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Cacoethes 06-01-2022 03:47 PM

Wtf is wrong with these people?!
I despair

Yeah I get that!
My cpn wore gloves yesterday (when she turned up at my house unannounced at 9am :plain:)
Which was a bit weird. But I'd only just come out of isolation so I guess it made sense!

shadow-light 06-01-2022 03:52 PM

ph! screw unannounced 9am appearances!

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 03:54 PM

Ikr! So rude!
Luckily I'm usually up at around 8 or earlier these days!

shadow-light 06-01-2022 03:57 PM

as a rule on;y time i am up before 9 is when I haven't gone to bed :laugh: usually lucky to get any sense out of me before 11

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 04:03 PM

That's what I used to be like! Haha!
No idea why it suddenly changed!

shadow-light 06-01-2022 04:07 PM

i dont like it because i feel like i'm missing half the day, but on the other hand it's not like I have all that many appointments or whatever... I'm lucky if I get the sleep before about 3am so that's my excuse :P

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 04:08 PM

That's a pretty good excuse!
I sometimes wish I could still sleep in. On days where I don't have anything going on. Otherwise the day goes soooo slowly!

shadow-light 06-01-2022 04:12 PM

they can

I used to be a really active sort of person, and never needed a whole load of sleep. Always found stuff to do and had stuff going on... now though, day just drag as although I do still have stuff going on none of it seems to keep m attention like it used to so I end up doing nothing most of the time
As much as I hated my job it's one thing I do miss about working :laugh: least I had a sense of time and something to do

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 04:16 PM

Yeah I totally know what you mean.
So many years I spent doing nothing but appointments and it was sooo boring!
You just don't feel motivated to do anything!

shadow-light 06-01-2022 04:33 PM

pritty much, just constantly waiting for appointments... or worrying about what to say in appointments :laugh: I have just sorted out the laundry I intended on doing yesterday though so I guess that's something

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 04:37 PM


Oh that's good!
I need to put away my laundry. Ugh

one_step_closer 06-01-2022 05:14 PM

Hey everyone.

I hope you've put away your laundry Beckie. Well done with sorting yours Hazel. I always do it right away so it's not on my mind and another task to add to my to do list.

So windy here. It was also raining really cold rain this afternoon which was being blown into my face.

shadow-light 06-01-2022 05:17 PM

I may be in part using it as an excuse, but I blame my ADHD :laugh: laudry has like 20 steps and doing all 20 takes me like a week... the very idea that some people do it all in one go or straight away blows my mind :P

I have another zoom meeting at 5, for 2 hours. Starting to hate zoom

nonperson 06-01-2022 05:27 PM

What sort of laundry are you doing for it to have 20 steps? O.o

shadow-light 06-01-2022 05:31 PM

i may have pulled a number out of the eather if i'm honest...

- empty laundry backet into washing machine
- find the laundey liquid/powder which I will have inevitably lost
- read it as I will have forgotten how much is needed
- turn on washing machine
- move to dryer
- turn on drier
- empty dryer into other basket
- sort and fold
- put away

9 steps...

I am lucky if I do 2 steps in a day. I often get to the "put in drier" stage then forget about it for like 4 days meaning I need to wash it all again too... though sometimes dryer sheets can save things, depends

shadow-light 06-01-2022 05:33 PM

or I will put it in the washing machine find the washing liquid/powder, read the packet, then turn on the washer without putting it in :laugh:

My brain is fecking usless at adulting

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 05:38 PM

I have not yet put away my laundry!
Though I have put the clean laundry at the bottom of the stairs to take up next time I go up!

2 hour zoom meeting?! 0_o

shadow-light 06-01-2022 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4316804)
2 hour zoom meeting?! 0_o

ye, it's for a volunteering thing. We have a 2 hour meeting each month to discuss projects and stuff

not_so_insig 06-01-2022 05:52 PM

Hello all. It's brass monkeys outside. I have been to the hearing voices group.

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 05:55 PM

I don't think I'd be able to concentrate for 2 hours!

I have a psychologist appointment for probably about an hour next week and I don't know how I'm going to focus on that!!!

shadow-light 06-01-2022 05:59 PM

i'll admit i do struggle with 2 hours of focus, I just try to pay attention to the bits relivent to me. THey send notes and transcripts out afterwarsds anyway

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 05:59 PM

Oh that's good!

shadow-light 06-01-2022 06:18 PM

Also an hour with a psychiatrist! I am seeing one on Monday for a medication review and been told it will be 15-20 mins :/

Also yes, 17 mins into zoom and already on here on my phone :laugh:

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 06:22 PM

Next week is psychologist.
But my psychiatrist appointments are usually about an hour too! Because he doesn't know when to shut up lol
I'm going to try and rush tomorrow's appointment though because it's in the middle of my shift!

Haha! Don't blame you!

shadow-light 06-01-2022 06:40 PM

I got re-referred to mental health services 17 months ago and next weeks psychiatrist appointment will be the first psych of any type I'll have seen in that time :/ last time I saw a psychiatrist is about 4 years ago and cant remember how long that appointment was to be honest

They are talking in so many circles in this zoom :laugh:

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 06:55 PM

That's awful!

Oh no!

I've put washing away, showered and put the back and stand on my new mirror!

shadow-light 06-01-2022 06:56 PM

Ooo very productive!

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 06:59 PM

That's all I need to do for the rest of the day!
I can relax now!

shadow-light 06-01-2022 08:13 PM

Eugh, a 2 hour meeting and still it overran...

Ish as in can't actually relax or ish as in technically still got stuff to do but meh to it all?

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 08:21 PM

Ugh! Is it all over now?

Ish as in I've got a lot of stuff going on in life in general but I don't actually need to physically do anything until tomorrow!

shadow-light 06-01-2022 08:25 PM

Are, intangible stressy ish. Got ya

Not sure, I made an excuse to leave after it had gone 10mins over time :laugh:

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 08:31 PM


Ah I don't blame you!

I'm in that kinda mood where I'm half watching TV but there is nothing on that I feel like half watching. So I've just put it on a random channel

shadow-light 06-01-2022 08:38 PM

I'm half watching an old episode of taskmaster. Mainly just for sound though to be honest.

In these sorts of moods i usually binge watch simpsons ir futurama... I know every episode if both forwards, backwards, and upside down. But I like having background noise and I think my brain likes the familiarity

Taskmaster is very slowly been added to this group of background noise shows

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 08:42 PM

I love taskmaster.
That's basically why I have it on. Just as background noise!
I haven't watched futurama in SO long! Used to have all the dvds!

shadow-light 06-01-2022 08:45 PM

All the episodes are on amazon prime :)

And also on my laptop hard drive

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 08:57 PM

I'll have to start on it this weekend!
It's so good!

Cacoethes 06-01-2022 10:44 PM

Dawn, i know you don't like getting PMs but just wanted to say re: bin collection.
Ours are still being collected a day later than normal due to the whole Christmas/new year thing. It was not advertised by the council. Only one guy on Facebook told everyone about it! All the bins got put out so no one knew! So maybe that's also happened in your area?

Cacoethes 07-01-2022 09:38 AM

Morning everyone!

nonperson 07-01-2022 11:00 AM


Cacoethes 07-01-2022 11:18 AM

How are you?

nonperson 07-01-2022 11:20 AM

Alrightish. Going out later to walk my friend's dog so that will probably do me good.

How're you?

Cacoethes 07-01-2022 11:27 AM

That's good :)


nonperson 07-01-2022 11:29 AM


At least try and enjoy work today if you can.

Cacoethes 07-01-2022 11:34 AM

I will!
Got a psych appointment at 12:30. I start work at 12. Which is annoying.
I'm also suspicious about the appointment change from 3:30 to 12:30.

nonperson 07-01-2022 11:40 AM

An earlier appointment would be less disruptive to your shift though? Gets it out of the way.

tamobhuuta 07-01-2022 11:44 AM

Hello people.

Cacoethes 07-01-2022 11:45 AM

Yeah it would be I suppose!
And there are usually more staff on before 3 because a couple of people do 10:30-3

Hey tamo
How are you?

nonperson 07-01-2022 11:49 AM

Morning tamo.

tamobhuuta 07-01-2022 11:56 AM

Good luck with your appointment. I hope you enjoy work. I am ok, had a lovely sleep but my room got very cold.

Cacoethes 07-01-2022 12:03 PM

Thank you

It is incredibly cold today

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