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More than 25 mins now! My appointment was at 5pm...
A guy has just gone in to see my GP so I'm hoping I'll be after him! |
Finally the music has stopped!
Yay! That's good :)
Back from the GPs. All is well pretty much! |
Yay for you Beckie!
Thanks :)
Got slimming world later I'm so tired today! |
Good luck at slimming world love!
I'm waiting for my boyfriend to arrive. WE have to have a SRS BSNS conversation :( But also fun times because we always have fun. I'm cooking seabass, sweet potato and broccoli for dinner! |
I hope the conversation will be productive <3
Beckie, my psych always makes me wait. Last time it was roughly an hour and I think that was genuinely the shortest wait I've ever had for an appointment. I know though it is because she takes the time to listen to her patients and to figure out what type of help they would like. So it's worth it. |
Thanks J, slimming world went very well! :)
I hope the conversation went ok x My GP is the same. She always takes the time to listen and never rushes you. It's worth the wait to see someone like that! |
I also get quite a lot of input when it comes to med and treatment options.
And I emailed her last month and got a reply within like two days!!! Which is genuinely crazy. |
That's good!
I don't know about others but here I don't think you generally get psychs email addresses. Well, when I went for a private consultation I had their email address. And I can contact my neurologist by email. |
It is on her business card that she once gave me. Pretty sure you can't find it online so I imagine she only gives it out to patients she thinks will be responsible with it.
That would make sense.
I've had mobile phone numbers for professionals in the past but not all of them give them out. My current one doesn't. Which is a shame really because sometimes it would be soooo much easier if I could just text rather than call! If I was a professional I don't think I'd want everyone to have my personal email and mobile. Like you said, only the people I'd think would be responsible with it. Or people that were going to send me random cute pictures of snakes. Can never have enough pictures of snakes. |
I know my psych ' s email address but only because I Googled him and it came up. Never emailed him though. I know it's him because he's the only doctor in the country with that name.
I can't even remember my psychs name.
They keep coming and going randomly. |
I have had my current psych for 10 years next year. So much has changed since then. I have a appointment with him next month.
Wow that's a long time!!
Every psych I see only lasts a max of 6-12 months and then leaves with no warning! It's very random. |
Our psychs tend to stay around too, same one since 2012 ish, though hadn't seen her in over two years until late August of this year.
Might have to do with differences in the health system though. But doctors of any kind tend to stay in one place/one practice most of the time. |
Maybe I drive them away? |
I know of other people who's mental health care was never very consistent. Probably depends a lot on your area?
I have lived in many different areas and it's always the same!!
GPs tend to be pretty consistent though |
Maybe people are moved around more as they are employed by the NHS as opposed to German health professionals being self employed when they have their own surgery? Idk.
Or it IS you :P |
I have had the opposite problem - the gp's tend to leave and the psychs tend to stay the same. I saw a different psych when I first got ill and he is still there. Whereas my gp has left earlier on this year and I have no idea who is currently my gp because I rarely visit the gp. When I was living with my parents I rarely saw the same gp twice as they kept on changing.
Maybe they do move around a bit in the nhs.
I could also be me :p I've seen a few different GPs at my surgery but I've settled on one because she's really good. Although the surgery has changed around a lot now as it was called Dr K and partners but Dr K must have left because they've changed the name of the surgery and my GP is now the senior partner. I was meant to see my cc this morning but I forgot to set my alarm so I missed the appointment :/ |
I was meant to go swimming but I slept through my alarum clock. Which was a blessing in disguise because my parcel came (I wasn't expecting it today) & normally I wouldn't be in at that time. I also feel quite rotten so it's probably a good thing that I didn't go swimming.
Shame about swimming but I'm glad you got your parcel! It's so annoying when you miss a delivery!
Good afternoon everyone.
HI Lorraine! How are you?
I'm still freezing and in need of a distraction. How are you?
Hi Lorraine.
I had an additional landline phone in my parcel. I had a bit of a panicky moment because wouldn't work and I had no idea where the manual was so I had to Google the manual. Turns out I had to register it to the existing system so once I did that it worked fine (I used bt test line to double check). Only the one it's supposed to be replacing has now decided to work after about 2 weeks of deciding not to. |
Hi Dawn. Glad you got your phone working.
*sits quietly in the corner*
Glad you got your phone working. It is always the way that things start working when you replace them! At least you have a back up now! |
Yes that's what my mum said tiptoes. I don't want to replace the whole system as it's less than 2 years old and also it's a call blocking phone so I don't get bothered by ppi/scam numbers.
It's not that cold here today. But still cold enough for heating and blanket!!
Glad you got your phone working Dawn! HI Sarah! Welcome! |
Hey everybody :)
It's semi cold here, but because my landlord has decided not to fix the heating which was a bit of a sod when I moved in over a year ago so hoody and blanket ftw. In other happier news Jodi Picoult's newest book arrived today and it's awesome *geeky sque* |
How can he not fix the heating? I'm pretty sure it's a requirement or something!
I've never read any of her books. |
I love her books! I've only read a couple although I have many I haven't gotten around to reading!
Ugh that's ridiculous Katy!!
As tight as my last landlord was (did all the home 'improvements' himself) he still managed to get the boiler fixed within a week. I hate it when they send the minions round! Well, the one she sends is actually quite nice and overlooks the fact that I smoke, even though I NEVER smoke in the house so it shouldn't really be an issue. I don't read much anymore. Concentration is *****! But maybe I'll give it a go! |
Also would strongly advise trying one of her books *sits in a corner and nags quietly* Quote:
Haha! Well she did used to complain about my housekeeping for a bit but I'd been in hospital for months so the place was a tip! It gets dusty sooo quickly!
What kind of genre are her books? |
19 minutes, my sisters keeper, keeping faith, and change of heart.
They are basically a fictionalised version of real issues, for example as tiptoes mentioned 19 minutes is about a school shooting but offers both the victims' and the shooter's point of view.
Oh I love all of those books, find 19 minutes and change of heart particularly interesting. |
Hi all, sorry I haven't caught up.
How is everyone? |
Evening all.
Hey guys!!
Her books sounds quite interesting! |
You talking Jodie Picoult? I love her books.
Hey all :D
And yes they are very interesting (to me at least)-maybe I can send you one as a Christmas present :P |
I've never read a Jodie Picoult book.
^ Disgrace :P
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