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Cacoethes 14-12-2019 05:53 PM

Must have been quite a job then tamo!

tamobhuuta 14-12-2019 06:13 PM

I'm always amazed people don't die of diseases when they visit.

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 06:18 PM

Oh dear tamo!

I have some gingerbread latte sachets which are quite nice

Im not keen on superstores either

Of course you have to taste!
Shortbread and brownies sound great

nonperson 14-12-2019 07:19 PM

I'm at a superstore now. Waah. =(

not_so_insig 14-12-2019 07:52 PM

I have some gingerbread latte pods for my tassimo machine.

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 08:26 PM

My sister is here
It's actually quite nice having some time with just the two of us!

Buttons. 14-12-2019 08:35 PM

Glad you’re having a good time with your sister Beckie :)

My news: I am now moving next weekend!!!!! So excited (and v busy week ahead!) bungalow was ace just needs a few minor adaptations that I can live with until sorted. Squeeeeee! Actually wheelchair danced and sang walking on sunshine with community worker (so both my new and old neighbours will probably now think I’m nuts :p)

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 08:39 PM

Yaaay that's so exciting Buttons!!!
I'm so happy for you!

chinahorse 14-12-2019 08:47 PM

I wrote a reply but ryl ate it

Yay buttons!

Buttons. 14-12-2019 08:49 PM

Thanks guys :)

Bad RYL for eating Lillie’s no doubt inspired post though!

chinahorse 14-12-2019 08:56 PM

I have noodles and have turned the microwave off at the plug as cat keeps trying to get in it.

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 09:06 PM

Yum, noodles!

I was reading the summary of my admission earlier and it talks about blood results and one of them said 'deranged INR' which makes me laugh (I googled and it just means high so not sure why it said deranged!)

nonperson 14-12-2019 09:10 PM

Must be one of those weird medical terms - why use a normal word when you can use a strange one.

And omg, awesome stuff Buttons. Time to pack like crazy!

chinahorse 14-12-2019 09:13 PM

Because its quicker than writing INR not within normal limits and the vast majority of times they are dictating it to a dictaphone for a medical secretary to type up.

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 09:19 PM

Why didn't they just write 'high'?
Medicine is weird
It probably was dictated though because it was the FY2 that wrote it

chinahorse 14-12-2019 09:25 PM

Probably historical? They use weird old fashioned words all the time.

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 09:26 PM

That's probably it

What's everyone up to?
I'm watching snow dogs.
Sister has just left for her party

chinahorse 14-12-2019 09:28 PM

Cuddling the cat in bed.

nonperson 14-12-2019 09:29 PM

Trying to find something to watch.

What's Snow Dogs?

There's a Pet Shop Boys concert on one of the nowtv channels, giving that a go. =P

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 09:30 PM

Cuddling the cat sounds nice

Snow dogs is a film!
Quite an old one, I think we had it on video!

Pet shop boys? Really? :p

nonperson 14-12-2019 09:32 PM

Really! They were the first band that I ever showed interest in when I was very young and first discovering music... and I have actually seen them live too. >.>

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 09:36 PM

Fair enough!

The only bands I've seen live are Motorhead and Poets of the Fall. And some bands at the cambridge folk festival. Including the ukulele orchestra of great Britain!

chinahorse 14-12-2019 09:38 PM

I've seen Seal and The Wurzels.

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 09:39 PM

The wurzels as in I've got a brand new combine harvester wurzels?

nonperson 14-12-2019 09:40 PM

I think they were supporting Take That on the tour they did with Robbie. (I should really stop talking and embarrassing myself!)

Live music is great, whatever the genre!

I've seen quite a lot of bands live. I really really really REALLY miss going to gigs. =( Was looking at Download festival lineup the other day. I kinda want to go to that... but alas, no one to go with.

nonperson 14-12-2019 09:40 PM

Oh my goodness! The Wurzels! Seal is cool though. =D

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 09:46 PM

I'd LOVE to go to download but also got no one to go with, not that I could afford it anyway! Sooo expensive!
Line up looks awesome though

chinahorse 14-12-2019 09:47 PM

One of the guys mother and maybe him? lives close my mam does his teeth and it was at a local music festival.

Haha I secretly love robbie music.

I dont enjoy live music too much standing up. Oh I did see errrrmmmmm itll come to me. Ben Howard! Bloody ****.

nonperson 14-12-2019 09:49 PM

I mostly want to go see The Offspring to be honest. I went once before to see them and Linkin Park. I was thinking about a day ticket... and could stay up there and have a mini holiday and... yeah... it was a good festival before and would be familiar so maybe not scary on my own but... I dunno. The Offspring don't seem to tour too much in this country any more... and I really want to see them do some of their newer stuff live but they never bloody do. Grr.

And yes they are expensive. =/

I'm waffling now.

chinahorse 14-12-2019 09:50 PM

Do it np!

nonperson 14-12-2019 09:50 PM

I don't even know who Ben Howard is but I LOVE Robbie Williams! I actually have a few of his albums from when he went solo originally! Ahh, those were the days. Might have to youtube some of his older stuff after this Pet Shop Boys concert, hehe.

nonperson 14-12-2019 09:51 PM

I will think about it, Lillie!

nonperson 14-12-2019 09:53 PM

I'm just looking up the rest of the line up becausw I forgot who else wwere playing. System of a Down and Disturbed!

Will give Babymetal a miss though.

chinahorse 14-12-2019 09:55 PM

My brother had a thing for robbie music when we were like 7 or 8. That and shaggy.

Buttons. 14-12-2019 09:59 PM

Seal and the what now???

Enjoy beach boys np o.0 I can’t talk though I’ve been to an Abba sing along concert and loved every minute

I’ve seen a few good gigs in my time but wouldn’t really be up for it now I don’t think unless it was someone I absolutely adored.

Buttons. 14-12-2019 09:59 PM

Oh and also go for it Np!

nonperson 14-12-2019 10:00 PM

Pet Shop Boys! Not the Beach Boys!!! But... then again I was singing along to Fun, Fun, Fun by the Beach Boys in the car earlier!

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 10:05 PM

Why does everyone in this thread have such terrible music taste? :p

nonperson 14-12-2019 10:06 PM

I don't!

Just... some of it. XD

nonperson 14-12-2019 10:07 PM

Beach Boys is my dad;s favourite band so I grew up listening to them constantly... so I know pretty much all the words. It's not my fault. =P

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 10:12 PM

A likely story np! :p

chinahorse 14-12-2019 10:13 PM

Lol beckie. Im 100% sure all of your tastes is very different to mine.

Buttons! YouTube combine harvester song.

Knowing all the words to your parents favourites is a thing though. Even know the order of the songs on the Simon and Garfunkel albums

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 10:18 PM

Quite possibly!

Now I have the combine harvester song stuck in my head D:

One of Jasmine's favourite bands is the clash. But then she also loves Taylor swift and Anne Marie and whatever else the kids are into these days

chinahorse 14-12-2019 10:21 PM

Taylor swifts new christmas song is some sort of new hell the world didnt need.

nonperson 14-12-2019 10:22 PM

Variety is the spice of life, as they (who ever they are) say.

People should like who they like, whatever the reason, it doesn't matter as long as it makes you move, sing, feel something.

nonperson 14-12-2019 10:23 PM

I'm honestly glad I've not heard Taylor Swift's christmas song though!

chinahorse 14-12-2019 10:23 PM

You wouldn't be saying that if ypud heard me sing np. Could be used as a more effective form of torture than water boarding.

Cacoethes 14-12-2019 10:24 PM

Ive not heard her Christmas song either
And I'm not sure I want to with that review!

My singing could also be used as a form of torture

nonperson 14-12-2019 10:28 PM

I want to hear you sing, Lillie!

It cannot be worse than mine. =P

chinahorse 14-12-2019 10:35 PM

Lol. I stopped progressing through clarinet grades because I couldn't do the oral part of the exam. And was told to 'mime enthusiastically' on an inter house singing competition. Damaging when you're 14.

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