01-2022 02:51 PM

Asda needs you Beckie, it misses you. You can do it! But no pressure of course.

Cacoethes 13-01-2022 03:09 PM

I've already been out once. And that was difficult even though it was a nice thing!
So going out again feels like too much!

Thanks lindsay!

one_step_closer 13-01-2022 03:10 PM

It looks like something came off my roof on the two really windy nights. My neighbour said he could see tiles missing but on the ground is just concrete. I phoned housing repairs and someone came and just looked at it and left without even telling me they were looking at it and what they had concluded. They didn't even knock on my door to tell me they were having a look. So I don't know what the outcome is.

one_step_closer 13-01-2022 03:11 PM

Well done for making it out once. I hope you can get to Asda at some point soon.

Cacoethes 13-01-2022 03:49 PM

That's not good lindsay!
And very rude of them.
Could you call them up and ask?

Thanks :)

one_step_closer 13-01-2022 07:01 PM

I'm not making any more phone calls. Will just see what happens. If something needs fixed then it'll get fixed.

How is your evening going?

Cacoethes 13-01-2022 07:11 PM

That's fair enough
Phone calls are draining

Ok thanks
I need to get up and shower

Isoverity 14-01-2022 12:30 AM

Banjo for a wild fox


not_so_insig 14-01-2022 09:32 AM

Morning all! Looks like I beat Beckie :laugh:

Cacoethes 14-01-2022 10:07 AM

Haha! You did beat me! :p

tamobhuuta 14-01-2022 11:28 AM

Morning guys.

Cacoethes 14-01-2022 11:36 AM


tamobhuuta 14-01-2022 11:42 AM

How are you?

Cacoethes 14-01-2022 11:55 AM

Ugh. Just. Ugh.


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